Bodybugg vs Bodymedia Fit vs FitBit

TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
I am thinking about investing in one of these tools since I am obvously doing something wrong with my calories in vs calories out. Does anyone have any experience with any of these tool and know how accurate they are?.....Which one works the best?...

Thanks for the help :flowerforyou:


  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Nope... But My wife is very happy with her Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor.
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    I don't know about these items you mentioned, but I just bought a Mio HR monitor for $45 off amazon and I like it. I heard the Polar ones are good too, although a little more expensive.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    I used the body bugg and had fabulous results. It tracked my calories burned so there was no guess work and I was very meticulous about logging my meals and making sure I measured EVERYTHING. I put myself at a 1,000 calorie deficit per day...I worked out 7 days a week (7 days cardio and 5 days resistance training) I lost 25lbs in 90 days. I truely believe that this was one of the greatest tools I've ever used. I then handed it down to my father who lost 50lbs and his wife used one and lost 62lbs. Its worth the investment but you have to use it properly to get results. Make sure you are completely honest with the set up questions and dont cheat on your meals, otherwise it's a waste of money.
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    There is also another device that Costco carries called Mytrak. I have been thinking about purchasing as well.

    I'll be interested to follow this thread but the one thing i can add is - I had a bunch of questions about the devices and sent them into bodybug AND Mytrak. i never heard anything from the BodyBug company but MyTrak actually called me within a couple of days to answer my questions in person. When I expressed how surprised I was she commented that she always found that the answers to some questions can often lead to other questions so she wanted to talk to me in person to make sure all my questions were answered. Awesome customer service. Especially since she ended the call with a pleasant - have a good day as opposed to trying to get me to buy it then and there.
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    I love my BodyBugg. I realized that I was WAY off on my calorie burns...super over estimating, even when using a HRM.
    I do like the fact that BodyMedia Fit has a sleep cycle measurement. I probably would've gone with it vs. the Bugg for that reason.
    Also, I still use MFP for my calorie counting. The food journal is much more complete here.
    IMO, any of them are a great tool and worth the investment.
    My results improved dramatically once I had an accurate daily burn to log!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I have the Bodymedia Fit and it is amazing. Here is the review I sent to my friend... (by the way BodyBugg and Bodymedia Fit are both made by the same company...I have heard that the online media data is more user friendly with the Bodymedia Fit):

    BodyMedia Fit...I can't say enough good things about it. It tells you the quality of your sleep; lying down vs. actual sleep and the number of hours you slept (plus how many calories you burned over nite). Instead of the averages for your height, weight etc that you get for BMR, calories burned, deficit, this gives you YOUR real numbers (90% accuracy). It gathers info over time and gives you your averages and reports, low cal days/high cal days, number of steps, graphs...the reports are 4 pages long :) I have read some people say that their actual burns are way lower than MFP was telling them...mine are actually consistently higher.
    If you do get one, you may want to look into the Blue Tooth version if you have a smart phone. It also now works with the new Panasonic® VIERA Connect™ IPTVs...shows your realtime burn when you are doing video workouts! Read more about this on their website. I wish now that I would have gotten the Blue tooth one, but I am still happy with my purchase. I was going to get the display unit down the road, but now I don't think I really need it. I just plug it in to my computer about 3 times a day and it syncs to upload the data, then is fully recharged in less than 5 minutes.

    I don't use their food data base...I think that MFP's is better. I just log food on MFP and changed the setting on my BMF to let me plug in my calorie "estimate" at the end of the day instead of by meal. Then it tells me my deficit for the day. It is just so cool.... I know my hubby is tired of hearing about how cool it is, but even he thinks it's pretty neat :) Get one! In my opinion, a MUCH better purchase than a HRM because it gives you cals burned for workouts AND for the rest of the day so you really get to know your body.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I haven't heard of MyTrak??... Did you get it later on?...
  • skbruewer
    skbruewer Posts: 144 Member
    I have the BodyBugg, and I absolutely LOVE it. I also found that I had been off with my calories burned. I either over estimated or underestimated. I only use it to track my calories burned and enter everything else here in MFP, since the BodyBugg database is pretty craptastic. I wear mine 23 hours a day and I've lost 24 pounds since 4/4/11!
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    I haven't heard of MyTrak??... Did you get it later on?...

    Just so you know, Body Bugg is the most accurate one on the market right now. I would not get anything cheaper just to save money. There is also another one called DotFit which is the bugg but sold by a different manufacturer. It's a bit more pricy but comes with 1 year of the computer program vs Bodybugg is only 6 months I believe.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I have a UK BodyMedia Fit (KiFit).....

    It does everything as stated earlier.... but I think one of the best things about it, is that you can see your after burn.

    I also have the display, which was quite useful - on Saturday morning I did a ChaLean Extreme weight lifting session (35 minutes) and saw for the following 6-8 hours that my calorie burn per minute was double than normal....

    My total calorie burn for the day
    This has now motivated me to try & get my exercise done in the morning - especially my strength training.....
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    I haven't heard of MyTrak??... Did you get it later on?...

    Just so you know, Body Bugg is the most accurate one on the market right now. I would not get anything cheaper just to save money. There is also another one called DotFit which is the bugg but sold by a different manufacturer. It's a bit more pricy but comes with 1 year of the computer program vs Bodybugg is only 6 months I believe.

    Not sure where you get the idea it is any cheaper. I thought they were pretty similar in price I think there was a $10 difference and both are claiming a 'better than 90% accuracy'
  • JFamilo
    JFamilo Posts: 22 Member
    I've been considering the bodymedia fit (bluetooth version) for the last 8 months or so. I keep looking at reviews and they seem all over the place. I just worry it will be exciting at first and then i'll slowly stop wearing it, especially during the summer when I have short sleeves and have to answer so many questions. But if it works then it may be worth it. I keep telling myself if I lose 10 lbs on my own then maybe I'll get one...I'm at 8.2 lbs on my own so I guess maybe...
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I've been considering the bodymedia fit (bluetooth version) for the last 8 months or so. I keep looking at reviews and they seem all over the place. I just worry it will be exciting at first and then i'll slowly stop wearing it, especially during the summer when I have short sleeves and have to answer so many questions. But if it works then it may be worth it. I keep telling myself if I lose 10 lbs on my own then maybe I'll get one...I'm at 8.2 lbs on my own so I guess maybe...

    I have the bluetooth version and haven't had any issues with it at all. I think a lot of the bum reviews for it are from when it was new and still buggy. There have been several updates since it was first released...

    I was also concerned I'd stop wearing it after awhile and was embarrassed thinking about people looking at it - but that hasn't happened at all. I don't mind wearing it at all and in 4 months I've only had someone ask what it was for one time.
    I got mine in March and have lost 25 pounds since then. The BodyMedia Fit has been a great tool. I'd definitely buy it again. :)
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I've been considering the bodymedia fit (bluetooth version) for the last 8 months or so. I keep looking at reviews and they seem all over the place. I just worry it will be exciting at first and then i'll slowly stop wearing it, especially during the summer when I have short sleeves and have to answer so many questions. But if it works then it may be worth it. I keep telling myself if I lose 10 lbs on my own then maybe I'll get one...I'm at 8.2 lbs on my own so I guess maybe...

    I've worn mine to work with a summer dress & no jacket, commuted into the city (I work in an Investment company) and not one person has even looked or commented.... I hardly take it off... actually I forget to take it off every 23 hours
  • krc2003
    krc2003 Posts: 6 Member
    Loved my bugg and it was working for me, but I developed a rash and had to stop using it.
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