Looking for low carb support....

WV_Fit Posts: 14 Member
I've lost 50+lbs so far by watching my carb intake but lately my eating habits have been chaotic. I'm trying to get back into the swing of it, but it's hard when my husband and kids keep eating junk food and I'm just supposed to ignore it lol.

A bit of background on me: Married mother of 3 and stepmother to 1. My youngest is just 4 months old and we are still breastfeeding. I work from home and live in an area I'm not happy with so I don't get out much.


  • rerez2015
    rerez2015 Posts: 72 Member
    You can friend me. I've lost 107 lbs. since Jan 2015… it's my specialty. :)
  • navdeeprana
    navdeeprana Posts: 473 Member
    Congratulationson your achievement ...feel free to add ..cheers
  • terminalecho
    terminalecho Posts: 4 Member
    I am in Charlotte NC, I will help! Add me. You need low-carb junk food. Like pork rinds and avocado. Or fresh strawberries and whole milk plain yogurt.