Diabetie type 2

Sapphirebabe1962 Posts: 28 Member
edited May 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello my dr recommended this site to me so i will tell alittle about myself. My name is deana and i am 53 years old, married to a wonderful man for 25 years coming this july,i have 2 sons. I have been diabetie for 9 years now of type 2. I take medication and also take shots. My goal is to lose some weight dont get me wrong i know it will be hard to do but i am doing this cause of my family i love very much.


  • ele8879
    ele8879 Posts: 10 Member
    You can do it...it will take time and the hardest is the first two weeks. I am also diabetic who take pills and used to take insulin. I started to lose weight and was able to get off the insulin.
  • Sapphirebabe1962
    Sapphirebabe1962 Posts: 28 Member
    yes it is hard it dont go fast losing weight even when i gain it over the years. i been eating right but feels like i not losing some. but i will check my weight on the weighing scale saturday.
  • rebeccalynn915
    rebeccalynn915 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a type 2 diabetic also. Just starting to exercise and hoping to lose weight and avoid going on insulin. Good luck! Take it one day at a time.
  • rlpredwings2007
    rlpredwings2007 Posts: 4 Member
    Type 2 as well and on pills and insulin. Hoping some day to be off insulin complately. Just recently joined a gym as I have a lot of other health issues as well as being diabetic. Its not easy thats for sure but i am excited to see where this journey takes me. Good luck and please feel free to add me. I am always looking to make new friends.
  • Sapphirebabe1962
    Sapphirebabe1962 Posts: 28 Member
    ever since i have join this site i have made friends. :)