
I am a mother of a one year old, work full-time, go to school full-time and maintain a household. Two years before we had our first baby my husband and I dropped 50lbs each. I had never been happier. Of course once we decided to have a child I gained almost all of that back. I am struggling so hard with the last 25lbs. I have been within the same 5lb area for about 6 months now. It seemed so easy last time plus I had a lot more time to exercise. I was running daily and training for a half marathon (that I never ran due to injury). I meet with a personal trainer once a week which gives me motivation to go to the gym. I manage to get there about twice a week. Everyone knows that is "mommy's" time for stress relief. My only problem is I do great during the week and then the weekend comes and my eating is hard to control. I usually loose about 2lbs and by Monday it's back. Now I know most of it is water weight and if I stuck it out all week I would be okay. I'm just feeling really down. I am 5lbs away from my first goal weight and missed the date. I have created a new one and it doesn't look promising. Any suggestions on how to control the weekend eating or support in general would be great! It was so easy last time, I fell like the weight is stuck now...


  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Are you at home on the weekends? How about going out and doing something that doesn't involve food? or perhaps a picnic with better options?
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    The weekends kill me too. But- if I don't have it in the house, I don't eat it. So, plan for the weekends. Plan out every morsel of food you will put in your mouth and don't stray from it. When I don't meal plan, I fail.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    The weekends are difficult because family likes high caloric foods around here. I have to be very firm in my resolve!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Be sure you really are "doing great during the week" - if you deprive yourself by eating too little or giving up too much of what you like or force yourself to eat something you don't like, you WILL break. What's your height and weight and what have you set you calorie goal to? Do you hit that goal every day?
  • jennyi27
    jennyi27 Posts: 114 Member
    i can totally relate. my schedule and routines of the regular work week keep me on track. the weekends just seem like a free for all! I lost about 60 pounds fairly easily (and I have a lot to lose), but I found that over time, I have become somewhat complacent, particularly on weekends. I found that we were eating out a lot on weekends. i made a commitment to improve my food intake on weekends. last weekend we still went out once, but we went somewhere that calories were posted, so i could pick the best option for me. :smile: and for the first time in about a month, i was happy about my weekend food choices. i also went to the gym on Saturday, which i typically never do as weekends are my rest time. it made me feel better about myself - like i was in control of something - which i think is what we all crave.

    i would suggest just changing up your normal routine. do something different. even if it won't immediately change the numbers on the scale, it will help your state of mind and put that in a better place.

    i also know that finding the time to do this can be challenging...i am a mom to an 8 year old, my husband is in medical school in another state, I have no family nearby, and I work full-time. my daughter is in like a million activities, so i have to be creative sometimes! for example, i take the dog with us to her piano lessons, and i take him for a walk while she's with the teacher. that way, he and i get some bonding time and exercise together, and he isn't so wild and driving me crazy at home! :smile:
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    What happens on the weekends? I suspect that you are out with hubby for a date and that's a restaurant trip. I suspect that the restaurant meal is messing up your Saturday. Is that the case?
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    With so little to lose 1 lbs a week, lowering to .5 as you approach your goal, would be a better choice.
    2lbs is good if you have over 75 lbs to lose.

    Rearrange your calories so you are waiting towards a weekly goal rather than a daily goal. 100 cal less per week day to give you an extra 500 at the weekend.

    Cheers, h.
  • juliajarboe
    juliajarboe Posts: 2 Member
    Right now I'm stuck at 175 and I'm 5 feet 5 inches tall. I currently aim for about 1200-1500 calories a day. I suppose just eating too much and snacking is a problem on the weekends. We often go to my in-laws house on the weekends and spend the night. They do not eat healthy by any means and I am criticized greatly when I bring my own food. This past weekend I did in fact take my own food and felt better about it but had to "justify" why I didn't want to eat their meals.

    During the week I pack my food and take to work and that's everything. I lay it all out the night before, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, etc. I make sure I have no cash or change for the vending machine and I take 2 liters of water a day with one can of diet soda (something I just don't want to give up...I know, not good for you).

    When we stay home during the weekends its just a matter of snacking I suppose it's accessible and hard not to. I enter everything in myfitnesspal, even the days I do horrible so I can see just what it looks like. My goal now was to be 170 by Memorial Day.

    I have never wrote on here before and was in a slump today. Seeing your comments really do help a lot! Thanks!