108 days and counting


I'm Brittany, 26 married with 2 kiddos! I have been on MFP for 108 days and have lost a total of 29.4lbs. My goal is to be in a size 10 by next year and currently I am a 14. I have always fluctuated with my weight since after high school and have recently decided that weight is only and number so for the rest of my progress I choose to no longer weigh myself until I am in my goal size 10. This journey has been great so far. I include cardio, weigh training, Zumba and yoga into my weekly workouts. I strive to workout at least 4-5 times a week and do a nice mix of workouts. Yoga has been great to help my breathing with my other workouts!

I'm posting not only to introduce myself but for motivation. Recently we found out my youngest child, who is 15 months old, has epilepsy and a few other medical issues. It has been a true struggle since we discovered this for me to stay positive and motivated. I can only keep driving myself towards my goals and it has been very trying for me.
Any positive vibes and feedback would be awesome!!

My pictures below are of my progress. The side by side ones are a 1 week difference from April. And the light pink top is from two weeks ago. I provided a picture of myself, just because everyone can use a smile today! Thanks and comment!!

