Treadmill or road?

MB1967 Posts: 94 Member
Hi all,

I`ve been walking a lot since joining MFP but feel that I now need to "kick things up a notch" and start running/jogging.

My question is, which is best to start on, A= treadmill at the gym, or B= outside on the road?




  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Right now, I am running/ walking 6 days per week on the treadmill or out doors. I find that when I run around my neighborhood which is SUPER hilly, I feel it a lot more the next day than when I use the treadmill. Right now, I use 3.5 incline the whole time on the treadmill but I am constantly getting different inclines when I am outside so for me personally, I prefer to run outside.

    To answer your question though, I do not really think it matters how (or better yet, where) you start. But I had to work myself up to running. I would walk a little, jog a little, etc. Good luck. It feels really good!
  • midnightsukie
    midnightsukie Posts: 38 Member

    apart from the boredom, i can run for a while on a treadmill and dont feel it in my muslces.

    Running outside is so much harder and i can feel it everywhere (even my tummy muscles).

    I feel that the treadmill is good but a bit of a cheat. after all, your just running on the spot really, whereas with outside you have to push your body forwards is that makes sense. But i think the treadmill is a good place to start running, (and an option if its raining). treadmills are good if you have injuries as well (smooth surface).

    I'm just starting to get back into walking/jogging myself and going to try it outside now.

    Good luck!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    whatever feels right for you! The treadmill healps you "cheat" a little bit, but for some people it can be hard on the body. I definately started in the treadmill and worked my way to outdoor running as I found the pavement way more of a challange.

    Good luck!
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Enjoy the outdoors :) Its a little harder on your joints to high the pavement, say my doctor. I have weak ankels and use a tread at home, just incase something happens. .
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    The treadmill is a MUCH more forgiving surface and it may give your ankles a chance to get strong since you're just getting started.
    It could be a harsh change to go from treadmill to road just like THAT! so I'd suggest doing short runs on both so all your muscles are getting work!

    Hope this helps!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    You can get quite a workout on a treadmill. You have to know what workouts to do. I've had some treadmill workouts (last night's) that have been a harder intensity than anything I have done on the road. So, it's what you do with it.

    That being said, I enjoy the road better. Less boring.
  • AlisonMacKay
    AlisonMacKay Posts: 112
    I have always walked and jogged outside. I tried to walk on treadmill and it just didn't feel right. Felt like I was just trying to keep up with the machine.

    I agree with ladybg81 if you use the treadmill make sure you put it on an incline of about 3. Also I would suggest the couch to 5k program to start running. I was NOT a runner and I just ran 3 miles today, 9 weeks in on the program!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Running outside will always be harder than running on a treadmill. Pavement is harder on the joints, as are uneven terrain & not having the treadmill belt to help pull your feet back. That being said, there is nothing wrong with being a treadmill runner. I can barely run for 60 seconds outside, but I can run for several minutes on the treadmill!! So why not?
  • Majbdrake
    Majbdrake Posts: 69
    What is available to you?

    And here is some running logic...

    The Treadmill is good if you think you might tire out and end up having to walk back to your car or front door. Nothing worse than pulling up lame and then having to walk back to your car limping...

    The Road is good if you think you might stop on a treadmill because you know you don't have to turn around and run back to your car or front door. It kind of forces you to complete your run.

    Me, I do both.

    And I have had to limp back to the car before and I have wussed out on the treadmill before but both have given me great workouts in the past as well.

  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I say if it's a beautiful day out, take advantage of the weather and hit the streets!!
    fresh air can also make you feel like you can run for longer... just give it a go.
    If you don't like it, then go to a tredmill. When I run on a tredmill, I always put my incline up to 1 or 2 if i'm running at a faster pace..that way it's not completely "flat".. if i move to a slow jog/walk, i'll increase the incline to 8/9/10. Keep my heart rate up.

    I really do love running outside though, because I enjoy the sun, fresh air, and wind. For me I can run longer outside and I enjoy all the hills and all the changes in the terrain. :)

    I wish you luck in whichever you decide to do. :) either way you are running so great job!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It's too hot to workout outdoors here now (Miami + summer = HOT). I do 40 mins on the treadmill at an incline to keep the intensity up.
  • melandcurt
    melandcurt Posts: 16
    I like the road much better, but I'm a lot slower and I feel it more the next day. But with it being a BAZILLION degrees outside right now, the treadmill will have to do unless we have a night where it cools down considerably.
  • Kimcam07
    Kimcam07 Posts: 12 Member
    HI, I think you should use whatever you are going to stick too. I hate running on the treadmill (but i do it every once in a while if i am working out in the gym) but for the most part I run outside. It keeps me going, part of it is having some scenery to look at but the other part is that if I get "bored" a mile in I just can't turn off the road and quit, I HAVE to run back to my start point (of course its route dependent) Good luck either way, happy trails!
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Whatever works for you. I once saw an astronaut run the Boston outer space. The object is to keep running. In Florida, we have rainy afternoons in the summer so I use gym more, and also since we are so flat I can change incline to simulate more intense(hilly) workout.
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308
    If you have trouble with your knees or back, it may be good to start on a treadmill, if you have access to one. If you are training for something, the road is better to train on. If you are just (I don't mean "just" in a sense that minimizes anything) wanting to work out, use a treadmill, way easier on your knees and back. Great job!!!
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Right now, I like to jog on the treadmill but only because I am embarrassed of the way I look so dont want others to see me lol. But I would much rather be outdoors because the treadmill is boring!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I do both, but I actually run faster and better outside. It's the rush of actually covering some ground and the outside air that makes it for me!
  • alliebe
    alliebe Posts: 21
    First of all, congratulations. You are making a decision that will change your life. A great program to do is couch to 5K, it is a 9 week program, you can find it online free, or there are free apps for the android phones that actually will tell you when to run and walk for each day workout. It starts you out very slow, with a jog/walk combo. I have been doing it for 8 weeks and am now up to running over 3 miles.

    I started on the treadmill for the first couple of weeks, then went outdoors, it is much better outdoors. It is harder but also not as boring, so it is a good trade off. You will find that once you get into it more and more, you will actually want to run. Your body will crave it, as you feel so awesome after a good run. I am now on week 8 of the program and can run for 38 minutes straight (the program only calls for 28 minutes of running for week 8), in the beginning of the program I would have thought that to be impossible as I struggled to run for 1.5 and 3 minutes at a time.

    Good luck, if you want some inspiration, add me as a pal and I will be there to help you along the way. Good luck!
  • Electraglider
    That would depend on the condition of your knees. Further, believe it or not, the two do work different muscles. I started out on the treadmill and got myself up to about 30 minutes at around 3.7 MPH per the digital readout. Then I decided one nice day to take it out on the road. I ran a couple of miles and the next day the tops of my legs were real sore. It seems since the treadmill moves beneath you you are not really pushing yourself forward. Changing the angle of the treadmill to simulate going up hill may change that. Also, the treadmill is more likely to be lower impact and thus easier on your knees. From that stand point you may want to at least start with that. Oh yeah, it is boring.
  • pojinx
    pojinx Posts: 34 Member
    What is the couch?