Hello Everyone

Well today is day 1 of my umpteenth time to getting to my goal weight. I am a 54 year old female that has been down this path many times. The thing that has changed for me is that back at the end of 2014, I had my thyroid removed since it was cancerous. Since then I just do not have the energy to do anything anymore. My job is sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day, so after work I drag myself to the gym for an hour. I try to be motivated and look at the good things that the gym does, but every time I cop out and end of only going 2 days a week.
However, today I am making a commitment that I go at least 3 days a week and if I can do that for four weeks in a row, I will try for four days a week.
Anybody have any trick that make them get to the gym on a regular basis.
So day one has been successful, walked for 20 minutes during the work day and then walked another 20 minutes at the gym plus did some weights for bi's and tri's. Also, played with my dog outside for about 15 minutes. I am hoping that I can keep this up and be able to loose 50 lbs and feel better and have more energy.


  • WayneM195
    WayneM195 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello. :)
  • saxtor
    saxtor Posts: 7 Member
    Your motivation to not give up on You! Will eventually win! Just don't stop! New to the community. I usually do my own motivation and meal plans. Just making the gym part of your life makes a big difference.
  • agrote56
    agrote56 Posts: 2 Member
    Great job! :) Starting can be the hardest part. For me I changed my eating habits first and just generally felt better. I had more energy and I wanted/needed to go out and move. Having someone to exercise with also helps! Do you have someone that can go with you to the gym?
  • godlikepoetyes
    godlikepoetyes Posts: 442 Member
    Once my counselor said to turn that statement around. Instead of berating yourself for only going twice a week, why not say, "I went to the gym TWICE this week!" Don't beat yourself up. If you follow MFP's calorie settings for you, you will lose weight even if you don't exercise. It wasn't until I was well into my weight loss that I started moving often. And it was not until later that I started moving regularly. Now I love it and don't feel the same if I'm not up and going. Give yourself time. Be kind to yourself.

    And, since you've done this over and over, like me, try to learn from what you have done in the past. A good place to start is to ask yourself if you're eating in a way that you can maintain FOREVER. That has been key for me, not looking at this as a diet. I never say "diet" and I never say "exercise." I say "food" "eat" "move" "play" "dance!" I have found movement that I love--I've done everything in the water. Now I've added dancing. It's fun. If it weren't fun, I wouldn't do it.
  • cocoa2000k
    cocoa2000k Posts: 10 Member
    As soon as yup get out of work just say I'm going to go work out ans that it and go don't stop do anything else just go to the gym.
  • klbarry70
    klbarry70 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all for the encouraging words and the tips. I am taking every thought that you have provided into my motivation and plan. I thank you and wish everyone success!
  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    You are being too hard on yourself. The gym isn't for everyone. I notice you have a dog. If you find the gym a bore you could try taking the dog on long rambles after work instead. Even better get the doggie walk in early during these long summer days and get your exercise over and done with before starting work. Walking is supposed to be one of the best exercises and with a dog it's an easy one to keep up.
    Good luck.
    Wendy in London