Feeling totally deflated!

I am just really ticked right now so I need to vent this out somewhere!

So I was in my local pharmacy reading the calories on a bag of baked chips when a co-worker of mine walks by me and says, they are bad for you. We had a bit of a debate about baked chips and real chips, then she proceeds to follow me around the store and makes comments on everything I look at and pick up. This is a lady who is a size 0 at the most, so really I don't need someone who is that tiny telling me what is bad for me and what is good. Mind you I don't mind anyone helping me out or giving me helpful suggestions but she is making snarky comments and just really doing it in a insulting way.
She then proceeds to ask me if I had seen my one co-worker as she has lost a tonne of weight and to be honest the woman she was talking about wasn't what I would consider overweight to begin with, so I felt insulted for the woman she was talking about too. Meanwhile I am not the type to sit back and be subtle for long so I say to her, I have lost 40 pounds myself, she turns and looks me up and down and goes.....really??? I was so insulted, I know I have a long ways to go but I have gone down in sizes since January. THEN she proceeds to say to me, I thought you had gained weight!!! OMG....the self control I had at that point when I was just ready to smack her upside the head!!! Grrrrrr I am still so mad! :explode:

Well that is my rant, maybe I am just being over sensitive today and over reacted, but it sure hit the wrong nerve with me today! :sad: :laugh:


  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Oh, she's probably just jealous that you are looking so good, and she wants all the attention...just ignore her or give her a huge smile every time you see her and drive her crazy with your kindness!:wink:
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Sounds like a heinous, catty b*#chface. Ignore her.
  • deedee3732
    deedee3732 Posts: 52 Member
    Good job on the self control!! And you know what? 40 lbs gone is AWESOME, and I am sure you feel great too. Don't let someone with issues mess up your day, you are doing great!
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    You are doing a GREAT JOB!!! I hope you take what your coworker said with a grain of salt. Some people unfortunately do not have a filter no matter what pops into their head true or false...

    Have an amazing week!! God bless:)
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    This woman is either a) nasty or b) completely stupid or c) both. You should put it out of your mind and ignore her, and keep up the good work xx
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Wow. Why is her business? Not even your mother should criticize you that way.

    I am sorry for how you feel (I know that feeling).

    ETA: Sometimes, people who are insecure with themselves notice other people doing something better for themselves and they feel like they need to 'bring them down a notch'. Perhaps that is what is happening here. Eat what you eat, just log it and do what you do :smile:
  • LosingTheWeight2014
    Absolutely NOT...you have every right to be offended. I would have been, but I actually probably would have hit her upside her head and then said "Oops...it was an involuntary reflex!"

    I hate people like that! I'm sorry that you had to deal with someone like that. You are doing awesome and no matter how far you have to go, 40 lbs is an amazing accomplishment!

    Just think of it as all that talk and stupidity came from someone who probably has NEVER been on a diet or ever had to lose any kind of weight. Take it at face value and stay strong. You will achieve your goals!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Sounds like a heinous, catty b*#chface. Ignore her.

    What she said.

    And just remember... you're doing this for you, and no one else. Just because some snobby trollop decides to badmouth you doesn't change that.

    I haven't told my family about my successes for that very reason - they are demotivational rather than motivational.
  • cindy859
    cindy859 Posts: 99 Member
    She's rude, insensitive and sounds like she was trying to hurt your feelings, pay her no mind sounds to me like she is not worthy of your friendship. Don't be angry you can lose your weight, chances are she'll never lose her ignorance. Take a deep breath and smile--you are a success!
  • thayna123
    thayna123 Posts: 13
    No. That's just plain rude!! I don't think I would've kept my composure. :wink:
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Seriously, I'm pissed off for you. It was one thing after another with that woman. Totally uncalled for and totally inappropriate not to mention rude.
    Good for you for the self control of not punching her in the face after all of the comments she made!! And following you around the store? She really has nothing better to do than to follow you? Listen, skinny knowitall, we can't all be as wonderful as you and eat whatever we want and not gain an ounce.
    Thank goodness you can vent here and let it all out.
    We all have those morons in our lives that question us: "Should you really eat that? I can eat that but I'm not fat." "You wake up at what time to workout? That's too early for me, I just don't bother working out because I don't like to sweat." Hang in there and remember that you're wonderful...all 40lbs less of you! :flowerforyou:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    She sounds like someone to put on "ignore". Don't let her meanness and spite get to you. Some people couldn't be nice if they were paid to be.

    40 pounds is a something to celebrate, no matter the percentage of your original body weight. Keep on doing what you're doing and hold your head high!
  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191
    What an insensitive jerk!!!!!!
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Ooo. Meowwww. What a cat. Some people just enjoy being nasty. Sounds like she's one of them. I'll never understand what motivates these people and I don't care to dwell on them long enough to try. The direct approach always works for me. Rarely for them. "Are you aware that what you just said is incredibly insulting and sounds very *****y?" She will either 1) fumble around with a defensive excuse, because it may just be she's a) completely unaware of the effect she's having,or b) not used to being called on her crap or 2) she will admit it, in which case, hand her back her knife and tell her to stick it in the place it hurts the most. Perhaps her tight ***. Some are born without tact. Some, in self defense, learn to lose their tact. Like me. :wink:

    I should warn you. Ignoring is probably better. I have been told I can be somewhat vindictive. :devil: Dum de dum.

  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    Hmmmm....I can think of a lot of things to say, none very nice. ( I do know there are websites that you can anonymously send a pile of horse doo doo to people you know and love! She sounds like a prime candidate for a gift like that. :mad:) Otherwise just ignore her. She's obviously unhappy with herself if she takes such pains to criticize someone else!
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    Wow. What a *****! She definitely has some issues. Way to show control by not shoving those chips in her big mouth.
  • Startingover71
    Thanks everyone for the comments and support, some of your comments made me laugh out loud and brought me out of my crappy mood!
    It is so nice to have such support on this website, I appreciate all of your comments!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Roszepoo
    Roszepoo Posts: 46
    Try asking if she feels well-she looks a bit bloated
  • lizabee2011
    that is so ignorant and mean ive had people tell me stuff like that too and it is so degrading i hate that well you have come a long way if your anything like me then every pound lost is a struggle and its a day by day min by min sometimes struggle i dont know you but im very proud of you and your instpiring me to do good too so keep up the good work its just a bad day and next time tell that girl that you would appriciate it if she kept her snide comments to herself that you dont need her help and if you did you would ask her
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    There really are bad people out there, people who are mean. She sounds like one of them, to be honest. Following you around a store to talk about what you are buying? That is really weird!

    After I very publicly started MFP, I had a coworker put chocolates on my desk, over and over. I let them pile up and left them there when I quit. I would have rather died than eat them, regardless of how much chocolate I ate anywhere else!

    There are always haters! Don't let them get you down. You've already made progress on your path to your goal. I hope she sets her own goal of being a nicer person and makes some progress, STAT!