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Hi all! I'm in serious need of help. I'm a mid 50's female weighing 226 pounds. I'm 6 feet tall, and my ideal weight is 175. I lost 37 pounds in 6 months, then major stress hit, and I've regained it all, even though I exercise. My willpower went out the window. I've wanted to go back and look at my successful weeks, but I can't figure out how to go back that far in my logging. I need some advice, recipes, or whatever to get the scale going in he right direction. Please help. I'm really feeling defeated.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello !

    I see that your frustrated right now , we've all been there at some point ! Just remember this - dont over complicate things. weight loss comes from a calorie deficit. As Long as you eat at a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. Calories in- calories out. Calorie deficit- weight loss.
    just eat at a calorie deficit for weight loss. Get yourself a food scale if you dont have one.

    Since you do not have a lot of weight to lose , I would personally adjust your settings to 0.5 lbs per week loss. You don't want to create a huge deficit so remember that slow and steady wins the race. Be patient with yourself and be forgiving. Nobody is perfect all the time. Allow yourself to have the foods you love but use moderation. for long term success, its important to learn portion control and moderation. I lost all my weight and have been maintaining my loss for nearly three years now while still enjoying all the foods I love. I realized that being too strict was a set up for failure. Remember- moderation not deprivation!
    Best of luck to you !
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited May 2016
    “Turn your focus around. Instead of looking at what you do wrong, look at what you do right. And grow confident about it.” - Jerry Corsten

    I just happened upon this quote and had shared it with my FL thought I'd share it here as well.

    Here's a couple things that might help:
    Check out the Success stories... they really are uplifting they make you excited and proud of the person having worked so hard and make you realize it IS possible to get to your own goal again.

    I'm off to workout in the pool and do weights but when I get back if someone else hasn't shared I'll look into seeing about looking back through the food diary. I really don't know how far back you can go...I've never checked it out before.

    You can go back and look at your progress on your weight etc. and see how the graph looks as it showed how you went down in weight that can be inspiring!

    All the Best,
    Hearts <3

  • TracyMyers202
    TracyMyers202 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks, ladies. That is great advice! I actually lost a pound last week so things are looking up!