T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team: May 6, 2011 Thread



  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Hi all

    Howdy Vicki :)

    I have been terrible this week. Is it tom or or is not? I seriously can't tell. Probably shoudl go to the doctors but everything is about my weight. I did think i'd just save a list and when i've lost some real weight i'd go in and get myself sorted *lol*

    I know what you mean about dinner. Some days we don't eat it till 10pm. I find it hard as i know i eat better if i eat with the kids but i feed them at 5 becuase they go to bed from 6:30 but take so long to settle so the next chance to eat is after 8 or later and i don't go to bed till 11 or 12 and by then i am starving. I haven't found an ideal snack yet. I never really snacked i've always eaten a big enough meal that i never needed too. If i snack it's usually sweet stuff and i can't seem to manage to stop if i start. I don't really like veg much especially not raw. I've tried a sandwich but that's 240 calories just on the bread before i put anything in it. too much for a snack.

    Struggling to get a move on and exercise too now, i keep waiting for it to be fun but it still isn't.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I didn't see a new thread so hope I am still with you guys.

    I've been so unmotivated it's not even funny. Been working hard. Have new duties at work and I've been so busy the days have flown by I've been so tired it's easier to just grab some fast food on the way home to eat and then go to bed. I am going to try to get started again today. I'm up about 8 lbs from my very lowest even though my lowest only lasted a day!

    for you late night snackers.....try 100 calorie popcorn. I love it and it is filing for me. You really shouldn't eat past 7pm. if you are feeding your kids at 5pm why not eat with them??

    Have to get ready for work it's gonna be a 10 hour day! Later
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Deb..tried eating with them at 5 but by 8 or 9 i'm really hungry again and then i'm snacking on whatever crap the oh has stashed in the cupboards, usually biscuits. We don't have the snack pack things i see everyone mention here.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Painten you are going to have to get one of us to send you a care package full of 100 calorie snack packs!! I think that if you train your body to eat at different times that you will eventually get to where you can eat at 5 or 6pm and then not be hungry at 8-9. I think if you eat breakfast at the same time every day and then lunch at the same time...then have an afternoon snack. then dinner about 6pm then a healthy snack ( fruit or something low calorie, or a little protein like nuts) about 8 or 9 then you would do well.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    You're right Deb..i'm just going to have to get used to it.

    Right this week i will eat with the kids at 5 every day and save enough calories for something later on as a snack. That is my goal this week.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    So I guess the May thread has continued into June?
    Okay, as of 6/18 I am at 255 pounds, Down 1 pound from my 6/14 weigh in. It's not much, but every pound counts!!!
    I'm going in for surgery next Friday (6/24) & the meds that they have put me on are making me hungrier than normal. This is not what I need if I am going to be a couch/bed potato for 2 weeks after my surgery. :grumble:
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Looks like it, i missed a new one if it started *lol*

    Good luck for Friday Dreamer :)
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I stepped on the scale yesterday - 251.5. My surgery is in 2 days. Yes, I might be getting on the scale more often than I should, but with the decline in weight that I have had recently - it makes me smile.
    My FIL (father-in-law) is in the hospital & not doing well. The stress of getting family members together (from out of state & country) will make my blood pressure go up & that is not what I need before surgery. WISH ME LUCK.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    They have given my FIL 1-60 days to live. :cry: They can't do CPR on him if it is needed because the bone cancer has made his bones so brittle & the cancer has taken over 1 entire lung which is making his heart work even harder. He doesn't want to go to a hospice, he wants to die at home. My MIL thinks she can handle him at home & is refusing any type of hospice help at home. 4 of their 6 kids will be meeting with her tonight & tell her that she can NOT handle it on her own & not having help is NOT an option. Their both in their 80s & she's also diabetic & has gout in her leg.
    Now while my husband is meeting with his family tonight, I'm going with our son to celebrate my daughter's 22nd birthday. The bummer is, I can't have any alcohol because my foot surgery is tomorrow at 11am.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Sorry to see that about your fil Dreamer, that has got to be tough on the whole family. Your mil must be devastated. There is something about that generation they think tougher than we do. My in-laws have lived in a caravan in the middle of a field for the longest time as they were market gardeners so they had the fields for veg growing and lived on in in the van as they weren't allowed to build on it. They've managed well but the last few years the van has started to crumble. My 75 y/o fil was crawling under it to fix holes in the floor, every autumn he'd have to climb on the roof to clear off the leaves and things from the roof as they blocked the flu for the fire. Going outside to cut wood for the fire etc. This last winter was harsh and fil damaged his eye and couldn't see for 2 months and my mil had a fall in the kitchen. My oh was still can't drive after his car accident almost 2 years ago now so they were stuck with no heat for the whole time we had that snow. Our winter was so bad i believe it made the american news. It finally made my in-laws realise they had to sell up and get a house. They moved in to a house 14 doors down from us last week. In their head though i think they saw themselves living there till they were 100. I reckon it'll take some doing to get your mil to see the reality. It would be hard for her to accept she can't help the one she loves in his last days.

    Here's hoping your surgery goes smoothy and quickly today dreamer :)

    Deb..i managed to eat most of the week with the kids, evenings have been murder though but i'm sure i'll get used to it.

    Kids aren't sleepign well right now. My son keeps waking up at 4 then i'm struggling to get back to sleep if i can get him back to sleep. Some days he's not going back to sleep and then still isn't settling in the evening. I don't know how he's staying awake. My daughter has started falling out of bed again. I really could do with someone promising me that they will sleep by he time they are teenagers. The Oh and i were talking about another baby and if we could manage it with me going to uni in september he mentioned sleep with a baby waking up in the night. Then we both laughed as we realised it wouldn't be a lot worse than right now. Like Bon jovi said, i can sleep when i'm dead lol.

    I did my weigh in this week

    sw: 301 cw: 274 = 1lb loss since last time.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals!

    Wow, so sorry I've been away, but some pretty good reading catching up!

    I have NOT been good to myself. I'm not eating well, not taking my vitamins, working out, and (oh man, this is REALLY bad) not washing my face every night before bed. The fridge is empty of good foods and it's going to take a lot of cash to fill 'er up. Sigh!

    WooHoo Dreamer... I can't wait to hear how your surgery went. You HAVE to BELIEVE how much better your mobility will be...(hoping=hoping=hoping=for you). I'm so sorry to read about your FIL. I can understand how your MIL feels, and I'm sure she will appreciate her children's concerns...once they get through to her. Happy B-Day to your Daughter and thank goodness you have to be on the wagon....another birthday you will remember.

    Vicky....I hate to say it, but yes, your children WILL sleep in their teens...TOO MUCH! OMG my Blood Pressure STILL rises when I think back trying to wake up our boys as teens to get them to do chores, go to school, join us for brunch on Saturday mornings (the only mornings my DH was home for a morning meal most times). My sister used to fall out of bed all the time when we were youngsters...I thought she wan an anomaly. Who'd a thunk it happens to other kids! BTW--go for the baby...just my opinion. Your in-laws sound like they had quite the life! I bet if they wrote a book it would be a pretty good read. Did you really use the word "recon"? Wow, a Howdy salutation to me and a recon on your post! You're becoming almost Americanized! Good job on the scale, by the way..I mean it!

    Okay. Tomorrow I'm going to weigh in, meditate and focus on the body image I want (and how I want to feel for the rest of my life), plan my meals and shopping list and shop! That alone should burn more calories than I'll take in..s'pose?

    Happy Losing....*Ü*....Vicki
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Nice to see you back on here Vicki :)
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Checking in again today..will posting more often get this thread going again?

    I think i'm gaining a bit more control of myself. There was some ban and jerry's on offer at the local shop yesterday and i bought some. Normally i'd just sit and eat the whole thing (500ml) which i know is awful but i have difficulty stopping, I have been makign sure we don't have things like that in but i was feelign a bit blah yesterday and the offer was good. Anyway i managed to just have a litte bit and put the carton back in the freezer. I know it probably sounds a bit pathetic to most if not all of you but that was big acheivement for me. My very first NSV.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Step one: log breakfast! DONE! My first baby step. On to the next!

    Planning on a motorcycle ride today, but it's a bit cool and quite cloudy. Mondays DH and I make them our "together" days...so we will probably go for a drive.

    See you tonight!

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Im right there with ya Vik! Got to the point this weekend where I just had to say to myself "get off your own *kitten*"

    I signed up for a 5k walk in Portland in September. Will be able to do that no problem, but want to do it with a big fat smile on my face and a waistline that is several inches smaller than it is now. None of my summer clothes fit right, which is a bummer since we leave for Vegas on the 10th. Im pretty screwed.. LOL

    BUT...Im turning around, getting my *kitten* in gear and yes... I will start a new thread for July! I already have it started. Sorry that I didnt get to it for June. This month has flown by fast for me. Its been insanely busy and will continue until the 4th, but I will get it up there for Friday's weigh in on the 1st!! :0)

    Im extremely embarassed to say that my weight is now at 232. Not happy at all with that number. Definitely gonna be working on my first goal of getting it to 222 by my birthday.. (mid august) 10lbs in a month is a realistic goal... right? :0)

    Its summer!! get out and enjoy the sunshine while ya can. Walk, run, ride bike, throw the ball for the dog. Any activity is better than none!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Oh and I reset my ticker and goals so it will be accurate since I am making a fresh start at things.

    On a more positive note. I walked 4 miles today and drank all my water! Completed my food log and was under my calorie goal.
    Felt goooooooood!!
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    4 mile walk, huh? Good girl I need to get off my butt and move, too. Just soooo hard to start. I moved my signature and ticker to where I was this morning. I actually moved my scale to the bathroom. It was in my sewing/exercise room. I'll see it more often where it is, now...:huh:

    Lite food day...DH and I took a drive (too cool and cloudy for a ride on the motorcycles) and had lunch at a local saloon. Had a ceasar chicken wrap, ate ½ and took the other ½ for dinner, with the little bag of popato chips.

    Better get going and get ready for my work day tomorrow. See ya later.

    Happy Losing...Vicki *Ü*
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yeah, no motorcycle for me. We rode to Longbeach on Sunday and my throttle hand is killing me now. Even went and got a night brace for my hand because yesterday morning I woke up and I was clenching both fists. Usually hurts when I wake up and feels better as the day goes on and I've had some motrin, but between the knuckles of my pinky and ring finger its a dull throbbing ache when I open my hand up all the way. So, Im grounded from it for a few days until it at least starts to feel somewhat better. Just trying not to aggrivate it more.

    Family reunion this weekend at my house. I spent all day today doing mass house cleaning including a deep scrub on my masterbath. That was a workout! LOL eww! Also did laundry, vaccumed then went and got some barkdust to tidy up outside. I woke up at 7am and didnt stop moving until about 3:30... after a shower..I just crashed... on the couch.. with the laptop and the remote.

    Light eating day today too. altho I can say I did behave myself and didnt eat anything unhealthy.

    Tomorrow... another walk with some friends..3 or 4 miles depending on weather. Today was rain off and on. Of course, more on when I finally decided to make it outside to do some work. haha!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Haven't checked in for awhile - it's been a depressing time around here.
    My FIL passed away 30 minutes after I go home from my surgery on the 24th. So between recuperating & crying, I've been an emotional mess.
    The viewing was a few days ago & I couldn't even cry. I blame it on the meds that I am on.
    The funeral is on Friday & not being able to help my husband work on what needs to be done (color guard, flag box) has stressed me out.
    Going back to the doctor tomorrow because the swelling of my foot has gone down, which has loosened the gauze wrapped around my foot. The cast has rubbed against the gauze & shredded it. So now my foot is rubbing against the cast & causing me pain. This means a trip back to the doctor tomorrow to get this cast cut off, new gauze put on & a new cast made. UGH!!!!
    I stepped on the scale before my surgery & it read 251. This means I have lost another 1/2 pound since my last weigh in on the 22nd. :happy:
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    I'm so sorry about your DFIL, Dreamer. He must have someone special to be so loved by you. I appreciate that helpless feeling about not being able to help your DH, too. It's like being mired in gooey mud, the harder you try to work it out the more stuck you feel. But on a GOOD note, there is ½ pound of you and that is so much better for you in so many more ways...especially in your recovery! I'll be sending up a little prayer for your DFIL tomorrow as my contribution to the funeral. Hugs to you. :flowerforyou:

    Cleaning day always makes for light eating for me, too, Cyndi. Have fun with your family, and forget Aunt Mary's French Silk pie, go for Uncle Rog's fruit salad instead! Well, okay, have ONE bite of the pie...the first bite is always the best, why go down hill from there? Sounds like you had a great ride. I haven't put on 200 miles on my bike yet...:sad:

    Hey there Vicky...you've been plugging away I see.

    Ooop, I hear my boss sign in on the scanner...better get ready! Oh BTW...lost three of the 5 pound I gained. There is a lesson there...if we tackle the gain quickly, it goes away quickly.

    Happy Losing....Vicki....*Ü*