So fed up, feel like crying



  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    You look terrific! No one in the world can look at you and see if you are one pound more or less.
    I suggest that the mistake was weighing tooo often. Most MFP only weigh once a week; I weigh once a month. Then the ups and downs go by with out drama! If weekend socializing can cause a slight blip, then only weigh on Wed. morning. If you don't know you went up and down over the course of the week, you can't get depressed over it.
    Just a suggestion.:flowerforyou:
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support. I've just added a picture of me now (from my weekend!) so people don't get confused. I don't consider myself to be over weight but I would like to be happy with myself and be as slim as I was before University. There is a stone and a half difference between the pictures so that is what I am trying to achieve.

    You still look fantastic. I wouldn't have been able to pin which picture was "before" and which one was "after."
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    Oh I forgot to add that I am in the process of quitting smoking (with the exception of my drinking session). I have heard that affects weightloss/gain....
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    Thanks everyone for your support. I've just added a picture of me now (from my weekend!) so people don't get confused. I don't consider myself to be over weight but I would like to be happy with myself and be as slim as I was before University. There is a stone and a half difference between the pictures so that is what I am trying to achieve.

    You still look fantastic. I wouldn't have been able to pin which picture was "before" and which one was "after."


    and dont'll notice that pound gone in a day or two. NO WAY is it fat... like the others said-just chug the water! good luck!
  • rachelllk
    rachelllk Posts: 63
    I'm not a skinny girl so I can't say for sure, but my skinny friends who don't have naturally phenomenal metabolisms work for their bodies. They lift weights 5 times a week, do cardio 6 times a week, only drink vodka tonics when they go out and stay far away from processed foods. You don't have to give up your social life, you just have to make some changes to it! Don't be discouraged! You can drop that pound in no time :)
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    You have to plan it. Figure out how to incorporate your daily life into your new eating habits. If I am going out, and I know I want a drink, I plan for it. If we are going somewhere to eat, I plan how to manage that. The way I am eating now is how I plan to eat for life, I have a very active social life and eat out a lot. At least 1-2 times a week. If I don't plan how to handle it I will be miserable.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Don't sweat it. So you gained a pound it's probably all water weight. No biggie. Hang in there.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member

    do you want to be hermit buddies? :wink:

    Honestly though (although the above was a bit honest) I think everyone has some great advice. I think it mainly comes down to things such as eating smaller portions, exercising more, eating healthy in general, and/or genetics.

    Also, we tend to have harsher views of ourselves than of others. I think you are beautiful for one. :smile:
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    You can't expect to stay the same after you have over eaten!
    We all need to enjoy life once in a while. Dont beat yourself up over gains, and work your butt off so you can enjoy those treats without it affecting the scale too badly.
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Hi, I'm fairly new on MFP and I know this thread is really about how you feel about yourself but I had a look at your photos and wanted to give a male perspective... You are really hot! :)

    My only advice would be to go out as much as you can but don't drink too much, eat first and dance a lot to burn off a few bonus calories.
    Quite often when my best friend goes on about his exercise and diet (he recently lost 8 stone!) I just want to tell him to shut up but I think a lot of that comes from a sense of guilt and jealousy. Your friends may well have that too, so despite wanting to be supportive they get a bit of misdirected emotion that manifests as anger.

    Hmm, excuse the psychological BS there, but you get my point :)
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    If you stayed within your calorie goal, there is no way you put on an actual pound in a couple days. You would have needed to eat 3500 extra calories to do this! I know for me, alcohol causes HORRIBLE water retention.
  • cocobeenie
    cocobeenie Posts: 98
    My social life has definitely suffered since I started dieting for real but here are a few things that help...

    When you go out is it for the friends or the food and alcohol? If its for the friends, you shouldnt have tooooo hard of a time adjusting to dining on a diet. If its for the food and alcohol, try to focus on nutrition instead of comfort because after a while the healthy foods will be just as good as the unhealthy ones but wayy better for your waistline.

    When you go out order sparkling water with lime instead of a cocktail. It is really refreshing, calorie free, and you still have the social feeling of drinking.

    Plan ahead. Look at menus online before you go. Try to order the cleanest dish they have like a salad with grilled chicken breast or steak with veggies.

    Pack your own food if its not a fancy place. They usually dont mind.

    You can also split meals with friends or order sides as your meal. They might be small, but often not less than you need. This helps a lot with portion control.

    Always always always choose the fruits and veggies over any other kind of finger food or dessert. They are packed with water, vitamins, fiber, and all the other goodies the others are... not.

    If your friends dont understand you might have to make new friends to go out with. :/ Friends should be understanding and supportive.

    You can also try adjusting your goals if you know you will be going out at the end of the week. If you cut 50cal/day for six days, you can have an extra 300 for the seventh night out. Also, try to eat less earlier in the day before you go out but eat a little before you leave so youre not ravenous and blindly eating whatever is in sight.

    I hope this helps. Feel better! This isnt going to be easy but its also not going to be forever if you stick to doing it right. Good luck!