Setting a goal weight

rph2t Posts: 34 Member
I am 5'8" and about 205 at the moment. I looked at some online resources, and they said my goal weight should be around 155. My issue with that is I have never weighed that little, not since probably junior high. I am a fairly muscular build, and fairly tall for a woman. I'm just worried about being unhealthy, I suppose. The least I've ever weighed as an adult has been 170, and I felt fairly svelte then, but maybe I've just never been a healthy weight?

I was just hoping to get some advice. How did you choose your goal weight? Do you reevaluate as you go, or do you have a number you are working toward? Did your goal weight seem too low when you started out? I am not just starting out, but I'm really digging in lately, and I wanted to have a challenging goal to work towards.


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    170 sounds a bit too much for a woman it's not like you're 5'-10" or taller. Look up some female athletes perhaps for comparison. Wikipedia often has their height & weight.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,116 Member
    I'm 5'4.75" and I started at 195. At first my goal was 145 because I just thought that sounded good. But after doing some research I decided to set my goal at 135. This puts me around the middle of the healthy BMI range. My "ideal" weight range is 110 - 148. I decided that I really wanted to have a range of about 5 pounds and not necessarily a specific number since weight can fluctuate so much and 145 would put me too close the the overweight range. I figure once I get to 135 I will go on maintenance and try to stay between 135-140. I'm at 146.2 today, so I'm getting really close.

    I think it is fine and really a good idea to set a goal and then reevaluate as you go. If you get to 170 and feel good and are happy with how you look then that is fine. If you get there and decide that you could go a little lower that is fine too. For me this is a lifestyle change and not a diet, so I kind of look at it as I will always have goals, they will just change over time. Right now my goal is to lose 11 more pounds. Once I get there I will set some new goals. For me they will be more fitness related.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    170 sounds a bit too much for a woman it's not like you're 5'-10" or taller. Look up some female athletes perhaps for comparison. Wikipedia often has their height & weight.

    Ambitious goals are great, but I don't know if comparing oneself to a female athlete (who typically dedicates herself to training/diet) is realistic for everyone. Am I misunderstanding what you're saying?
  • Toronto6fan
    Toronto6fan Posts: 461 Member
    I'd set for 170 then adjust as you get closer. I'm 5'5 and want to get to 160, once I reach that I plan to readjust but anymore than that seems out of reach right now.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    No idea but if the OP considers herself muscular and hence heavier then an athlete would be a comparator. 154 would be my opening bid.
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    I'm 5'2" and currently weigh 203. My goal is 150 as this is lower than I have ever been as an adult but still doesn't 'sound' too low to me. As I get closer I will re-evaluate how I feel.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    for me i weighed 180 at age 18, and at age 55 was 355. first i thought about 250 as a goal then decided to shoot for 220. 220 is still my goal, when i get there i will decide if thats good or not. pick a goal thats realistic, then when you get there decide if its good or if you want to go further. YOU PICK....not some chart. my point is that its a goal, not a rule or law, and its ok to make new goals as you go and get where you want to be.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Can't edit so here's a comparison for athletes
  • healthykaitlin
    healthykaitlin Posts: 91 Member
    sorauren wrote: »
    I'd set for 170 then adjust as you get closer. I'm 5'5 and want to get to 160, once I reach that I plan to readjust but anymore than that seems out of reach right now.

    That's what I would do too. Set to the weight that "feels" right &, as it nears, you can always readjust. Right now my goal is only in 10 lb increments. I started at 206, made it to 196... Goal made! Made it to 186... Goal made! I don't want to focus too much on the end goal because I find it discouraging, you have to do what works for you.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I have my eyes set at a slightly overweight BMI (162 pounds at 5'6) because I like having a fair bit of body fat and curviness. I may stop before I reach it or I may keep going. It all depends on how happy I will be at that weight with the way I look and feel and with the calories required to maintain. I'm actually planning to reach that weight, eat at a reasonably comfortable level and see where my weight wants to settle. As long as I'm not in the obese or underweight range I'll take it.

    I suggest setting a random number that sounds acceptable to you and crossing that bridge when you get to it. It's not like it will be set in stone.
  • MynameisChester
    MynameisChester Posts: 107 Member
    This reminds me of the saying, "When eating an elephant, take one bite at a time." In other words, break down your weight loss into smaller manageable goals. I recommend giving yourself a 3 month time frame for your goal. I think 3 months is an appropriate, doable and realistic amount of time. Fat loss occurs at around .5 to 2 pounds a week depending on how much fat you have to lose so that should be a 6-24 pounds lost in those 3 months. After the 3 months, reevaluate progress and set another 3 month goal. I personally chose to lose 9 pounds every 3 months (this was also not linear at all but easier for me to adhere to. Some months I gained a lot and other months I lost a lot). Anyways, 14 months later I've lost 42 pounds (March 2015 220 pounds, may 2016 178 pounds). Hope this helps!
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    my goal weight is based on my weight when i was at my healthiest and happiest, and what my dr says is good for me.
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    rph2t wrote: »
    Do you reevaluate as you go, or do you have a number you are working toward?
    i have one goal, and will not re-evaluate

    Did your goal weight seem too low when you started out?
    my goal weight is what i used to weigh, so it doesn't seem too low to me

  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    I chose my goal weight based on a weight I was happy at in the past. I'm 5'6" and with quite a bit of muscle I was happy at 160. I have my goal set to 140 here because I think I would like to lower my bf% past what it was in the past but I have no idea what that would look like. I will absolutely reevaluate if I get to 160 and am happy with my body!
  • Rachelcampbell92
    Rachelcampbell92 Posts: 9 Member
    Pick a weight to start off with and if you want to lose more you can! It's all about taking your time and choosing a weight that will make you happy! (Cheesy quote but true) lol
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    I don't have a goal weight per say. I am doing 10% loss at a time until I hit a weight that I feel is right for ME. My goal weight that i put into MFP is the weight I will be at when I lose 10%. When I lose that 10% I will adjust my goal weight again. My health coach says its actually the best way to lose weight. Since I have A LOT to lose, it keeps me feeling good that I am hitting my goals.

    i really <3 this advice. i *might* try that. wow - love short-term goal idea!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I chose my goal weight based on fitting into old clothes. I knew what weight I was when those clothes fit. For me fitting into old clothes is great motivation (it's very visual). I'm now glad that I kept those clothes since it was rewarding once I reached that size again.

    For the OP I would not go smaller than you've ever been (getting back to a junior high or high school weight is not sustainable for some). Everyone's frame is different and people carry weight differently.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I don't have a goal weight per say. I am doing 10% loss at a time until I hit a weight that I feel is right for ME. My goal weight that i put into MFP is the weight I will be at when I lose 10%. When I lose that 10% I will adjust my goal weight again. My health coach says its actually the best way to lose weight. Since I have A LOT to lose, it keeps me feeling good that I am hitting my goals.

    i really <3 this advice. i *might* try that. wow - love short-term goal idea!

    I've heard that it's also a good idea to maintain for a while once you reach your first goal before losing again. It helps your metabolism.