Can someone please help?:(

amikheeva33 Posts: 3 Member
Hey everyone! Basically I've started counting my calories- very carefully, I use food scales and everything- and always remain under my calorie goal of 1,200... But I haven't lost any weight- on the contrary, I've actually gained .8kg in 2 days!!! Has anyone had something similiar? How did you combat it? Any help would be highly appreciated!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited May 2016
    Weight fluctuates naturally - and independently from fat loss or gain - by up to four pounds/ two kilos from one day to the next. In a week you can lose up to two pounds, if you are obese, and no more than half a pound if you're down to the "last 5". So this isn't something to "combat". It just is.

    Be sure 1200 calories is right for you. It may be too aggressive - if you start to experience unpleasant hunger, it probably is. And at least don't go under. Your goal is set to make you lose at the predicted rate.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Weight fluctuations are normal! Don't stress over it :)
  • trollerskates
    trollerskates Posts: 87 Member
    Try stopping eating a little earlier.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Your answer will be in here:
  • DylsGrandma
    DylsGrandma Posts: 69 Member
    I would say don't go too low on your calories. If you get too low your metabolism will slow down and defeat your purpose. Make sure to journal everything you eat, drink enough water ( helps with sodium retention) and exercise if you aren't already doing so. Sometimes meds can also affect weight loss.
  • suzilla53
    suzilla53 Posts: 65 Member
    Watch your salt intake too.evertime I go over the MFP sodium recommended I gain. I personally am very sensitive to too much sodium.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Try stopping eating a little earlier.

    There is no reason to do this.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    suzilla53 wrote: »
    Watch your salt intake too.evertime I go over the MFP sodium recommended I gain. I personally am very sensitive to too much sodium.

    No, your body is just retaining water because of the sodium.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Your profile says you joined on May 14th and from your photo, it doesn't look like you have a lot to lose. If this is true, it's only been a week, and honestly a half or one pound loss could easily be masked by water. Follow the chart posted here and be patient.
  • amikheeva33
    amikheeva33 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all! Really appreciate it!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Sometimes it is a matter of having too much sodium and not enough water. Or having to go to the bathroom. Or weighing at different times of the day or what you're wearing. Strive to weigh yourself in your birthday suit or just undies first thing when you get up after going to the bathroom. Make sure you don't consume too much sodium as that will make you retain water.
  • Loco_Beast
    Loco_Beast Posts: 35 Member
    Are you sure 1200 calories a day are right for you? What is your activity level, do you workout, how much cardio if any? And if you're calories are too low your metabolism is going to slow down and your body will actually store fat, this is called survival mode. Your body has only one concern and that's protecting itself, so if you don't eat enough, your body will store fat for protection.
  • edixon127
    edixon127 Posts: 103 Member
    edited May 2016
    Loco_Beast wrote: »
    Are you sure 1200 calories a day are right for you? What is your activity level, do you workout, how much cardio if any? And if you're calories are too low your metabolism is going to slow down and your body will actually store fat, this is called survival mode. Your body has only one concern and that's protecting itself, so if you don't eat enough, your body will store fat for protection.

    "Starvation mode"/"survival mode" is a myth. OP, if you're interested in learning about some of the actual effects of an extremely low calorie diet, there are a lot of great informative posts on the forums. (This one does a great job of summarizing the major sticking points of the myth)

    While it's true that your metabolism will slow a little with excessive caloric deficits, it doesn't slow enough to halt weight loss progress. However, eating not enough calories can wreak havoc on your body in other ways such as slowing reflexes, decreasing endurance, impairing concentration and judgment, and even slowing your heart rate and lowering your body temperature. So yes, it's important that you consider if 1200 calories is enough for you-- but look at your macros to make sure you're getting the proper nutrients. Malnutrition is nothing to fool around with!

    Give it more time if you're just starting out, but if after a few weeks you feel that you're still not making any progress perhaps consider making an appointment with a dietitian. (Look for a dietitian rather than a nutritionist as dietitians are actual health professionals with many years of schooling while a nutritionist may be anyone who has given themselves that title. 'Nutritionist' is not a title protected by law in most countries, 'dietitian' is protected by law in the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and the UK).

    Also, if you're weighing yourself every day make sure that you're looking at your long-term progress and try to weigh at the same time of day each time you weigh. It's really easy to get wrapped up in our bodies' natural daily weight fluctuations, but if you're interested there's several apps such as Happy Scale and Libra that analyze your weight loss and take into account the fluctuations to give you your estimated "true" weight. It's worth looking into if you feel like daily fluctuations are driving you crazy!

    Sorry for the super long response, I just hate seeing myths being passed around on the forums! Best of luck to you! :relaxed: