I fell off the wagon again.

I have been eating so well (for me anyways) for the last 6 months. I lost 25 lbs and I have been logging everything, including the bad and embarrassing. Lately though, I have been eating easily 2700+ calories for at least the last three days. I am so frustrated, but I am so addicted to the "full feeling". Does anyone have any advice on what I can eat/ make that will help this horrible eating cycle or any advice on how to handle it better?


  • tolose21702
    tolose21702 Posts: 8 Member
    I am in the same boat literally...I had lost 25lbs as well and completely fell off the boat last week. I started back again today and honestly you just have to be honest with yourself and look back at what you accomplished and don't be hard on yourself for the failures and look at small accomplishments. This weight loss or getting a better healthier you is a "journey". Just cause you didn't feel you did well the past 3 days don't let it ruin what you know you have done already!!!! Lets start back at it again lady!!!!
  • katiestenton
    katiestenton Posts: 28 Member
    Guys im exactly the same, did great for a month now been on a sugar binge since friday! Starting over today now. Feel free to add me, my diary is public :)
  • celticmedic
    celticmedic Posts: 66 Member
    I've been there the last 3 years and can't find my drive or motivation. I feel like a complete slob. But, apples are your key. Eat an apple or part of one 20 minutes before a meal and it will help with that satiated feeling.
  • asgentr
    asgentr Posts: 228 Member
    I am going through something similar. It all started when cheerios and chips were brought into the house. Eating cheerios for breakfast gives me cravings for the rest of the day. The chips were there to binge on, sending my sodium and weight through the roof, making me feel like f-it. Then yesterday I bought chocolate chips to add to protein bars and... guess what? I practically ate the whole bag of chocolate (sans-protein). The main thing is to keep bad food out of the house/out of reach... especially in the early stages of breaking the addiction or during relapses. Also, remember it is okay to throw out the food. It probably cost a few dollars and you would probably be willing to pay a ton more for the ability to avoid temptation.
  • SuperheroSadie
    SuperheroSadie Posts: 167 Member
    I ate awfully for one weekend and then had to deal with what you're dealing with now. Fattening days breed fattening habits. You need to spend two days (you're going to be miserable, I'm not gonna lie) eating strictly healthy foods in your calorie range. After that, it will be a non-issue. It's just getting through those two days where you re-adjust what 'full' is that are going to make you feel hangry all the time.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    try more fats and fewer carbs
  • __leis__
    __leis__ Posts: 100 Member
    I love intermittent fasting. I used to think it was not eating at all two days a week then eating larger portions five days a week. I've learned that a lot of people only eat 8 hours a day and that seems to work for me too. I have coffee and 32 oz of water when I wake up. Then I eat around 400 calories at noon (I've never liked breakfast). I'm usually pretty full after that. Then I have a snack if I feel like it and dinner at 6 and a snack at 8 if I want. If I eat breakfast then I'm hungry all day. I've tried eating 6 small meals, it works if you stay under your calorie goal but I never felt full. With two big meals and two small snacks I feel full and I'm still losing 2 lbs a week.
  • gatorsong
    gatorsong Posts: 7,000 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    Blow your own mind here: there is no 'wagon.' Get out of the idea that you are on or off any sort of magical wagon, boat, scooter, rocket ship, broomstick, or skittle pooping unicorn entirely. Sure you can have 'streaks.' I'll throw you a bone. So you broke your last streak. How long will your next one last? Make it even better! It's all just LIFE. You know what to do. You don't need a wagon to do it in.

    I love the skittle pooping unicorn!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    gatorsong wrote: »
    scolaris wrote: »
    Blow your own mind here: there is no 'wagon.' Get out of the idea that you are on or off any sort of magical wagon, boat, scooter, rocket ship, broomstick, or skittle pooping unicorn entirely. Sure you can have 'streaks.' I'll throw you a bone. So you broke your last streak. How long will your next one last? Make it even better! It's all just LIFE. You know what to do. You don't need a wagon to do it in.

    I love the skittle pooping unicorn!

    I want to be a skittle pooping unicorn, cause I'm special.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    Blow your own mind here: there is no 'wagon.' Get out of the idea that you are on or off any sort of magical wagon, boat, scooter, rocket ship, broomstick, or skittle pooping unicorn entirely. Sure you can have 'streaks.' I'll throw you a bone. So you broke your last streak. How long will your next one last? Make it even better! It's all just LIFE. You know what to do. You don't need a wagon to do it in.

    So much this!
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    Same here. I lost it about a month ago after a hard run. I kind of over did it. Gained back 10 of the 20 lost. Back on starting tomorrow. Lol has anyone looked up the phrase " off or on the wagon." I just did. Will wipe it from my goals and vocablary. LOL!
  • tanyajensen75
    tanyajensen75 Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks everyone! Wonderful points. :smiley: I meant "off the wagon" because of binge eating. It literally is an addiction for me. :( I am not beating myself up though! Sometimes it's just reassuring to hear from other people on the same journey as me. Thanks for the bomb advice. I guess my skittle pooping unicorn was a lie lol.
  • healthyandfit2016
    healthyandfit2016 Posts: 1 Member
    Being busy with my life and my workouts keeps me from overeating.Drinking milk after dinner helps lessen my appetite so theres no night time bingeing. It makes me feel fulll. Doing this made me lose 9 lbs.
  • madcow132
    madcow132 Posts: 28 Member
    I am exactly the same-lost 25lbs and fell off the wagon post wedding! My advice would be to analyse your eating patern-is there a particular time of day you tend to eat more? Personally I am good until after dinner then over eat on snacks in the evening. So I now keep all snacks out of the house and keep myself busy with activities in the evening. E.g. get out of the house for a walk, see a friend or just knit something to keep my hands busy!
  • angelwowings23
    angelwowings23 Posts: 128 Member
    I literally just posted a status about this. I've been pretty darn consistent since January. Having always been a fitness addict, but never having to focus on nutrition...this has been a pretty big change in my life. I've never really needed to worry about what I ate because I've never eaten much or too unhealthy. However, wanting to take my fitness goals to the next level...I needed to buckle down and really focus in on that aspect of things. Anyhow...I've been soooo stressed with life and some crazy recent things at work...I just didn't give no f**ks this weekend. I followed my intermittent fasting still, but then didn't count cals or macros thereafter. Wine and carbs were more important than my nutritional goals this weekend and I'm paying for it dearly today. I am soooo regretful but there's nothing I can do about the past. Just need to push through the bloated feeling, chug water like it's going out of style and try to refocus on the "why" of my journey. No cheats/treats for a while because I really ate several weeks worth of treats over the weekend...and it soooo wasn't worth it in the end. :-\