Food scale newbie.

kalm3 Posts: 67 Member
I've just started using a food scale. I've read a few times here that grams are a good measurement, so I started there. So far I can't figure out how to input the grams In to the food diary. Most entries are In Ounces. Is there a way to convert this in the app? How do you all input your food with your food scale info? TIA


  • mommytoaiden
    mommytoaiden Posts: 75 Member
    If I can't find what I want in grams then I usually create my own entry and enter with the grams. That way I know I am accurate to what the nutritional guide states.
  • cesser1
    cesser1 Posts: 63 Member
    I downloaded a phone app for conversion.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I find an entry that has grams, or I ask google.
  • blueiii31062
    blueiii31062 Posts: 22 Member
    1 ounce is 28 grams. There are a lot of conversion calculators on the web.
  • RachaelRenk
    RachaelRenk Posts: 116 Member
    Ditto, I just plug it into the Google conversion (if I can't find the same food with a grams "serving" option).
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Quite often the weight box in the food items entry is a drop down and different weights are available.

    Otherwise, as @cesser1 mentioned, get the Conversion app.

    Cheers, h.
  • kalm3
    kalm3 Posts: 67 Member
    Thank you all for responding. I'm a little stressed trying to searching the the right entries. And converting on my own. If anyone would care to share which conversion app I'd appreciate it. I'm sure I'll get the hang of this soon enough. (Telling myself that until it comes true. Lol)
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    For iPhone convert units or converter.
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    I sometimes search things like "Kirkland organic peanut butter grams". Occasionally I get frustrated when I CAN'T find what I want (like this afternoon, I wanted Kracken rum in mililitres but could only find oz.) so I have to ask google for a conversion.

    Mostly, things are in grams, though.

    It's OK to use the "tbsp" listing for things if you KNOW that a tbsp is 15g or whatever and you weighed out exactly 15g. I do that frequently.