Getting serious

My name is Kathee I too am trying to lose 100 pounds. I did it some years ago but gained it back. I want tips, insights HELP I believe laughter is a good medicine and I'm a goofy lady, but want to be serious about losing this weight finally


  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    edited May 2016
    Weight loss comes from eating less calories than you burn. Get a food scale to weigh the food you eat to ensure accurate logging. Welcome to MFP!

    Edited for spelling.
  • ludazatobom
    ludazatobom Posts: 53 Member
    Hello. We are in the same boat. I'd like to lose a 100lbs as well. Add me if you like. On those bad days it's nice to have someone to relate to and talk to.
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    Big tip - slow and steady wins the race, it's a lifestyle change not a crash diet so just take it super slow and you'll get there :smile:

    Biggest tip food wise is to weigh out all your food - don't guesstimate.

    And above all just be positive! Take little steps, you've done this before so you're familiar with the process, just enjoy taking the steps to being the healthiest version of you.