Daily steps

I'm too heavy right now to run or jog even, as I don't want to damage my knees. But I've taken up walking lately and and have 10000 daily steps as my goal. Is that an adequate amount per day?


  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    You don't need to run or even walk to lose weight. You could walk 10 steps a day and shrink your tummy, as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn. (Just being alive burns plenty of calories.)

    So, sure, 10,000 steps is plenty enough for one day. Unless you want to go somewhere that's farther. Most days I probably don't walk 10,000 steps but every now and then I go hiking and I want to make it to the lake or waterfall or mountaintop or whatever. Other days, however many I get is enough. :smile:
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    edited May 2016
    A little over a year ago I was 225 - 230 lbs. Probably closer to 230, but any way I was obese. I started having health issues and wound up having to have surgery for diverticulitis. The pre-testing for the surgery uncovered even more health issues.

    After the surgery I was told that I needed to lose weight and the doctors recommended exercise (specifically walking). I got an activity tracker and started with 5,000 steps per day. Once I got used to that, I increased it to 7,000. Once I got used to that, I increased it to 10,000.

    I also started power walking. I could only make it about a mile (at a slow pace) at first before I had to lay down for an hour because I thought I was going to die. I asked my wife to put me out of my misery a few times, but she did not want to get arrested.

    I kept pushing that mile (sometimes 2 and 3 times a day), then 2 miles, then 3, etc...

    Now I can power walk over 8 miles at a 4.0 to 4.5 mph pace easily, and I now weigh 173 lbs. I used that year to develop good habits and learned how to eat smarter and healthier. I still have treats sometimes, but now they are just what they are supposed to be... treats.

    I also got a bicycle and ride that about 10 miles 2 or 3 times a week. I am also starting to mix some very light jogging into my power walks because I am at a higher fitness level, and having a hard time staying in the cardio zone from walking (unless I'm walking on hilly terrain).

    So yes, 10,000 steps is recommended, but maybe start at what you think you can do and work your way up to it. If you push yourself a little more each time you will be able to do more.
  • Roze_Marie
    Roze_Marie Posts: 5 Member
    I loved your post. I to have just recently been diagnosed with diverticulosis. I don't wish this on my worse enemy. Oh wait....there may be one lol But I'm taking this to heart what you said. I also see surgeon tomorrow
  • hotasfire36
    hotasfire36 Posts: 235 Member
    My goal is 10,000 steps a day.