Trusting a non-digital scale?

The last scale I had was a digital one, and I loved it! You stood there, waited for the beep, and bam! You could look down and you were fine. But now, the scale I have available is not digital, and I'm curious about how much movement has to affect the numbers.

First off, I wear glasses, but I can still barely see those thin lines. Second, I have to bend a little bit to see, since I have big breasts and a stomach to contend with. Will this affect the numbers at all? Will bending or moving at any point screw up how much I've actually lost? I'm not really freaking out over missing a loss of one or two pounds, but it's something I'm very curious about!

Maybe I should just get a mirror or use a camera and take a picture with the zoom :laugh:


  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I use a non-digital scale (I actually bought a digital one and hated it).

    I just don't log a weight until I'm positive I can tell what it is, so sometimes it means two days in a row of the same weight before I log it (I do weigh every day but record only once a week max).

    I just stand as still as possible and then read it, it was harder at the beginning when there was more of me to see over but it's gotten better!
  • xneurocentric
    xneurocentric Posts: 44 Member
    I use a non-digital scale (I actually bought a digital one and hated it).

    I just don't log a weight until I'm positive I can tell what it is, so sometimes it means two days in a row of the same weight before I log it (I do weigh every day but record only once a week max).

    I just stand as still as possible and then read it, it was harder at the beginning when there was more of me to see over but it's gotten better!

    Yeah, maybe I should do that. Although, after I did this post, I went into the bathroom with my camera and used the zoom, stood still on the scale and took the pic, and saw the number clear as day! :laugh:
  • Daffydilly
    Daffydilly Posts: 29 Member
    Hope it's a lightweight camera! ;-)
  • nicxox
    nicxox Posts: 175 Member
    I do the same thing, my iPhone is full of photos of my scales lol
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    a lot (not all ) non digital scales have a little thing on the back where you can adjust it. Try weighing something that you KNOW how much it weighs (weights, bottle of milk, etc) and then if it isn't accurate, check how much it's out by and reset the scale.
  • xneurocentric
    xneurocentric Posts: 44 Member
    a lot (not all ) non digital scales have a little thing on the back where you can adjust it. Try weighing something that you KNOW how much it weighs (weights, bottle of milk, etc) and then if it isn't accurate, check how much it's out by and reset the scale.

    Hey, that's a really good idea! I'm gonna try that, thank you :)
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    you're welcome :) goodluck x