Getting in shape after baby



  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I am right there with you. I have a 2 year old and am sick carrying around the extra weight from him and my third son. Unfortunatetly, you won't shed the weight quickly but, continue with the cardio and do more strength training. That should work. Good luck! I am here for support. :happy:
  • cichawes
    cichawes Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Monica. :-)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    my daughter just turned 1 on sunday and i can gladly say i lost all my baby weight plus more... i was on the higher end of the scale when i got pregnant with her. i was 146 when i got pregnant 193 was my last weigh in at the dr office b4 i gave birth. so after her birth i stayed at 175 :(( i knew i needed to do something about it so i started walking and eating less and i lost only 9 lbs in 8 months, LOL... (i wasn't consistant) the end of february2011 i got tired of carrying an extra 20 lbs (166lbs) so i finally decided to try weight watchers. since february 21st i lost all my baby weight plus 7lbs :)) i'm at 139 and hoping MFP will help me continue to get to my goal weight... i'm still doing WeightWatchers (momentum program) but i'm also tracking here because i really like the tools and tracking programs... hope to keep up with going down in lbs :))
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    oh when you get closer to goal weight, your weight loss will slow down. if you add 5 days of exercise, you should continue to see weight go down. i'm losing anywhere from .5-2 lbs a week. it alternate, one week i lose .5lb the next i'll lose 2lbs. lol.. i'll take any weight loss number :))
    i love love doing exercise dvds. biggest loser series are my fav. i just recently bought Jillian Michaels 30day Shred and it's pretty good. just stick with the program and you'll lose it all in no time :))
  • sparklyvodka
    sparklyvodka Posts: 2 Member
    i've got a 15 month old and i still have 8lbs to lose to get back to my pre-baby weight. feel free to add me :) x
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