[Ladies Only Plz] Weight Gain + Loss of Cycle Issues

Hi All,

Has anyone experienced loss of their menstrual cycle when they gained weight (30lbs+). I had normal cycles until last year and when I gained weight, they completely disappeared. I am considered obese, but have never had my period disappear before until my weight gain last year. My last cycle was in December while on vacation, and now 5 months later it still hasn't come back. (Nope, not pregnant!)

Did losing weight help anyone regain their cycles back? I just got married a few weeks ago, and my hubby and I have been together 10 years. I've been working on getting my weight under control and eating healthier since sometime in the future we want to start a family. Kind of puts a damper on things when you have no period.


Thx ladies!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I've had people I know that lost their cycle due to their excess weight yes...

    but they never lost the weight so they couldn't ever get pregnant...


    Secondary amenorrhea is what you are probably experiencing.
  • HollyDee14
    HollyDee14 Posts: 21 Member
    I am in a similar situation. My husband and I have been together for about 14 years and now want to start a family. My cycle went wacko when I gained 25lbs about 5 years ago. Sadly, I gained more after that and my period has been absent or sporatic ever since. Right now, I'm working with an ob/gyn to regulate my cycle and trying to lose the weight to be healthier in general and to get back on track so that we can conceive.

    It's tough, and I feel you. My ob/gyn said that weight loss can absolutely jump start your cycle naturally. I read an article that said a loss of 10% of your total body weight can be enough to get things back on track. If you've lost the weight and things aren't progressing or you want to start trying to conceive asap, I'd recommend talking to your doctor. :)

    Best of luck to you!
  • NMgirl2006
    NMgirl2006 Posts: 18 Member
    I have had a loss of my cycle and then it went to opposite and had bleeding for months at a time. Eventually the only thing that would regulate my cycle was a low dose birth control pill. In 2012 I was diagnosed with type II diabetes and was prescribed Metformin...I know this sounds crazy bit it was like the best thing that ever happened to me. It regulated my cycle - as well as my blood sugar and my periods went from being 7 days and super heavy to 3-5 days and very mild. Along with the medication I lost 30 pounds so I am sure that that helped as well. I had a great doctor who gave me natural supplements (iodine, B12 and iron) as well - a thyroid medication.
  • thatjengirl
    thatjengirl Posts: 16
    Thanks all! I figured it had something to do with my weight gain. I've had normal cycles until last year, then it got weird. Mine are normally a light 2-3 days if that and then once I gained some weight they went to heavy/bad for a week. Now its playing hooky and as much as a girl would love to say "yay, no period!" - I kind of want it back! lol.
  • CanadaChick74
    CanadaChick74 Posts: 59 Member
    I knew your cycle could stop from being underweight, but I had no idea being too overweight could also stop it. Wow. I've just learned something new.
  • thatjengirl
    thatjengirl Posts: 16
    I knew your cycle could stop from being underweight, but I had no idea being too overweight could also stop it. Wow. I've just learned something new.

    Well I'm glad you learned something...I found out the hard way. It's scary in a way because it feels like its going to come (cramps, the whole 9 yards) but no blood. It's been since December for me...not fun. Kind of scared to think about when I do get it..can we say, crimson wave?? geez.
  • Gabyy_lovee
    Gabyy_lovee Posts: 6 Member
    Im the total opposite.
  • its_laura_btw
    its_laura_btw Posts: 48 Member
    Yes, I've heard that weight can have something to do with TOM.
    But I personally never had a real period no matter my weight, had it once or twice a year and it was bad! Taking birth control to keep it monthly now so if you're worried you could try that.
    If it doesn't change after some weight loss, I recommend going to the doctor, sometimes these things just don't sort themselves out, like with me hah.
  • LeahP527
    LeahP527 Posts: 17 Member
    I completely stopped getting mine for awhile due to weight gain and PCOS. I was put on birth control and I lost weight my periods returned to normal. I am still on birth control but I have put weight on again and I got up to my heaviest and my periods have gotten lighter and shorter again. I am waiting to see if they start returning to normal again as I lose weight again.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    If you had even one period late more than 2 weeks, you need to see your ob gyn. You can guess, but thisis not safe. And no period for a long time is not safe either, even if the cause is known and benign, you will most probably need shot to get it back, which again will nto fix anything, just reduce risks that come from missing several cycles.
    Get a dr appointment, do not self diagnose, do not rely on anecdotal stories. Inferility might be something simple or a lifelong struggle, and how you approach it matters.
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    Hm if you have not had a period since December, I'd call your OBGYN. Not getting your period is pretty serious, IMO. Hope you find some answers.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    edited May 2016
    I started my period at age 12, gained about 75 lbs over the next few years and my period stopped by age 16. I didn't get it back naturally until my 20's when I lost 100lbs. I'd been on hormonal birth control to bring the cycle on for a few years, but stopped it the year I lost weight and had my period so I'm sure it was just the weight. Doctors told me I had PCOS at age 16 and they were full of it. Zero other symptoms other than getting fat and losing my period.
  • NikkiMichelleS
    NikkiMichelleS Posts: 897 Member
    mathiseasy wrote: »
    Hm if you have not had a period since December, I'd call your OBGYN. Not getting your period is pretty serious, IMO. Hope you find some answers.

    I agree with this.
    Go see your GYN. It's important and **just in case** it's something serious; we cannot possibly diagnose or tell you why.
    I have endometriosis, where my body does not correctly shed period blood at times; instead it stays "inside" and creates endometroma (blood cysts). My period would be MIA or very light for 1-2 days, I thought nothing of it at first (until everything got worse).
    NOT saying this is you, NOT saying that at all -- simply stating there could be many reasons for not having a period. Get yourself checked out, it's worth it. **just in case**
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    I had that problem when I was at my highest. Went about 3 months was bloated and achy and everything else just no bleeding. Dr gave me Provera to jump start it and I was fine for about 2 months then it stopped again. Dr said she didn't want me going more than 3 months without a period so when it didn't happen on its own again I took it for one more run and after that I started my weight loss and haven't had to take them again.
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    I had sporadic periods since I started having them at 15 y/o, diagnosed with PCOS at 19. I didn't have one for 9 months last year. I started counting here and losing weight and after the first 20 lbs down they came back and have been coming regularly for 8 months now. Although, about a 35 day cycle instead of 28. So, since weightloss can help people with this problem, it stands to reason that gaining might work the other way. Just anecdotal, though, you definitely should check in with your doctor.
  • kaydensmom2009
    kaydensmom2009 Posts: 57 Member
    I only get about 2 periods a year now due to weight gain (my doctor checked all of my lab levels and a pelvic us to rule anything else out). When I started gaining weight 3 years ago, 60 lb's, my periods started becoming irregular until now where I will go 4-6 months without one. As much as I dislike them I can't wait to get back regular again.