Lose 20 lbs by Sept 2016



  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Stats as of 5/15:
    SW 230.5 5/9
    CW 228.5
    9/1 goal 210
    GW 175
    Log every bite and exercise each day
    Exercise: weights 20 min 5 days, yoga 25 6 days, mini stretch 15 min 1 day
    Meditation: 5 min/5 days/wk
    Still trying to meditate just 5 min/day and finding it difficult.
  • slam570
    slam570 Posts: 24 Member
    I am definitely in (even if I'm a little late to the party)!!

    SW/CW: 210 (approximately... I'll have to get the accurate measure when I'm home from work today).
    9/1 goal: 185... Adding an extra five to my goal.
    GW: 140

    Log every day (even on cheat days).
    Finish C25k (due to finish Mid-July).
    Don't skip roller derby practice.
    Yoga at least twice a week.
    More weight training.
    Watch macros more.
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    Hi @slam570, I've had several false starts with C25K. Are you training outside, on a treadmill or both? Any insider tips you can share?
  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    May 18 status
    SW: 162
    CW: 160
    This is going painfully slow. Ugh. I increased my activity last week which helped my weight, but my bad knee was not wanting to play. So I had to give it a rest over the weekend. Now...slow again. I don't know how to eat less calories without just starving.
  • mick28
    mick28 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all,
    I am trying to get back into a routine from vacation. I have been eating more fruits and veggies and less junk. It is starting to show in the scale.
    I run races from 5k to half marathons. My advice to anyone who wants to start to run is to take it slow and build up a little each time. Some training plans may not fit your schedule or level of fitness. I usually run three times a week. And that's what works for me.
    Have a great day everyone
  • slam570
    slam570 Posts: 24 Member
    @julia123xyzabc definitely! So, I ran a half marathon in 2014 and c25k is where I started. I love to run, but unfortunately I got injured last year and had to stop running completely and put on all this nasty weight.

    Anyway, the two tips I have for running are:
    1: Stay far away from the treadmill. It's evil. I hate it.
    2: Make running a time when you do something for you. For example, I listen to an audiobook when I run and only when I run. I am an avid reader, so I love the audiobooks, but if I don't run, I don't get to find out what happens. Easy motivation right there.
    3: Sign up for a race at that will occur at the completion of your program! When I pay for something, I like to get my money's worth. That's why this works for me.

    I have no real other tips. At the end of the day, running is hard. It can be really lonely and really taxing on you mentally as well as physically. However, it is also mega-rewarding, and if you can undertake it and stick with it, the rewards will be worth the work.

  • slam570
    slam570 Posts: 24 Member
    edited May 2016
    Also, to add to my initial intro post before, my starting weight is 210 even. How's that for a guess?

    I plan to do my weigh ins on Friday mornings.

    First day update:
    So, in typical fashion of me, my first day wasn't great. I was extremely tired and skipped my workout, and also ate nonsense snacks all night. However, I was accountable and logged it all on my diary for once. I didn't like seeing it there in black and white, so that enough is motivation to not let it happen again (unless it's a day I designate beforehand as a cheat day). Onward and upward, friends.
  • srudawsky12
    srudawsky12 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm a bit late to the party, but would love to join this challenge. So far I've lost 4.4 lbs in May, so I'm on the right track! It seems like you all are doing great too.
  • Bobbig14
    Bobbig14 Posts: 1 Member
    Can I still join? I am 44 and 5' 3" and started with this app and a new focus on eating and exercise on April 10th. I started then at 175, gained 5lbs at the beginning and now at 173. I am at 1200 calories which all calculations tell me to be. My doctor tells me at least 2200. Um. No!!

    So my stats are:
    SW: 180
    CW: 173
    Sept GW: 160
    Final GW: 138

    Hoping to find help with motivation.

  • srudawsky12
    srudawsky12 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi @imaginaryjewel5 I'm working at the desk for a lot of the day too, and an new to fitness tracking. So far I've come up with a few different strategies to move around:

    I try to walk over to our water cooler at least twice a day, which gets me up and makes me drink more water. I also try not to consolidate trips across the office/building when I'm heading to the printer or delivering papers. At lunch I take about a 20 min walk too, it definitely cuts into my eating time, but I've really been enjoying it!
  • mirene13
    mirene13 Posts: 3 Member
    Is it too late to join? Looks like a super group and I love the no criticism. I want to lose 20 by September too but not ready to post my weight yet. Can't believe I allowed myself to gain sooooooooooooooooooooo much.
    I'm doing the 10,000 steps a day. Got an iphone s6 that tracks the steps for me which motivated me to MOVE!.
    As for losing - I'm 66 and I'm used to losing very very slowly. But with every step I'm helping my metabolism so maybe by September it will move a bit faster.
    As for calories - not big on my list - more into healthy foods - when the temptation demon leaves me alone. I look for dense foods with fiber. Hoping that moving and eating healthier will at least trim me a bit.
    Love some of the suggestions on here - going to use some of them - like sneaky ways to get in extra walking. Thanks!!!
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    Happy weekend, everybody! We made it through again.
    Today was an indulgent food day. I enjoyed a large, early dinner... then a few later night nibblies.
    I may postpone my weigh-in until Sunday. We'll see.
    However, I thoroughly enjoyed every bite of my meal, didn't wolf it down, was in good company... no guilt, none whatsoever.
    I mapped out a 5 mile walk for tomorrow. Fingers crossed the weather cooperates.
    Wishing you all a successful, enjoyable weekend. :-)
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • jacq369
    jacq369 Posts: 11 Member
    It's a good target to go for, count me in for this challenge
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    slam570 wrote: »
    ...Stay far away from the treadmill. It's evil. I hate it...

    Hahahaha! I know, right??! Now that temps are warming up and the days are getting longer, it's easier to get outside. The running bug hit me a few years ago and naturally I tried too much too soon and stressed my ITB. "...run through the pain run through the pain run through the pain..." was my mantra briefly. Fearing permanent damage, I gave up. The great thing about the C25K program is it insists on moderation.

    Anyway, thanks for the tips. Audio books: fantastic idea!
  • ehdub
    ehdub Posts: 37 Member
    just got my internet back! 20lbs by september seems totally doable! count me in!
    sw 216
    cw 199
    sept gw 179
    gw 155
  • DiamondCookies
    DiamondCookies Posts: 93 Member
    Definitely bookmarking this thread, this is exactly what I'm trying to do right now. I'm 19 and 5'6", and I want to lose some weight in a healthy way.

    SW: 160
    CW: 158
    GW: 140
    Other Goals:
    30 minutes of cardio at least 3 times a week
    Start lifting/find a sport to do (my go-to sport isn't available during the summer and I've never figured out what to replace it with DX)
  • ToniD923
    ToniD923 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in! I just turned 48, 5'5" & been focused on loosing weight since February. Up for the challenge to get that 20 off by September.
    SW 180
    CW 166
    GW 146 September
    Total GW 126
  • amysue0917
    amysue0917 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! How do I join? New to this :#
  • cma51709
    cma51709 Posts: 18 Member
    Is it too late to join? I need to lose more than 20 but motivation and accountability sound amazing