Family is no support

I am a 23 year old female. Been overweight my whole life. I had cancer when I was 19 and dropped a lot of weight then. Now 4 years later I have gained 40lbs back. And I am careful of what I eat and I actually just completed a half marathon last weekend, so I am very active between that and soccer 3-4 times a week. But as soon as I get home the house is filled with breads, and chips, and candies and every meal is loaded with sugar and carbs. I am currently in college so I meal prep for my lunches but I eat dinner with my family every night....which is stretched and very little veggies.

It's hard to avoid all the bad food since I live here still. And when I bring up that I'm trying to eat healthy, my mom gives me no support.

I am fed up with trying to love myself and gain confidence again. I wish I could move out...I really do :(

Need support before I lose it even more .


  • Namaste_Heart11
    Namaste_Heart11 Posts: 51 Member
    edited May 2016
    You've likely heard the old adage that "Sometimes family is the friends that you choose"... I really feel that's true. Do you have others in your life to whom you can turn for support? Also, there are great people here on MFP who are very supportive and full of creative ideas.

    Is there a way that you can plan for your 'not-as-healthy' evenings at home? (adjust your other meals to compensate) I know how difficult it is to be a college student living at home - been there. The best advice that I can offer is to love yourself in spite of your family ~ let's face it, sometimes those who "love us most" end up "loving us right to our own demise" (yes, I'm being serious).

    I wonder what things you can change to help yourself in this difficult situation? Often, when we consider different angles we discover that we are more empowered than our thoughts lead us to believe. <3
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Only you can truly support you. Relying on other people for support in order to be successful is an excuse.

    There are very few people (who dont live alone) that get to control 100% of what is in the house. I have 4 kids and a husband who doesn't care that he's 100lbs overweight. I constantly have chips, cookies, juice, ice cream, candy, etc... in the house.

    Does it suck sometimes to have to skip it? YES. would I rather the temptation wasnt there and not have any of it in the houe? YES. Have I still managed to lose 75lbs? YES!!!

    But it is my decision to eat it (or not). If I choose to indulge, its not because THEY have treats in the house. Its because *I* chose to eat something that didnt fit into my calorie goals.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Also, my weakness is night snacking. I KNOW i will eat something highly caloric before plan for it at save at least 350cals for a night snack. That way there is no guilt.
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    Finally, it's becoming a way of life. Joining the MFP community turned my life around. No more guilt about food. I learned that we all struggle. I felt guilty because I could eat an entire bag of cookies in two days. Even the most successful struggle with weight loss. It's not as complex as we make it.

    I actually love logging now. Don't stop. Keep logging. Keep trying. It will become a new and rewarding lifestyle for you. And move out as soon as you can.
  • katiestenton
    katiestenton Posts: 28 Member
    Could you maybe cook some of the evening meals for the while family? I dont know how much time you have being a student. I can relate to the lack of support, i'm always being told i'm being 'ridiculous' or being teased for making healthy choices. There have been times where ive felt like family members have been deliberately trying to sabotage my plan! I dont mean in a very malicious , more like my aunt refusing to not let me have dessert or putting half the cheesecake on my plate