Yoga newbie

I need to get back on track with living a healthy lifestyle and I've decided to download Down Dog, it's a yoga app. I tried for the first time and it was so hard lol. My balance was off a little and I honestly didn't give yoga any credit, but after 30 minutes of yoga, I felt whipped. Yoga kicked my **s lol. I'll never underestimate yoga again.....Do you have suggestions? My app is good but if there's anymore I can try and see which one I'm more comfortable with because this app I'm using for beginners seems like it's for advance level even though I set it on beginners.


  • krishnap1104
    krishnap1104 Posts: 53 Member
    I went to yoga classes for a month-paid $50!! I wasn't a huge fan of it because I had a hard time with some of the poses and I didn't feel any impact on my body. Maybe it was just me.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I love yoga, specifically because it does kick my *kitten*. However, if you have no training, going to a class with a good instructor to help you with your form is probably necessary.
  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
    Maybe since it's my first time, I should take a class???.....I had problems with the posses as well, I couldn't follow through.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Classes in person are probably a lot safer than an app, especially for a beginner. Instructors can see where you are having trouble and give you specific adjustments that ease what you are doing (to avoid injury) without slowing your progress.

    Beginner class at the studio I go to is really for beginners, they come around and correct your form on the most basic poses (lunges, forward fold, down dog, plank) so that you learn how to hold them safely and in a way that gives you the most benefit. Also they give you the names of the poses, that helps, though I always forget them.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    I do yoga classes twice a week. Have for a few years.
    It has not done much for my weightloss but really has helped my balance and flexibility and toning

    weightloss came when I was more diligent with logging, lowered my carbs and started 1/2 hour walks most days.
  • JenRainbow1
    JenRainbow1 Posts: 74 Member
    I used to use the videos on old episodes on YogaZone on youtube, it's the only place to watch them in the UK as dvds are region 1. I also like Adrienne yoga on youtube. I'm trying to incorporate yoga into my exercise as I love it, it makes me feel so chilled, helps my stress/anxiety levels. And it does work your body too
    I can't afford to go to a class and since I'm doing flexible hours in work they don't give me the same days off so I can't join a class (I have a hard job getting the same evening off a month).
    So I've always done videos, I have a geri yoga dvd and may buy Katy Appleton apple yoga which is not really a hard workout more chilled.
    I have a few books but the videos are better. If you can take a class then why not. Yoga does burn calories according to this website but I don't think it will help on it's own. Cardio is a must
  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
    Good point @robininfl I'll look into taking classes and hopefully that instructor will help with my posses because I need the help.
  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
    @meritage4 I have no balance nor flexibility
  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
    @JenRainbow1 my work is the same for me which is why I got the app in the first place so I totally understand
  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
    Wow really, thx @amyrebeccah I'll check it out!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I went to classes for 6 months before I felt comfortable doing yoga at home. I love it though and often do 2-3 poses after a lifting session as a stretch/cool down. (yes, I need a cool down after I lift - the words "hot mess" could be defined by me after leg day.)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    going to a class is a good idea. let the teacher know you are new. call ahead and ask what class they recommend for beginners. if you don't call, try to look for a community yoga/beginner yoga/hatha yoga

    having a teacher is important because they will teach you the proper alignment so you don't get hurt. also remember if you don't like a class or teacher, there are plenty of other's out there.
  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you @moyer566
  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
  • shortcdngirl
    shortcdngirl Posts: 56 Member
    ❤Yoga! My first time, class was 70 minutes. It kicked my butt. Holding your poses is about strength and flexibility. If you do it regularly you will see an improvement.

    Your local YMCA may have some classes.
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    I love the DVD weight loss yoga by bob harper. You definitly feel it the next day!