Getting started over for the hundredth time. Wanna make it work. Really need help

Hi I've lost 100 pounds before but only kept it off 1 yr. Been a overweight person the rest of my life. Need to get 100 pounds off. Wish there was a magic pill


  • marshmellopeeps77
    marshmellopeeps77 Posts: 5 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you've done it before, then you know how to do it... its the maintenance part that you seem to struggle with?
  • nce2cu
    nce2cu Posts: 4 Member
    You lost 100 lbs!!!! :-) That is amazing! Persistence and patience will pay off. A trusted accountability partner to help you keep on track when you are tempted or when you are stressed will help. Do you have someone like that in your life?
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    No magic pill. You know how to pay of the debt, next time work on managing the checkbook once you pay of the debt. None of us gets to revert back to the old ways of eating. So, while you are losing weight this time around have a normal maintenance eating day at least once a week. That's how you eat when you lose the 100 pounds again. If you eat over maintenace one day, you'll have to eat at a slight deficit a couple of days, sometimes a few. None of us gets to our goal and remains a statue. We still have to keep our awareness of food intake. The only reason you gained it back is you lost your awareness of what you eat, like spending with a credit card. Pay cash for life (with caloires) and never forget that everything in matters.
  • ladyknightwolfhill
    ladyknightwolfhill Posts: 2 Member
    First congrats on losing the 100lbs! It would not be the same or feel amazing if a magic pill existed. Hard work pays off and feels great. Keep a healthy strict diet and keep active much as possible. Remember anything can be achieved when you set your mind to it!
  • rhsdancer5
    rhsdancer5 Posts: 96 Member
    You have done it! You can definitely do it again! Just log everything, keep yourself accountable for what you do and eat! Make reachable goals, and rewards when you accomplished them! You got this!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Don't think about it as "starting over". I think that creates too much drama and can create a mindset that you're a failure, so you need to start over. What about viewing it as a continuing journey of health, fitness, and life? Every journey has bumps, detours, wrong turns, and side trips. When that happens, do you scrap the trip, go home, and start over? Of course not, you just make adjustments, reroute the trip, and keep going.

    Maybe you could incorporate that perspective into weight loss...and life. Make some changes and adjustments that are needed, but don't emotionally stack the situation into success/failure, starting/ending, or similar. You can do it!

    Be kind to your inner self this week. Instead of thinking about starting over, think about making adjustments and continuing your life journey. Instead of thinking about giving up or falling off the wagon, think about making adjustments to meet new challenges. This journey is tough enough, we need to enjoy the process and not be so hard on ourselves.