do you

get rid of the cravings you get before and sometimes during your cycle. I find that I want to eat EVERYTHING!! I don't only crave sweets, I crave salty as well. So much so that last time I had cheetos and coke and later on some twinkies or chocolate. Oh and I am ALWAYS hungry around that time.


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Drink lots of water and eat a bit of sweets but i dont go crazy. Workout extra to make up for you weird food cravings.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I agree drink extra water and try to find a replacement for your craving. Example I have Natural Valley Thins with dark chocolate they are a square of granola with chocolate spread on top only 80 calories 1 square and calms chocolate craving.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I drink a lot of water, but my favorite sweet treat is a whole grain low fat waffle with reduced fat peanut butter and 1/2 tbsp. of mini chocolate chips. It cures the sweet craving. Sometimes I top it off with two crushed pretzel twists. sounds bad I am sure, but it helps!
  • ehedges31
    ehedges31 Posts: 72
    Drink so much water that I hear it sloshing around in my tummy and then I go for a walk, and if I still crave it but am not physically hungry, I will divide it into the suggested serving size, and say out loud numerous times "I AM NOT HUNGRY BUT I'M GOING TO EAT THIS ANYWAY." Pretty soon, I either get tired of saying that, or I end up feeling like a fatty. either way, it works for me. you could also Google "cravings" and see what you are actually craving nutrient wise, like if you crave something salty, you actually need ____ (sorry I can't think of it off the top of my head)

  • lyndsaysutton82
    Like the first poster mentioned, lots of water. I also stock up on skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. Those usually get me through. This last cycle I made low fat brownies, and as long as I only ate one, (i bring one to work, and leave the rest in individual baggies at home) it was ok.

    when i crave saltiness, i go for the 100 calorie popcorn packs (in fact, i'm eating one now). Since you get to eat 4 cups of popcorn, and it's got 5 grams of fiber per serving, it actually helps fill me up.
  • LaDee05
    LaDee05 Posts: 5
    I have that same problem. I try to curb the cravings, but more often then not I end up spending more time at the gym to make up for them rather then just avoid them.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I have found these fudge bars through schwans that are 50 cals each. Those seem to curb my sweet/chocolate cravings!! Then if craving salty I go for some salted peanuts/cashews. I just try to eat little to satisfy the cravings, work out, and drink as much water as I can. Sometimes during that time I just say screw it and eat...blaming it on TOM. But I wouldn't suggest that! haha
  • litljoy2001
    I eat the 100 calorie snacks to satisfy my craving for salty food its just enough to hit the spot and dr's say one oz of dark chocolate once a week is actually good for you!!!!!
  • PA21
    PA21 Posts: 95 Member
    I totally understand! We were watching Masterchef Australia tonight and as it is the first day of my cycle, I was close to tears when they made this chocolate/caramel/peanut butter/peanuts dessert! It was TORTURE! I was thisclose to going to McDonalds and getting a mcflurry! Instead I made a bowl of the boys cereal (Cocoa Puffs crunch or something) and ate that. Stupid hormones! It DID satisfy my cravings after a hard day of taking good care of myself and it wasn't as bad as it could be.
    I would say to try to find things that can satisfy the cravings without "blowing the budget." for example- for chocolate/sweet: 2-3 little pieces of dark chocolate and a few almonds. Savoury a few salty corn chips and salsa. Sometimes texture can help with cravings too, like something really crunchy or something creamy. If you need to be hardcore- theres always TONS of water and chewing gum! But don't make it terribly hard on yourself
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Honestly, if I'm having a really bad cycle, I just up my calories. Insteading of trying for 1400, I go for 1800 for even 2000. It doesn't really bother me, and it doesn't really set me back at all (I usually just end up maintaining that week, which is okay, since I'm not expecting this to go fast).
    In my opinion, eat what you're craving- in moderation.
    Also, plan for your periods. Don't keep that food in the house. Don't take money with you when going out, so you can't buy that stuff. Bring healthy indulgences into the house so you have an option that won't kill your day.
    Oh, and good luck. TOM should be coming in the next few days... urgh.
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    *I* have to eat a bite of five different things....and count it the best I can, even if it makes for an odd dinner.
    Then again, I hardly deny myself anything. Except french fries, dammit.

    The cravings are undeniable....I stopped fighting it in about 1988.
  • crysmiss86
    crysmiss86 Posts: 67 Member
    I read the best advice a while ago, if you want a candy bar, buy one, take a bite, and throw the rest away. If you want some chips, only buy the 1 oz bags to prevent yourself from over eating.
  • sunrise84
    sunrise84 Posts: 18
    I've recently discovered DARK CHOCOLATE. I wish I would've ate it years's SO DELICIOUS. I'm not really big on sweet things, and it's just the right thing.

    Some of the time I give into my cravings, BUT I don't overdo it. If I'm giving in, then that means I have to cut out something OR exercise more. Either which way, I'm still a happy camper. Last month wasn't really bad with the cravings, which was very shocking. I normally go ape *kitten* with cravings...LOL.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I have found that I get much hungrier the two or three days leading up to it so I try to make sure I'm getting plenty of protein those days. I do lower carb and higher protein and fat anyway so it's not that difficult for me to add a little more in. I do tend to not want to eat for the first two days so it all balances out it the end anyway. If I go over, I go over knowing I'll pull back a little once I start but I try not to allow myself to go nuts. I also take magnesium and have found that that's helped with the cravings and some other issues so it's not as bad as it used to be. Well, the magnesium and the lower carbs both helped. :)

    If I do need something I try to choose something good! A really good dark chocolate or chocolate covered nuts. There is a dark chocolate, salted caramel that I think Ghiradelli makes that's really good and about perfect for that time! I just ration it out and log before I eat so I can see the damage I'm about to do. Sometimes just pre-logging is all it takes to deter me. :)
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    get rid of the cravings you get before and sometimes during your cycle. I find that I want to eat EVERYTHING!! I don't only crave sweets, I crave salty as well. So much so that last time I had cheetos and coke and later on some twinkies or chocolate. Oh and I am ALWAYS hungry around that time.

    Thanks for asking. I have been feeling this way for the last 2 days.
    It happens every month tho. Lots of great ideas :)
  • danibee79
    danibee79 Posts: 144 Member
    I love your suggestion!!! Lol I'm gonna try that next time. I often think that, but as I'm not saying it out loud its like its a secret that I'm overeating.
    Drink so much water that I hear it sloshing around in my tummy and then I go for a walk, and if I still crave it but am not physically hungry, I will divide it into the suggested serving size, and say out loud numerous times "I AM NOT HUNGRY BUT I'M GOING TO EAT THIS ANYWAY." Pretty soon, I either get tired of saying that, or I end up feeling like a fatty. either way, it works for me. you could also Google "cravings" and see what you are actually craving nutrient wise, like if you crave something salty, you actually need ____ (sorry I can't think of it off the top of my head)

  • sunrise84
    sunrise84 Posts: 18
    I read the best advice a while ago, if you want a candy bar, buy one, take a bite, and throw the rest away. If you want some chips, only buy the 1 oz bags to prevent yourself from over eating.

    Or eat a few of the minis from those bags and give them to someone else or hide them so that you cannot see them. Lately I've been eating the Hershey's Special Dark pieces. Half of a serving is only 90 calories (for 25 pieces), and it's so satisfying.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    eating more snacks trhoughout the day cuz im hungrier--like carrots, celery, etc. and if i must have chocolate, i bought a bag of dark chocolate pieces and i have one piece and it satisfies me; i bought a whole bag a couple months back and its maybe half gone; 33calories each piece. can also have sugar free chocolate pudding (80calories), or sugar free fudgecicles (40calories). as far as salty, i go for popcorn... i pop my own, have a huge bowl as my night snack and add 2tbls a yogurt butter which has a little sodium to it and it tastes great.. even a 100calorie snack pack would be a good choice for a bit higher sodium then my huge bowl, but still salty, and munching like u would out of a bag of chips. Rice cakes is another one thats good for munchies like that.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I'm going through that right now... I hear ya.

    Right now I'm dealing using the "everything in moderation" approach to PMS eating.

    I got some of those single-serve lunch baggies of Lays chips and mini-oreos, and I've been having one of each every day this week, and that has helped.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    LOVE the ideas! I usually eat a square or two of dark chocolate and dip it in a teaspoon of honey. I'm looking for new ideas though because I go absolutely insane during my menses.