40 & Fit!

kward42 Posts: 2 Member
I have always been a big boy. Country strong and muscular. However I have never been lean. As I got older I relaized that the traditional strength weight training I did im my youth and early twenties was breaking my body down. In my "prime" I was 260 and could bench press over 500pds. So mind was pushing my body to match that mark. I would hit the gym and push and pull and yell (sorry I was that guy) the weights around and alot of "that a boys" from my gym peers. Then the next day I could bearly make it out of bed or close my hands or move my arms. Not because I was sore but because my joints could not take the abuse.
So over the lasy few years (I am 45 now) my focus has been on getting lean. With low to moderate weight and using several training principals like HITT ,PACE and Pre-exhaust. About 6 months ago I committed to truly living the life. I have consistently trained 6 days a week and 11 days ago I made the commitment to live the Keto life style. I am 11 days in and finlay got it right. I plan on droping to my ideal weight 250 ( now 284) with an extreme Keto of 30-5p grams of carbs a day. Then upping it to a sustainable level. Wish me luck on my Journey..I am going to need it :)


  • Tempest07
    Tempest07 Posts: 256 Member
    Nice job man and good focus and transition. Keto is awesome and should help you drop weight. See you around brother!

  • precious_cargo
    precious_cargo Posts: 33 Member
    Good luck in your journey :)
  • kward42
    kward42 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you!
  • wcamejo521
    wcamejo521 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to this.. Looking for some support.. Thx