Food Diary Critique Please

GARider Posts: 22 Member
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
If y'all aren't bored to tears with the requests to peruse the food diary's can you take a peek at mine? I'm struggling with trying to find some different things to eat. Plus the last week or so, I have felt sick to my stomach and I don't know if it's the new protein shake and my body is just not use to it. I'm finding it hard to meet my calorie goal every day when you consider my exercise netted into my daily intake and I'm worried I may eventually put my body into "starvation mode". I've read so much on here though, I don't know if that is really a myth or not??

I will say that this past Sunday, I did not eat lunch because I went hiking mid-day in GA heat and came home with a migraine and probably close to heat exhaustion so I did not feel like eating anythiing at all. For dinner that night, my family wanted Chinese and I didn't know how to count the calories, so I measured out the steamed rice separetely and based on research I did on the internet, came up with an estimate for the Kung Pao Chicken I ate. It was probably not accurate, but that has been the only thing since I started logging that I was unsure of and I did the best I could considering.... Any who..I'm rambling now.

TIA! :happy:


  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Maybe some almonds (if you like them). Or some string cheese?? Just a thought. Otherwise, looks really good!
  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    I think you are doing a great job, you are eating healthy and are under your calorie goals. If you want to add different fruits or veggies you can, maybe some peanut butter or nuts for protein. Keep up the good work!
  • I think if you are going to be excersing alot then you need to eat more calories. I know on days when I eat less calories than I am burning I will actually gain weight? Keep up the good work.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    Your sodium is too high. You also aren't eating often enough I think. I suggest incorporating a morning snack, an afternoon snack and an evening snack. You have some good choices in terms of fresh fruit and veggies. Try incorporating nuts, olive oil, avocados, seeds or greek yogurt.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    IMHO, you're not eating enough fat. Simply eating regular cheese and light instead of fat free dressing might help; as would the addition of some regular eggs (they do not raise cholesterol and the yolks have tons of beneficial nutrients) and maybe some avocado, peanut butter or nuts or something. Protein and fat help you to feel full.

    That's just my opinion-- I lose while eating moderate fat, high protein and lower carb. But to each their own, so if this is working for you, stick with it.
  • GARider
    GARider Posts: 22 Member
    You're sodium is too high. You also aren't eating often enough I think. I suggest incorporating a morning snack, an afternoon snack and an evening snack. You have some good choices in terms of fresh fruit and veggies. Try incorporating nuts, olive oil, avocados, seeds or greek yogurt.

    Holy Crap! I see what you mean by my sodium. By beloved peppercini's are going to have to go bye bye as well as my feta cheese. I was not tracking that before, because honestly, I didn't think I had a problem with salt. I don't have high blood pressue, so I didn't think it was an issue, plus I usually drink way more than the 8 glasses of water a day, so I figured I was flushing everything out. DAMN!
  • Bretto
    Bretto Posts: 196 Member
    Your diary looks really good actually. I was just thinking the same thing as the others. Eat more often and maybe add some peanut butter, nuts or advacado. Also make sure you are getting all of your protein every day. That is important so your body can repair itself. Other than that it actually looks really good. great job.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    No myth, if you eat too few calories your body will go into "starvation mode" and horde all the fat it can because it thinks there is a famine. When this happens you will find that your weight lose slows drastically or even stops. Some people will even feel run down, tired or lethargic.

    It sounds like you already know you should eat close (say within 100) to the calorie goal MFP gives you each day including eating to replace calories burned through exercise.

    You should be shooting for close to 1 gram of protein for each pound of lean body weight.

    A protein shake should not make you feel sick. If it does it is time to switch shakes. I have been using for quite some time now. I would recommend it if anyone is interested.
  • GARider
    GARider Posts: 22 Member
    IMHO, you're not eating enough fat. Simply eating regular cheese and light instead of fat free dressing might help; as would the addition of some regular eggs (they do not raise cholesterol and the yolks have tons of beneficial nutrients) and maybe some avocado, peanut butter or nuts or something. Protein and fat help you to feel full.

    That's just my opinion-- I lose while eating moderate fat, high protein and lower carb. But to each their own, so if this is working for you, stick with it.

    I will on some days have regular peanut butter with an apple. I just don't like to do it everyday, because of the high calorie of the peanut butter. I haven't had any "real" sugar in over 2 months. No baked goods of any kind; like cookies, cake that sort of thing, and I'm scared PB could be a trigger for me and I don't want to gain back what I've lost. I don't know, I'm just being paranoid.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Edited by writer.
  • GARider
    GARider Posts: 22 Member
    I was eating regular eggs too, but then when I saw the fat content, OMG, I thought that was too much and then usually on those days, I would go over on fat, so I thought that was bad. All this is so confusing.

    Ok, so lower sodium and try to up the protein and lower the carbs and work in some good fats.
  • Lynwilli
    Lynwilli Posts: 28
    What about lentils? or other beans? low in fat, calories and sodium, fiber helps regulate. I mix beans with rice. Sounds old school but our grandparents knew what they were doing.
  • GARider
    GARider Posts: 22 Member
    I don't think I've tried lentils before, but I do like most other kinds of beans. Kidney, black, garbonzo, great northern; all taste good to me. I can eat garbonzo's right out of the can. :tongue:
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Higher fat (I'm talking natural fats-- not muffins or cookies) items such as cheese (in moderation), avocado, olive oil, etc. are good for you. Your body really does need fat, and the beauty of it is that fat keeps you full! I'm not saying you should eat a carton of eggs and an Easter ham every day (lol), but fat is really demonized when it shouldn't be. It keeps your hair supple and shiny and your skin moisturized. Plus, many vitamins are fat soluble, meaning they can only be found in fat (A,D,E and K), all of which are very important. There is more than calories to weight loss. Nutrition really matters too! :)
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