Beer ?!?!?!

mullallypatrickj Posts: 6 Member
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition

I like to drink beer, I work outside all day, exercise regularly, and like to have a few beers after work. I am trying to lose a few pounds (about 10-15) which has accumulated since I have gotten out of the marine corps while I was working a desk job. Since starting my new job where I am actually moving and walking around outside all day, I have lost about 30 lbs (down from 210) I have a little belly and back fat (love handles) that I would love to see gone. Is there any negative effect (other than empty calories which I can count in my diet) on my diet / exercise plan whish would make my body hold onto the weight. If you would like to add me to your friends list and check out my daily diets, or comment on them, please do.



  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    Hi there. I'm not really sure I understand your question..??
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Ooh-rah! This comes from

    NO ALCOHOL! Sorry, Charlie. There's no place for it - not at work, not at home, not out on the town, and definitely not secretly mixed into a Nalgene concoction stuffed in your bag. Alcohol is a huge social pressure, which is why most people try to allow having one or two drinks a week. So let's get it out of the way right now. There are two reasons why alcohol should be avoided at all costs.

    First off, alcohol is nothing but empty calories. Secondly, it's normally consumed at night (the worst time to take in nasty calories), which means you'll be adding some fat to your total storage if you go out and have a few with your friends.

    If you absolutely have to go out, do your friends a solid and be the designated driver. However, it's much easier if you don't go out at all and keep alcohol out of the house - out of sight out of mind! And even though you can't have any drinks now, you can always celebrate with some after your transformation is done, and they'll taste that much better!
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    I have a low carb beer once in a while. Low carb beers are automatically lower in calories, but even they can add up if you have more than one or two. I try never to have more than one in a day.
  • mullallypatrickj
    mullallypatrickj Posts: 6 Member
    Basically, I am asking if beer has a negative effect (like making the body hold water ) to having a few beers a night, which would not let me lose the little bit of weight that I am looking to lose.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    In moderation it is ok!
    So go ahead and have a beer or two, just make sure to count the calories.

    Binge drinking though lowers testosterone in males for up to 24 hours.
  • There is a reason they call it a beer I would just watch your carb intake too. Thats what is going to cause bulk around the midsection.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    The problem isn't so much the beer but what you have with it, our body will burn the alcohol off first because it's pretty much poison. So if you have pizza with it for example, there;s a great chance that will be stored as fat.
  • chaylajean
    chaylajean Posts: 26
    I like to drink... I hear ya, Alcohol is something that I wont take out of my diet (sorry non-drinkers out there) I know it id going to take me longer and I will have to work harder at my weight loss if I continue to drink, but guess what... I'm only 22, in college, love drinking with my friends. that's that.
  • 52baltimoreravens52
    52baltimoreravens52 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm sure a lower calorie beer is fine. I did read that the body digests beer as sugar plus most people tend to lower their food radar when they are drinking and tend to snack. Just my 2 cents.:drinker:
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member

    First off, alcohol is nothing but empty calories. Secondly, it's normally consumed at night (the worst time to take in nasty calories), which means you'll be adding some fat to your total storage if you go out and have a few with your friends.

    I'll give you the empty calories, but as long as he stays under his daily goal and sticks with lower carbohydrate versions, a small amount will not hurt him. As to the second one, there is simply no evidence that when you eat calories has any effect whatever on whether you burn them or store them. It seems logical so people automatically assume it must be right, but our bodies just don't always work in ways we expect.
  • DodgeCJ
    DodgeCJ Posts: 30
    I like to drink... I hear ya, Alcohol is something that I wont take out of my diet (sorry non-drinkers out there) I know it id going to take me longer and I will have to work harder at my weight loss if I continue to drink, but guess what... I'm only 22, in college, love drinking with my friends. that's that.

    Hehehee, I hear yah... I like to have a few beers every once in awhile too... we have to have some fun!

    Good luck with the weight loss!
  • mullallypatrickj
    mullallypatrickj Posts: 6 Member
    I do count my calories, and my carbs are not really that hight. I picked up the weight originally because I was not active and eating whatever I wanted. This site has shown me what different foods do to your diet and what to kick to the curb. I drink at home, and the bar scene is completely over for me, so I dont have any of those problems. I probably have pizza once a month if that and most of the food I eat during the day is healthy (mostly >=) )
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    One of the best articles I've read on alcohol and diet.

    It's ok to have fun, even when we're dieting.
  • I try and substitute beer for lower calorie drinks such as Skinny Girl Margaritas (not exactly a manly beverage, I know), which is basically tequila with fresh lime juice. It has the same effect though and will help you relax after work.
  • kkimora26
    kkimora26 Posts: 8
    There is nothing wrong with it in moderation, and you work it into your calorie goal so it seems fine. :drinker:
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Beer hasn't slowed down my weight loss and I like to drink! I watch my carbs the rest of the time and try (not always successfully) to avoid eating the super greasy deep fried foods I crave after drinking. I also try to burn off the calories from the beer before I start drinking so if I know I'm going to drink, I go for a long run first. I say if you want beer, have it. Everything in moderation (it's just the moderation that I have a hard time sticking to with alcohol).
  • mullallypatrickj
    mullallypatrickj Posts: 6 Member
    great article, thanks for the read
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