Desperate to find a new job...

i make $24,000 a year, canadian and live alone with 710$/month student loan payments.... i have to find a better paying job... i've applied for several positions in the $35,000 range, which would help alot, but do any of you have any tips for finding a better paying job? (other than going back to school... $60,000 student loan debt is plenty)...:sad:


  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    i make $24,000 a year, canadian and live alone with 710$/month student loan payments.... i have to find a better paying job... i've applied for several positions in the $35,000 range, which would help alot, but do any of you have any tips for finding a better paying job? (other than going back to school... $60,000 student loan debt is plenty)...:sad:
  • Mattysmomma
    Wanna join the army, not only will you get in shape but you will have a better paying
  • Go_Duke
    Go_Duke Posts: 66
    i make $24,000 a year, canadian and live alone with 710$/month student loan payments.... i have to find a better paying job... i've applied for several positions in the $35,000 range, which would help alot, but do any of you have any tips for finding a better paying job? (other than going back to school... $60,000 student loan debt is plenty)...:sad:
    do you have a degree?

    what is your occupation currently?
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    yuppers, honours degree in english and creative writing...
  • robsgal
    robsgal Posts: 50 Member
    Are you willing to relocate? Thats one option.

    Also talk to recruiters, staffing agencies and just start contacting companies to see what they have going on and watching company websites on a regular basis, you just never know when someone will quit or get fired. It's a hard time to be looking but there are companies doing ok. Send out tons of resumes, you may not get responses or get responses now but it's worth taking a chance and start networking with friends and pretty much everyone you meet, word of mouth is a great tool. Also show your resume to some people who view a lot of resumes, maybe you're missing something in you resume, you need to make sure you're getting your info across in the right way to suit that company, like use words from the job description, like if a job description uses some key words, make sure your resume has those key words, for instance if a job description stresses they want someone who can "multi task" then make sure you use those words and if they want you to know something like Excel, of course make sure it's on your resume, don't assume that they assume you know these basic programs.

    Just a few basic ideas, I'm a SAHM so it's been awhile.
  • natashak

    i am a recent graduate from college, i graduated in may. I started my job search in January, and finally found my real job in aug. I started in September, and have been with them ever since. I want to tell u when searching for a job, keep looking. My cousins all told me to send out at least 5 resumes a day, and if ur lucky, ull get one. i went to staffing agencies, i went on career builder and also monster as well as job fairs every week and i applied and applied and applied. The job I have today isnt necessarily what i wanted to do but its a job, and i enjoy the time I am at work, even though im incredibly busy. I suggest updating your resume everyday according to the job you are applying for.

    Something that really helped me finding jobs were my friends. They would force me to go to a nearby coffee shop where all they did was help me apply. I applied for a wide range of jobs.

    my cousins helped me because they updated my resume, and taught me how to do it all. it was great!!!!

    I was looking into this program where you would travel and live anywhere you want for a year, and they would pay you for working, they could help you find a job or whatever, it was great. Any questions private message me, ill help you further