Android app

blondie1238 Posts: 182
Heyyy I finally got a phone with internet capabilities (an Android phone) and I downloaded the MFP app so I could take this with me whenever I go... and I can't figure out how to follow everyone else's progress on the app. All I can do is add my food and exercise and that. Is there a tab I'm mssing? Thanks!


  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Chiming in because I can't figure that part out either... interesting to see what the answer is.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I think the ap only allows those functions.
    Personally I book marked this website on my browser on the phone and visit that when I want to interact
  • 73vanessa
    73vanessa Posts: 50 Member
    Heyyy I finally got a phone with internet capabilities (an Android phone) and I downloaded the MFP app so I could take this with me whenever I go... and I can't figure out how to follow everyone else's progress on the app. All I can do is add my food and exercise and that. Is there a tab I'm mssing? Thanks!

    that is one disadvantage of the android app. We don't have the option of viewing our friend's progress that is only available through the iphone app or the computer. but the android app had the bar code scanner and the iphone app doesn't
  • Yeah, the app only allows those functions. I have it too. You have to get on the actual website to see everyone else's progress.
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    the ap does not allow you to interact only log...which is very useful and easy but i also bookmark the site and go on to interact.
    hope this helps!
  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    if you have internet on your phone just go to the site on your phone I have an android too and sometimes when i have time I will log in to the web site and commit, If I am just logging food i use the app it will synce with the web site...
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I'd rather have the barcode scanner than the friends update, lol!
  • LuvsToSpin
    LuvsToSpin Posts: 52 Member
    I also have an Android. I use the app for recording my foods during the day, but if I want to check into the news of friends on here, I use the internet from my phone and pull up the actual site. You can bookmark this site on your android web browser for quicker access.
  • chaimtime
    chaimtime Posts: 18 Member
    yeah android doesn't do that yet. I'm sure it will come soon enough
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    if you have your settings set to receive emails as people enter posts it will send you the MFP link. When you select the link it will look like a mini version of the desk top program... hope that helps.
  • blondie1238
    blondie1238 Posts: 182
    Thanks everyone! Just making sure that I'm not dumb and missing out on some key thing here :happy:
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Blackberry doesn't do it either, you can only see your own stuff. Im getting a Droid in July
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