Where to buy hcg?



  • jmhigg1020
    jmhigg1020 Posts: 51 Member
    I very much appreciate the concern, and I'm not completely sure that it's what I want to do. I do know, however, that I have done the work with no results. I lose a very small amount, not the 5% needed to start reversing the issues that cause this, and I have to find a way to get this rolling to continue on this path. I have 80 pounds to lose that I have been working on for a very long time, like a few years. I have started the Insanity DVDs, I have a trainer that kicks my butt at my house each week, I was working with a health coach specializing in PCOS for a while, I am followed by an endocrinologist and OBGYN and general physician, I take 30 pills a day, and I'm just looking for something to give me a boost to get moving a little more. I do not plan on changing the healthy things that I do, and I do not plan on doing this long-term. For anyone who knows what PCOS is and what the symptoms are, I have all of them pretty severely. I want to start going to church again, but I have to have at least one day per week where I don't have to shave my face because I get razor burn so badly. At this moment, my husband is outside mowing the lawn and my children are outside playing in this beautiful Charlotte weather, but I'm inside because it's Sunday - I don't want to talk to any of the neighbors because I haven't shaved today. This is just the start of a whole other host of issues - I don't want to sound like I'm ranting or that I don't appreciate every comment here. While I haven't made a final decision, I am entertaining other options because I'm getting to the end of my rope here.

    I have some of the same PCOS issues, but not significantly. My friend does a ton though. There are 2 natural supplements that work to balance your hormones. One is Vitex (do not use if you are trying to get pregnant), the other is cramp bark (safe if trying). I took the cramp bark after a miscarriage to get my hormone levels back to normal and it really worked. Recently started it again cause I'm all out of whack. Also, there are thyroid helper supplements that may help you as well.

    Also, are you eating enough? Sounds like you are working out really hard and if you're not eating enough you're throwing your body into a starvation mode that is completely counter-productive. You likely need at least 1200-1500 calories net (that means eating exercise calories) to help your body let go of the stored weight.

    PS HCG is a hormone. All of your PCOS issues are hormone-based. I think going with a hormone-based weight loss system might mess your own hormones up even more.

    I have thought about that being an issue with the hormones - that's one thing that holds me up. I do take vitex (also known as chaste berry) - it's in the supplements I take from Insulite. I don't know what cramp bark is - I'll have to look that one up. I'm not trying for a baby - I had my tubes tied last year after losing a baby to anencephaly in 2009. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss - it is a tough thing to have happen, and pulling it all back together can be difficult. Many good thoughts your way!!!! I agree with the calories, too - I set mine at 1200 and sometimes go over, and I recently discovered the need to eat the calories that I burn, so that's something else I'm working on. I am also contacting my endo tomorrow - he had talked about increasing one of my meds, and as much as I don't want to add more pills, I might have to just to be able to have a more normal day-to-day life with these symptoms. Thanks so much for the perspective!
  • Dr. Oz did a segment on this diet on his show and it was very informative. The supplements do not work only the injections and it was pretty scary to here what some of the women on this diet went through. My mom's friend lost 15lbs. in 3 weeks but did not keep it off. I would talk to your Dr. and see what they can do to help with the weight.
  • Hi, I totally feel your pain. I have struggled with the severe symptoms of PCOS for years now. I am also currently considering the HCG diet and the place I have been referred to by several people to buy it is here http://www.pharmacyescrow.com/s47218-s-HCG-PREGNYL.aspx . Also as for the facial hair have you tried laser hair removal? I had it done professionally for about 8 months or so and then bought a Tria at home laser. While I still have hair to deal with it has decreased a great deal. I know how crippling that facial hair is to your self-esteem. I wish you lots of luck in the fight against all the symptoms! Feel free to message me if you want to talk about anything.
  • wolfmommy
    wolfmommy Posts: 3
    Vitex is awesome for PCOS! I took it and had great luck with it regulating my horomones. maybe once you get your horomones in line with the hard work the weight might come off more easily??
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    Vitex are awesome (4th person to say so , If I counted correctly) I am hormone sensitive and if mine are outta wack I tend to start gaining. If I eat dairy that has hormones in them (non organic) I can feel the effects, even sometimes meat will affect me so I tend to be picky on the sources.

    I hear that a gluten free diet helps PCOS sufferers too. You may want to look up more information about it.

    My SIL did the HCG drops. she lost crazy amount of weight but because it was soo fast she had really loose skin and rolls. It is a very strick 500-800 cal diet. and depending on the source and Dr and what not. You couldnt use face cream/ lotions/liquid make up (anything the skin can absorb) because you can gain weight from it. I have also heard about skin and hair issues due to the STRICT diet. If you are already having hormone issues it is probably not the best diet for you.

    This is where my SIL got her stuff and there very informative information on the diet, the life style, the reasons for gains or stalls in loss...

    I did my research first and figured if I was to do it that I would cause more damage to my fragile hormone system and probably to my own health as well. I wish you luck in what you decide
  • jmhigg1020
    jmhigg1020 Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you all for the rest of that info and encouragement!! I have opted to not do it right now - my hormones are working their way back to normal, and while I stalled out for a bit on my diet and exercise due to lots of stress and craziness, I'm back at it now. I am more hopeful since my body is figuring out what to do with itself, and though it will stay in the back of my mind as a possibility, I'm hanging in there right now! :)
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Save your money [don't buy the HCG - sounds like you're doing everything right already - just practise patience] and go for electrolysis sessions. I did it and it was the best money I ever spent. No more tweezing, shaving or anything. My time is mine.

    Sometimes you need to shop around for an electrolysis technician that really knows her stuff. Get references.

  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    I have lost 41lbs on HCG. And it cost 45 dollars for a month supply
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