
bkweibel Posts: 77
edited 4:05AM in Fitness and Exercise
Ok so, working out is awesome and it gives me a real boost in the day, but these body aches and sore muscles are killing me! Any tips for either how to beat the soreness or what to do when the body rebels? I've tried hot showers (I live in an apartment with a tiny tub, so a soak really isn't an option) and muscle rubs (those make my cats and daughter turn up their noses and run!!!). Thanks!


  • ljsmamma07
    ljsmamma07 Posts: 30
    im having the same problem. my hubby made me do lunges last night after our workout and my legs and butt is killing me! i did walk the stairs at work for 16 min but feel like i should still do more cardio for the day, but the 2.5 miles i usually RUN is OUT! i would just take it easy for a day or two, also switch it up, do you legs one day and arms and upper body the next... good luck!
  • Beaukitty
    Beaukitty Posts: 34 Member
    im having the same problem. my hubby made me do lunges last night after our workout and my legs and butt is killing me!

    I've been doing lunges and squats and I know this feeling all too well!!

    On topic though, I'd recommend stretching more before AND after your workout. It's helped me...I'm still sore, but I know it could be worse!
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    If you keep it up, the soreness goes away as your muscles get used to being used again!
  • exercisechic927
    exercisechic927 Posts: 64 Member
    Working through the soreness by actually keeping active helps more than taking a break.. Did you just start your exercise program? It will get better as you go along....
  • bkweibel
    bkweibel Posts: 77
    I was working out pretty often in January, but then with all the bad weather, I just kinda stopped. Now I'm trying to get back into the swing of things again. I try to alternate things...MWF I typically do Hip Hop Abs and T/Th, I typically go for a swim. I was in the pool for an hour today and my legs are KILLING me!!! LOL

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  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Having a snack (carbs and protein) immediately after working out really does help because it helps the muscles to recover. So does stretching and some light activity the following day. For example, walking at a comfortable pace will help more than sitting on the couch. Maintaining proper hydration levels also helps a great deal.
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