Yo-Yo Dieting

I have been yo-yo dieting my whole life since I can remember :'( , every time I do this to my body the less convinced I become that I can break free from the constant ups and downs


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Let's look forward and focus on how to improve and not focus on the struggles you've had in the past. If you're stuck in a low calorie trap, then you should start a reverse diet to get your calorie intake up to the point where you can do an effective body fat cut. Here, please watch this video on the subject. It'll be helpful to you. Also, hit me up with questions you have.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I would go back and reread all of the other threads you have created.
  • GraceCRosario
    GraceCRosario Posts: 4 Member
    I'm going to put this here:

    The psychology of it is relatively similar. If you want to change your diet, and you keep trying, eventually you will.
    Even if you fall of the wagon, you can come back and just start eating healthy again. If you are committed, you'll get there.

    Think about your diet, and make it positive.
    Additionally, give yourself breaks. I strictly weigh and count calories every day. Except once a week, I give myself one meal where I can eat as much as I want. - Still healthy food, but 2x my normal portion sizes, with that meal, I also get to eat dessert. For that one meal, I don't count my calories, I just relax and enjoy it (I still make sure I have 500 calories at least to dedicate to this meal, but I don't count them). It works better eating with friends. The reason I do this, is that I love eating delicious food and feeling really full (kinda how I weigh more in the first place), and being able to that once a week helps me from wanting to do it all the time.

    What is your favourite unhealthy habit? Identify it, and set one day a week to do it. Don't even count it towards your goals. Calorie restriction 20/21 meals in a week is still going to help you lose weight.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    You know what...so have I, but I'm getting over it and still trying to make a life long change. :) You need to stop dwelling on the past in order to move on with your future!
  • GraceCRosario
    GraceCRosario Posts: 4 Member
    It's an article about addiction, and quitting. Eating too much food can be also be an addiction, there are similarities. It takes time to be able to quit eating too much (or smoking) but as long as you keep coming back, you'll get there.

    I calorie restrict every meal except once a week. 7 days x 3 meals = 21
    I eat within the calories 20/21 times every week. I give myself a free break meal every week.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    OP, you've been posting here since February and you're all over the place. You're overthinking this, bouncing around and confusing yourself so badly that it's no small wonder you're not getting the results you want.

    Wipe everything you think you've "learned" out of your head and go read this thread:


    That thread tells you everything you need to know, in plenty of detail. Bookmark it and re-read it over and over again until it sinks in. If you have a question about something, go re-read that thread. If it's something that isn't covered in that thread, don't worry about it - it's minutiae and it doesn't matter right now. If you don't understand what's in that thread, then get somebody to read it and explain it to you in a way you can understand, because the things that are in there are all that matter, and are the key to your success.