How do I stay motivated.

I've been loosely keeping track of my macros and it has helped. This time around I want to be strict and stay on target. Any tips? Also feel free to add me I would like motivation from others.


  • pcsd203
    pcsd203 Posts: 16 Member
    For me the biggest thing has been accountability. Knowing that friends of mine know I am trying to lose, knowing they are going to ask how am I doing. The thought of saying...well I gained...or nothing new kills me. It really has helped. Seeing the scale drop and feeling better have helped me.
  • zavalaje3
    zavalaje3 Posts: 2 Member
    How do you deal with the criticism?
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    For me it's not about motivation per se, it's dedication. Fake it until you make it. Don't want to exercise? Do some anyway. Feel like overeating for whatever reason? Make a decision not to hinder your progress.

    I don't limit any foods, I make them fit into my daily goal. That helps a lot because I never feel like I'm missing out on something.
  • awalk87
    awalk87 Posts: 1 Member
    It helps to surround yourself with people with the same goals as you! When I surround myself with sedentary people that eat junk I find myself doing the same even though it's not what I really want to do, just because it is social. When I hang out with people that want to eat right and do active activities in their leisure time it makes it easier for me to stay healthy. Or, if I start setting an example by eating right or suggesting activitiestwo friends that don't usually live a healthy lifestyle sometimes I can get them on board and we can keep each other accountable.
  • KristinRG85
    KristinRG85 Posts: 11 Member
    For me it's all about support. I know that I can go for X amount of time on my own, but beyond that point I always lose motivation and stop and then I yo-yo and...yeah. No good comes of that. Fewer than two people just isn't enough. I need my friends to keep me motivated. To that end, I even asked my best friend to stop me from sabotaging myself. I don't report everything to her, but if I don't feel like exercising for the second day in a row, I tell her and she tells me to exercise and I do (because if I tell someone I'm going to do it, then I have to actually do it). And when we go out to eat and she reminds me that I don't hate thin crust pizza or whole wheat pasta and that leftovers are a good thing and things like that. It sounds simple, but it really does help with motivation.

    And more motivation buddies is always a good thing, so feel free to add me.
  • L8model
    L8model Posts: 115 Member
    My motivation has just been my commitment to my health and to hitting my daily goals, at all costs. I've lost 37 pounds in just over 80 days. 5'11" male, now at 193 lbs.

    I don't exceed 1,500 calories (95% of the time) and I always exceed my minimum workout goal of 35 minutes on the elliptical burning at least 500 calories 4 times a week.

    Just remember, 3,500 calories equals a pound.
  • truckerwife104
    truckerwife104 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thanks ladies, I haven't hit a tuff workout sense the delivery of my baby boy and was hoping nursing would knock off some extra weight but as it goes I got to intake more to make milk and have only snacks left for the little guy! Anyways that and I'm sure age adds to the blunder, i want to say I will workout hard but usually I'm lucky to get out of the house and I have a beautiful pond to walk around... Now I just need to start applying !! Thanks for sharing.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited May 2016
    zavalaje3 wrote: »
    I've been loosely keeping track of my macros and it has helped. This time around I want to be strict and stay on target. Any tips? Also feel free to add me I would like motivation from others.

    I keep a picture of my old self at my goal weight in my bedroom by my mirror. It motivates me to see where I want to be.

    Weigh daily. I do that in order to see how my weight fluctuates. I use the happy scale app on my phone to keep track of it.

    Find an old pair of jeans/shorts you loved wearing that no longer fit and try them on every now and then and see how they begin to fit you better and better.