Doctor Help

So I have been having some major back pain and I went to my doctor today and she did a full exam and X-rays and blood and all the good stuff! There were a couple concerns but everything came back normal!

She said physical therapy can help me and .....
W e i g h t L o s s ! !
She suggested I make another appointment with her and nutritionist. My question is: has anyone had help from their doctor with weight loss?? Was it easier to have professionals helping you?? Was it worth it??

I KNOW what to do. I just don't have the motivation and willpower!!!

Just looking for experiences and opinions here! Thanks everyone :).


  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited May 2016
    I visited a library and started reading books on healthy nutrition.
    They also had recipe books.
    Somehow a person has to learn. The way does not matter.
    Opening my diary allowed people to catch mistakes I was making. Priceless.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,670 Member
    edited May 2016
    Okay so was the back pain issue identified? What causes it? While weight may be an issue, did you fall or try to pick up something and hurt it?
    If you lack the motivation to do it, then hiring a professional doesn't always help.
    If one hates math (even if they know how to do it), hiring a math tutor isn't going to encourage you to do it more if you dislike it that much.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • EddieP50
    EddieP50 Posts: 192 Member
    As far as weight loss my doctor just told me I need to diet and exercise. He did give me a handout on low fat low cholesterol diet because my cholesterol was borderline.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    So I have been having some major back pain and I went to my doctor today and she did a full exam and X-rays and blood and all the good stuff! There were a couple concerns but everything came back normal!

    She said physical therapy can help me and .....
    W e i g h t L o s s ! !
    She suggested I make another appointment with her and nutritionist. My question is: has anyone had help from their doctor with weight loss?? Was it easier to have professionals helping you?? Was it worth it??

    I KNOW what to do. I just don't have the motivation and willpower!!!

    Just looking for experiences and opinions here! Thanks everyone :).

    My doctor was very involved in the beginning. She helped set a calorie goal. she still does routine blood work every 6 months to insure I'm getting the nutrients I need.
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    Yes my Doctor is awesome. I live in Louisville Kentucky and my Doctor is is my diet coach as well as my doctor
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    Yes haveing to stay accountable to not only myself but also my Doctor truely keeps me from cheating in any way either with food from over eating and with lying about the amount of exercise I do because I know every two weeks he will be looking at my logs and we will be discussing any twiks that are needed that he is also monitoring my weight and measurements
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I have a wonderful doctor supervising my weight loss. I have several issues and she worked on each one to put me on the right path.

    One note: Ask to be referred to a Registered Dietitian rather than a Nutritionist. There is a big difference in the quality of advice you'll receive between the two.
  • trinateegardens
    trinateegardens Posts: 15 Member
    That must be an awesome feeling to have a doctor who helps you. My doctor told me that if he knew how to help me he wouldn't be fat himself. End of story for him.
  • UncaToddly
    UncaToddly Posts: 146 Member
    After seeing a new doctor and being in the 360 pound range, he had given me a referral to the hospital's bariatric center. I never went because for me that meant a lap-band or sleeve or bypass or whatever and I wasn't interested in that. The next year at my physical when I was at 387 and looking to get serious about my weight he gave me the referral again.

    It really has helped me understand better how my body works and why some things don't work so well for me due to being insulin resistant, pre-diabetic, and having the 5 criteria for metabolic syndrome. I saw her monthly for about 4 or 5 months and it really did help get things on track, especially with getting started right.

    I need to get back in again for updates and more info but it has helped take me down to where I am today at 305 pounds.

    For me, I never thought I would be able to have the ability to change some of my eating habits (which was pretty much whatever I wanted, as much as I wanted) and with issues with really bad knee pain and chronic lower back pain, I never saw exercise as a possibility. And yet here I am now, walking daily through my Seattle area the neighborhood for 3+ miles each day. Heck, today I got out of work and just started walking and nearly 2 hours and 5.9 miles later I was back at work and in my car heading home.

    Personally I don't think I could have got to this point without the help of the bariatric clinic at the hospital. The doctor there has helped me understand things I never would have understood before.
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    I am truely lucky to have the doctor that I have. I found him by accident 8 years ago had a supper bad case of pneumonia he was the doctor on call and quickely became to doctor of choice and ever since I know he has my back so when I get sick I know he will do everything in his power to make me well
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited May 2016
    My doctor is pretty useless when it comes to my weight. He's good for Rx refills and bloodwork. Don't worry though; he's no pill pusher. He damn near placeboed me to death when I had an episode of asthmatic bronchitis, so now if I'm sick I go when he's not there and see one of his colleagues.

    The good news is you don't need no stinking doctor to lose weight.
  • gracepost123
    gracepost123 Posts: 81 Member
    My doctor is pretty useless when it comes to my weight. He's good for Rx refills and bloodwork. Don't worry though; he's no pill pusher. He damn near placeboed me to death when I had an episode of asthmatic bronchitis, so now if I'm sick I go when he's not there and see one of his colleagues.

    The good news is you don't need no stinking doctor to lose weight.

    Yes that is good news!!!!! ;) thanks for your input!
  • gracepost123
    gracepost123 Posts: 81 Member
    That must be an awesome feeling to have a doctor who helps you. My doctor told me that if he knew how to help me he wouldn't be fat himself. End of story for him.

    Uhm. Wow.
    Sounds like you need a new doctor!!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    My question is: has anyone had help from their doctor with weight loss??
    I KNOW what to do. I just don't have the motivation and willpower!!!

    A doctor's job isn't really to motivate. You might try hiring a personal trainer, therapist, life coach, etc. :+1:
  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    edited May 2016
    After suggesting I lose weight, prescribing glyburide at my request to lose weight, my regular doctor asked me if I wanted a weight loss consultation. I casually said "Yeah" and went to the appointment. Talk about the "Scared Straight" effect. This total obliviot took my measurements, printed out a big old packet of generic boilerplate nutrition stuff and counseled me about eating hummus and almond snacky things then see her in 6 weeks. I could sign up for a support class that meets once a week for $50 a session.

    Pretty much nothing useful and charges me for her time and an additional "facilities fee" to pay for the office she uses. If that's what I get signing up for medically supervised weight loss, I figure I'm in trouble.

    So I knuckled down and said "I'm gonna make MFP work for me like it has for so many others". I am now a faithful follower of CICO, "Weight loss in not linear." and "It's a lifestyle."

    Nothing more expensive than a $139 Fitbit from Walmart and $1.90 per session at the Community Recreation Center gym (and I don't even go there anymore, as I've taken up stair climbing at the local park)

    I have/had pain in various joints but it's getting better. Lost 35 lbs since the first of the year. Down two scrub sizes from XXXL to a mere XL.

    Crippling pain will eventually motivate you. How much you wanna suffer? Addiction to opioid pain pills? A couple failed back surgeries?
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Mavrick_RN wrote: »
    Crippling pain will eventually motivate you. How much you wanna suffer? Addiction to opioid pain pills? A couple failed back surgeries?

    I'm way too nervous to say this to my husband but it's so true, take care of yourself right now- today. Start lifting weights, start walking every day. Give your bones and muscles some pressure to improve.

    Sitting still with a back injury is the worst decision. Even if all you do is make sure to go for a walk 5 days a week, you'll feel more limber.

    My husband likes to tell me he's "surprisingly flexible" (an excuse not to exercise) and definitely can't touch his toes without a 4 foot wide leg stance. Make some changes lady! You don't need to pay for the help if you don't want it.

    My doctor is letting me do my thing, and we are meeting to check in around July. I can email him to ask questions but I find plenty of helpful answers here.