Good quick breakfast & snack options

dualvans Posts: 51 Member
I need some ideas for quick easy filling breakfast I can grab and eat on go, or within 5 mins. Likewise for snacks that could be my to go lunch if I'm really busy.

Case in point today: I had gym this am at 6 for an hour, and literally been on the run, going going till now from school drop off, appointments and errands. I'm starving now and do not want to fall into the trap of eating crap options cuz it's easier than grabbing my already prepared healthier item.



  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Pre-make homemade freezer breakfast burritos or sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, frittatas/egg bakes/egg muffins, smoothie packs, overnight oats, or if you want something non-traditional - pull out something else pre-made (leftovers, or I sometimes grab a portion of soup, meatballs, or burgers from my freezer for breakfast).
  • judyweighsin
    judyweighsin Posts: 3 Member
    A couple of my favorite quick breakfasts that I can eat in the car. Spread a couple spoons almond butter on a low carb tortilla and wrap it around a banana.
    1 cup unsweetened amond milk, 1 cup cooled coffee, a big scoop chocolate protein powder, and ice in a blender bottle. Grab a piece of fruit for a snack later.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Oh, my favorite snacks are things like beef jerky, olives, cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, but I usually just eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner - not huge on snacks.
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    Oh, my favorite snacks are things like beef jerky, olives, cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, but I usually just eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner - not huge on snacks.

    These are great ideas. I try to stick to 3 meals as well, but I have fruit around 4pm if I can't make it until dinner. If I've skipped a snack but I'm starving when I get home, I might munch on a few olives or some small slivers of good-quality cheese (no more than an ounce total) while I prepare a healthy meal. Before resorting to snacking while cooking, I'll have a glass of sparkling water. I've been somewhat successful replacing an evening glass of wine with sparkling water.

    For breakfast, I like sprouted grain bagels with hummus or peanut butter or a vegan buttery spread, or a high-protein/low-sugar yogurt with granola (watch the sugar/calories) and measure, measure, measure. I'll also start the day with coffee and unsweetened almond milk. If I don't have breakfast food in the house, I've been known to eat a small portion of dinner leftovers or perhaps just fruit and coffee. I like overnight oats as well but I haven't been eating them recently.

  • JodehFoster
    JodehFoster Posts: 419 Member
    - not huge on snacks.

    your screenname is not indicative of this... ;)
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    My SO and I leave for work at 6:30 am, so we always end up eating breakfast in the car on work days.

    I like a coffee, a banana, and a piece of sprouted wheat toast with various combinations of toppings:

    16g chocolate cream cheese with 5g natural peanut butter.

    half an avocado mashed, with sriracha and tomato slices.

    half an avocado mashed, with a sliced hard boiled egg and salt and pepper.

    15g herb and garlic cream cheese (or 2 plain Laughing Cow wedges), and cucumber slices.

    Around 10am I always have a second 10cal coffee (1 splenda, 1/3 cup unsweetened cashew milk) and a granola bar (Kashi, or Quaker Harvest, or Special K Nourish usually) and that keeps me going until my lunch at 1 or 2pm.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    - not huge on snacks.

    your screenname is not indicative of this... ;)

    @jodehfoster - LMAO.

    It was actually a college nickname because I'm pretty small and I can be kind of overbearing. Started as Munchkin/Munchy to Queen of the Munchkins and then Queenmunchy.
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    I just made a whole pot of cabbage soup using grounded chicken it look so good but when I tasted it the chicken was no good arrrrrrrrrrrrr a whole pot wasted...My reason for replying is I had just bought wonton wrappers. I took 5 wraps and a wedge of skinny pepper jack cheese and cut a cherry tomato in half and put it in the wonton. I used a little bit of olive oil in my pan just enough so they would not stick they came out amazing and only around 160 calories for 5...Now my mind is going to go nuts seeing what other healthy choices I can make..
  • liams987
    liams987 Posts: 23 Member
    Have a protein shake
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I have a container of shredded chicken thighs I use for wraps for lunch but I also find a small amount, 50g or so, makes a nice snack on its own too.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I like nut butter on an apple or banana for a quick breakfast. Also protein shakes, like other people have mentioned--I soak chia seeds in unsweetened soymilk in the fridge overnight, then blend with chocolate protein powder and a banana.