
I am hoping someone will be able to answer my question as to why im getting very veiny! Im down to 127lbs and im 5ft 6" ...over the past few weeks ive developed and noticed these fat veins running from each hand half way up my forearms...they usually only come out when I exercise but recently they seem to come out if im just a bit warm.......yesterday I noticed new veins on each side of my torso, running from my ribs down to my groin....its not like i can just see these veins, they are actually raised......why is this??! As a woman I dont think it looks very nice at all!! My diet is all fresh produce,I take nothing manufactured and i dont use any products eg proteins, etc etc......any ideas?


  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I believe that when you exercise your blood fills with extra oxygen... this causes your veins to stand out... the reason you are noticing them is because you are losing weight....

    Its a good thing!!! I EMBRACE the veins. lol means I am working really hard.
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    the leaner you get the more this happens. it's a result of being in good shape and your veins actually enlarge from the good circulation. there is a term for it... can't think of it at the moment. :) it happens to me at night especially or if i eat a lot of sugar/carbs.
  • oxokatieoxo
    ahhh i see, ok i thought it would have something to do with less fat but wasent sure....i better learn to love them then eh?! hahahaha
  • jmeriwether1
    When you increase your body heat, your veins rise to the surface to attempt to cool your body, this is your body's way of maintaining homeostasis. The less adipose (fat) tissue you have, will increase the prominance of your veins, just because there is not as much fat covering them.
  • oxokatieoxo
    so this is good right!!! :D just doesnt look nice lol
  • DancingYogini
    I know this is an older thread, but it was just the question I was looking for!! I have noticeable veins on my legs, abdomen, arms...even when I am not working out? Does this correlate to a particular body fat %, i am too cheap to go and have it professionally tested, but a ballpark number would be awesome :smile: