Looking for gluten free/celiac friends..

jlcrose Posts: 22
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Hi there GFs! I'm looking for gluten free friends that share their food diaries every day so that I can get ideas about what to eat. I do pretty well on my own, I'm just looking for meal ideas. Right now I'm eating the same things day in and day out and they're getting boring! Thanks in advance!


  • Sarahnats
    Sarahnats Posts: 69 Member
    Hey, only been here a few days so still learning the ropes so to speak, i was diagnosed a ceoliac 38 years ago, ive never known any different as was only 6 months old at the time, dont know how to share food diaries yet bt will do soon and maybe we can compare notes!
  • jlcrose
    jlcrose Posts: 22
    thanks! i'll add you as a friend!
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    I have been diagnosed with a gluten intolerance. I am still trying to figure everything out. Plus no...peanuts, dairy, sesame, garlic, yogurt and yeast...so I am having trouble. On top of that my dd16 is vegan. and we are working at eliminating processed food/chemicals. It makes finding food difficult. I am working on it and would like to find friends to help along the way.
  • Cheryl_Catrair
    Cheryl_Catrair Posts: 61 Member
    Hi! Was diagnosed with Celiac last August. Feel free to add me and view my food diaries. I'm not going to guarantee they're always healthy but to the best of my knowledge they are always gluten free! :-) I've only been doing MFP a couple of weeks. I'd love the opportunity to check out someone else's food diaries as well. Let me know fi you have any questions. Good luck to all!!!
  • Sarahnats
    Sarahnats Posts: 69 Member
    Wow, thats tough...if i couldn't eat cheese i dont know what i would do lol, its my downfall!
  • jlcrose
    jlcrose Posts: 22
    thanks everyone! my diaries are almost always 100% gluten free with very little cheats here and there. i try to keep it clean! thanks for the adds.
  • healthykae
    healthykae Posts: 190 Member
    That would be me. Gluten free for over two years :)
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Hi! I'm GF and vegetarian.. it's definitely a shift (if you haven't been GF your whole life), however, you really begin to appreciate all starches NOT glutinous.
    Like rice, oatmeal, and potatoes. :P
    Everyone, feel free to add me.. I'm an aspiring health psychology and nutrition student, and would love to find out more about what you guys are eating/experimenting with!
  • cherryvee
    cherryvee Posts: 16
    we're already friends, but i too would like to find more GF friends... I'll be adding friends in a bit, hope nobody's offended x
  • mbolton55
    mbolton55 Posts: 12 Member
    I was just diagnosed with celiac disease and have been g free for 3 weeks :)
  • Robyrob33
    Robyrob33 Posts: 45
    Hey there, I was diagnosed with Complex Partial Seizures, I also was having some horrible digestive issues. I have no medical insurance, thankfully I have an amazing internist. I started ready about the effects of Gluten and decided to cut it out. Well it worked!!! If I stay away from gluten, no seizures and no digestive issues!!! I know how hard it is to cut it out, but with more and more companies and restaurants offering gluten free options, it's getting much easier to stick to it. Good luck, feel free to add me. I'd love to meet more GF'ers out there.
  • I don't have Celiac, however if you'd like to add me and YOUR journal is open, I'd love that! My boyfriend has Celiac and needs ideas for meals, as he's new to this, so seeing the journals of those with Celiac will help me to help him :)
  • janethise
    janethise Posts: 1
    I've been gluten free for 4 years... Wow that just dawned on me.... But we think I've had Celiac's my whole life. I use to keep a blog about dining out but haven't updated in a while... I'm hoping to lose a lot of weight with the aid of this app and am loving it far. Would love some advice and feedback.
  • zundelag
    zundelag Posts: 175 Member
    I have wheat allergies. I eat no wheat (7 years), but my diet might not be completely GF, but you are more than welcome to look at my food diary.
  • joyvertz
    joyvertz Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a newly diagnosed Celiac too... and am struggling to keep my diet healthy and yummy and varied... i'd love to make some new friends :)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Yay for Celiac people!
  • katespal
    katespal Posts: 1
    Hi There,
    I'm waiting on my biopsy results to confirm Celiac.... I have been Gluten Free for about 2.5 years, appart from the 6 weeks prior to the gastroscopy/biopsy I had several weeks ago. Even if my results dont show Celiac I will be gluten free for the rest of my life because i know my body just cant handle wheat!
  • Timewillshow
    Timewillshow Posts: 3 Member
    I'm gluten free (and casein-free also!). My celiac symptoms became pretty rough when I was in elementary school, and I'm going into my last year of college now. I love to talk to others who are GF, so if you're looking for someone to chat with, feel free to hit me up!
  • NicoleK01
    NicoleK01 Posts: 11
    Hey, I was diagnosed Coeliac 8ish months ago. And apart from the odd slip up I have been gluten free since. Have recently started MFP, and am living the challange of cooking new things.

    Have recently got myself a slow cooker - they are brilliant!

    Feel free to add me - my diary is open to friends
  • I am new to gluten free eating as I have a gluten sensitivity and need some gf friends, also welcome
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