No Scale Friends?

Hi! So I am living in a place for the summer that I am unable to get a scale (small island nation), and would be too expensive to ship one. I have been for the last 3 weeks and intend to keep within my calorie goals, exercise 4 days a week, along with biking into work (16km) each day. I am however having a hard time staying motivated since I do not have a scale to quantitatively measure my progress.

Does anyone else not weight themselves or want to not weight themselves until August 2nd in solidarity? Haha. If so it would be great to have some friends in a similar predicament! :smiley:


  • Rushbrook60
    Rushbrook60 Posts: 95 Member
    Sometimes, the numbers on the scales aren't always motivational. My first weekly weigh in showed I'd lost 10.5lbs, but the week after, I lost 1lb and I'd really been working hard. Did feel a little disappointed but then I got into a dress I haven't been able to wear for nearly 2 years...that was a huge achievement for me.

    I still do my weekly weigh in but I don't always look at how this week's loss compares to the last week. Maybe just focus a little more on how your clothes feel on you or if you really want to, grab a tape measure and measure the inch loss instead.

    Just because you're without scales doesn't mean you won't lose anything, especially if you're still staying within your calorie allocation.

    You'll be just fine :-D
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I don't weigh myself often - maybe once every 6 months, but I do weigh my food. Is this a food scale problem? If so, just cut calories slightly under to make up for the discrepancies.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    They must have a scale on that island somewhere. Do they weigh packages before shipment? How about you run to the shipping depot everyday to weigh yourself--kills two birds with one stone.
  • Jadinsedai
    Jadinsedai Posts: 7 Member
    If you really want some kind of number to judge your progress you can do body measurements. It doesn't change as quickly as weight does but it's something you can write down and record.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    You could play a prediction game of keeping a running total of your calorie deficit so that on August 2 you could predict your change in weight. Calorie deficit / 3500 = pounds of loss expected.