What is/was your biggest motivation to make you want to transform your body?

kittyroseb Posts: 37 Member
Before it was always just because I wanted to be physically attractive to others. Now as I've slowly lost and got older its definitely about myself and mainly fitness inspired ( I'm a runner and weighing less certainly helps)

Also I'm starting university in September, meeting lots of new people and being in a new environment make me want to work hard this summer to feel my best but also have healthy habits to take with me!


  • ballcoach_08
    ballcoach_08 Posts: 716 Member
    A mix between my ex lol and myself. Best friend laid out a challenge and i'm making it happen.
  • GoatOfDestiny
    GoatOfDestiny Posts: 11 Member
    I was happier with abs.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    To one day feel like I could compete in a contest
  • deadliftsandnoodles
    deadliftsandnoodles Posts: 312 Member
    Personality can only get you so far
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    kittyroseb wrote: »
    Before it was always just because I wanted to be physically attractive to others. Now as I've slowly lost and got older its definitely about myself and mainly fitness inspired ( I'm a runner and weighing less certainly helps)

    Also I'm starting university in September, meeting lots of new people and being in a new environment make me want to work hard this summer to feel my best but also have healthy habits to take with me!

    When I first started 3 years ago I looked in the mirror and imagined what I wanted to look like. Since that day I've not lost focus of that, despite my hiccups.

    Now I've lost nearly 150lbs, I loook In the mirror and see a more defined version of me.

    I guess there's no limit to how you want your body to be, but becoming fitter, more flexible, quicker, an advanced form of me, is what I'm aiming for.
  • mymaggielove
    mymaggielove Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh more now than ever. I am a stress eater with high blood pressure. I need to get it down! :/
  • nadimsabra
    nadimsabra Posts: 62 Member
    Looked in the mirror and had a enough... Been training hard now for 7 weeks and haven't looked back lol
  • Anaris2014
    Anaris2014 Posts: 138 Member
    I want to avoid an early grave.

    My wife finding me attractive would also be a nice bonus.
  • RNontheRunn
    RNontheRunn Posts: 2 Member
    Seeing myself in pictures other people took of me at parties! Looking at your self in the mirror or taking your own pictures kind of cheapens how you really look. You know your angles or lighting to take a better photo!
  • Dr1nkbleachndye
    Dr1nkbleachndye Posts: 441 Member
    The challenge. It's never an easy thing. But it's always worth it when your spouse starts treating you differently with and without your clothes on.
  • treenzdreamz
    treenzdreamz Posts: 301 Member
    Not liking what I saw looking back at me in the mirror. Getting told I looked alot like my sister. Being so depressed and not liking where that was heading... Brought a treadmill even after everyone told me I wouldn't use it. I showed them 14kgs lighter and I still use my treadmill loads. I'm never going back too that unhealthy unmotivated unhappy person ever again
  • kdtesoriero
    kdtesoriero Posts: 141 Member
    I started to do this for my health... I am diabetic and started with arthritis and the doctor told me I had to lose weight. Now it's to feel better for myself as I feel great when I leave the gym or when I fit into something new in a smaller size and to look better to others.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    The challenge. It's never an easy thing. But it's always worth it when your spouse starts treating you differently with and without your clothes on.

    This. Instead of just squeezing my boobs or slapping my *kitten*, my hubby now swoops me up in his arms all the time and tries to carry me upstairs. Before he would have that strained look on his face if I tried sitting on his lap, now he asks me to.
  • YourBeautiful2
    YourBeautiful2 Posts: 77 Member
    Definitely not liking what I see in the mirror - being told that I would be pretty if I could just lose the weight - to be healthier - get off cholesterol medication - to feel better - to be able to run around with my niece and nephew without being so winded ... But mainly for me!
  • quitquit14
    quitquit14 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm at my heaviest at 25yrs old and 5"10 and 213 lbs, I've been looking at college pics of me at 180lbs and I want that body back. Plus I recently broke up with my bf who kept cheating with smaller girls, so I want "revenge" ie for him to see me slender again and eat his heart out :D
  • northcoastbeauty
    northcoastbeauty Posts: 34 Member
    Needing to get a wheelchair for my hubby to wheel me through the Ford museum.
  • Marqiiz
    Marqiiz Posts: 707 Member
  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    So I don't have to purchase new uniforms in the fall when officiating starts back up.
  • wh33ligurl
    wh33ligurl Posts: 11 Member
    Seeing pictures of myself....... I really didn't think it was that bad until I saw them :/