Fired from job

GeorgiePie88 Posts: 54 Member
This just happened to me after two years of working the hardest I've ever worked. I'm halfway around the world from home, and can't call anyone because it's in the middle of the night there. I figured that the next best thing would be to reach out here for some comfort and advice on what to do...

My background: I was hired on for this job with very little background and experience. They acknowledged that when they hired me, and said that they will train me to take on this role. I worked extremely hard to move forward - I attended numerous workshops and university courses to get me up to speed. I worked overtime (sometimes up to 60 hours a week) just to get things done on time. It seemed like whatever I was doing was never enough, and I was constantly gasping for air.

A change of management took place, and for the first time, I'm actually receiving real criticism of my work (the previous management didn't say much to me). Now I have given the talk about termination and the option to look for another job. It's only a matter of time before they will have to fire me, and based on my recent conversation with my boss, there's not much more I can do at the moment to stay. I feel defeated, like a failure, and am absolutely heartbroken as a result.

I have only my husband and his family/friends here, but none of my own. I'm at a standstill. I'm simultaneously feeling crushed and extremely lonely at the moment. Not to mention, we can't afford to go on a single income. Given the current job market and how expensive it is to live in our city, we will need to move back to his parent's place.

Has anyone else here been fired, and what did you do to move on? Have you truly gotten over it? Is your life better now? Just looking for some encouragement...


  • catdporter
    catdporter Posts: 13 Member
    Yep, I was fired last week! Because I wouldn't sign a check that was over paid to a company. I know how you feel. Me and my Husband live in TX. All our family is in Ky. I have a son and his family here 3 hours from here. Hang in there !!!
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    It is an unfailing truth that employers have very little loyalty to their staff these days. I feel strongly for your poor treatment by them. I went through a similar experience many years ago. My solution? I used the qualifications and training they had provided, to secure a position with a competitor company for a much higher salary! (then cherry picked the old companies best skills).
  • gethntysear
    gethntysear Posts: 47 Member
    I'm so sorry you're having to go through this, but it will work out. Mope a little then push forward. I was made redundant two week before I was going to be made permanent, so I had to leave on the spot. I used all my skills and qualifications to find a new job. This didn't happen over night, but I used every opportunity to find somewhere new. Look into agency's, sign up to as many online CV places that feel legitimate, twitter, linkedIn, contact companies directly.

    Looking back I am so relieved I was let go, it was the most stressful job and had a very bad effect on my health. I would have stayed though through loyalty. Since then I have only gone up, I used it as a driving force to push myself further. Don't stagnate, use it as momentum :smiley:

    You will be awesome!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I was fired. I struggled financially for a year or two. Things got better.
    It sounds weird, but if you can keep your feelings separate from the facts and issues, you will do better.
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited May 2016
    I consider firing, as being the employee's fault. I consider this to be the employer's fault, therefore you were laid off.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited May 2016
    I am so sorry to hear and I can imagine the devastation. I have been there but it may be the start of many new opportuinities. After all the job did give you the chance to learn new skills, that is not lost.

    I was laid off twice. In both cases it was a one-year contract which was not renewed. The first time I was devastated. I had literally moved half way around the world for this job and it was linked to my work visa. After about a month I was employed by an employer who had dealt with immigration and visa regs before and knew how things worked. Not only did he give me job, he gave me an opportuinity. It was the job where I learned to fly and really started to carve out a career vs having a job.

    The second time, I had decided to leave at the end of that contract anyway. As it happens the place went bankrupt two months after I left (not because of me, thank you), so regardless I would have been without a job anyway. I was less devastated, I had done this before and I knew what I could and could not do. Within a month I had two offers including my current one with a careershift and pay increase to boot. The ending of contract has paid off on many many levels.
  • spookyface
    spookyface Posts: 420 Member
    That stinks! Things will get better with time :)
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    You bet I have! I was notified by emailed while traveling to a funeral that I was fired. Dirty *kitten*! Don't worry, you'll get over it. Think of all the knowledge you have gained through all those workshops. Spend time making a list if how you quantifiably helped your company and how you worked well with others - those are important.

    Plus, the income thing - my experience has been that every family can get by on one income when needed, and without a lot of stress. Get creative with your husband and kids.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i was let go about a year ago. it was an oppurtunity for me to grow. but it still sucks. but if that's the sort of people the new employers don't want to be there anyways
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Im so sorry this happened
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Been there. It sucks. It will get better. Get your resume together immediately and start applying to competitors as @PNJB796 suggested. And get on LinkedIn, join groups in your professional area and network network network! When asked why you're leaving/left, you can tell them "management changes". Tell every person you talk to you're looking for a job. People know people. Try to get a reference from someone you know and trust in your company now as well. Every poster here has given you good advice. I know it seems scary but you can end up with a better job because of this. Good luck!
  • cmazurek85
    cmazurek85 Posts: 99 Member
    I am really sorry to hear that. I went through something really similar last year. I took a job that was and emotional it was a leap of faith for me. it turned out the director just didn't like me, so they forced me to quit. I ended up getting another job 6 months later.

    As far as healing from the emotional trauma of being fired and working with management that sucks, it will take some time. I admit that I was in bed for about a month. No one else was treated as poorly as I was. The group I was in had extremely high turnover, and they mislead me as to why. 4 people quit before I did because of the bad management, but I was too stupid to realize it until It was too late.

    You will find a new job. Start looking and you will find something. try your best to be positive. the upside is that you don't have to work with these people EVER again.

    As far as affording it, I would take a real close look at your budget to see what you can cut out. Look for deals on food. You may have to drive less and stop going out until you find a new job.

    You can make it through this. I'm really sorry that you're hurting.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    What country are you in and what is your citizenship status. Check the local laws around job termination so that you know your rights and benefits.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    I am so sorry this is so unfair, I can't imagine how defeated you are feeling. I would feel the same way. I don't have much to add but I am just very sorry.
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    I was let go from a job a few years ago due to budget cuts. I had worked there for 3 1/2 years and myself and another employee (who had been there 10+ years) went in one Monday morning and were told it was our last day of work there. Pretty harsh. But it was a toxic environment and most of the staff was unhappy, including myself. I had only stayed for so long because I loved my coworkers, but being let go was the kick in the butt I needed.

    I applied with a temp agency and worked a few temp jobs. Thanks to that, a year later I landed the job I am in now, and I am much happier here. The pay and benefits are way better than my old job, and I feel respected and appreciate by my coworkers and supervisors. Meanwhile at my old agency everyone is still unhappy and staff turnover has increased dramatically.

    Stay positive. Everything happens for a reason.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    I'm so sorry. Been there a few times.
    When I lost the best job I ever had, I took the opportunity to lose weight. I desperately needed something positive in my life. Lost 60+lbs.
  • Tsartele
    Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
    edited May 2016
    I feel your pain man and all I can say is that I hope the best for you.. I went through some gut wrenching times as well but it lead me to the career that I have now. Change is not always welcome or easy but many times it works out for the best in the long run. Hopefully you can take this opportunity to reevaluate and refocus your efforts a better career path.

    From 2006-2009 I started and ran a company selling GPS and consumer electronics and got in with a major internet retailer and my business exploded. At one point every GPS they sold came from me and I lived in a dream world of fishing boats, expensive trips, and exotic cars. I was my own boss and could do almost anything I wanted.. Then came the market crash of 2009 which took my entire business down the drain.. If people can't afford rent and food they are not going to buy electronic toys. I went from selling 7 figures to working for $11/hr. Life was pretty dim for awhile. Luckily I had friends who drew me close and even fed me for the better part of a year while I put my life back together.

    I had to reinvent myself and so I worked part time in a restaurant while going to school to gain my Bachelor degree which allowed me to land a federal job. Not the best pay but great benefits, lots of holiday time, and tons of job security.

    My best suggestion is to take what you can get to keep the money coming in and at the same time do some soul searching to decide a path to something that you would enjoy. Then go full force and do what ever it takes to make it happen. I would not be ashamed to work part time jobs or if needed unemployment as long as your working toward a goal. The worst thing you can do is to do nothing... Best of luck man and God Bless !!
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    edited May 2016
    I got laid-off once when I was 20. I had left a really great gig and a great company for an even greater one (with way more pay). They laid me off about 9 months after starting, right when the recession hit in 2008. It was crushing, humiliating, name it. It didn't help matters that my bf, at the time -- who I had hired on to work in the business development department -- was cheating on me with a co-worker/mutual "friend". So I had to dump him right after I was laid off and right before Thanksgiving.

    It sucks...I think we've all experienced the feeling. However, it ALWAYS is for the best.

    I actually enjoyed my interim of unemployment; I worked as a nanny, collected UI and traveled a lot more. The mediocre jobs I got after nannying sucked, as well, but I was still living on my own and doing okay...and that all brought me to the career I have now and I couldn't be happier.

    So, long story short, it really sucks, but don't let that rut destroy you. Things always happen for a reason and for the better. You'll get through this and now have many more doors available to you. Enjoy the adventure of it.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited May 2016
    I've been laid off twice and forced to resign once, because current management decided they didn't like me. Oh, they said it was my performance, which was garbage, but in an "at will" employment state like CA they can fire you for wearing green socks if they want to.

    Anyway, it ALWAYS turned out for the best in the end. It's hard to get through it initially, but in the long run you will be just fine.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    In every employment relationship, I am the greatest. If this employer fails to recognize that, get me out of here fast. All that hardest work you ever did is training for starting your own business and having the greatest employee ever - yourself. Don't doubt me. The only obstacle to starting a thriving business is you, and can overcome that in a minute. I have so many relatives who started businesses from nothing and turned them into thriving enterprises that I know it can be done. Relatives who never learned to read. Relatives who never graduated high school. Relatives who found themselves cast aside in middle age with no special skills. Shut down your pity party and get started NOW.
  • kdtesoriero
    kdtesoriero Posts: 141 Member
    Sorry you are going through this. I wish you all the best.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    My last job, ugghhh, eff them!. I worked hard, nights, weekends, holidays. I stayed later, came early worked on my days off and I was doing well but the company again and again complained of financial strain. I took 2 pay cuts. I still kept my head up and looked at it as for the best for the company. However, they would keep hiring people. Same position as me but start them off paying them more. It was a slap in the face. They blamed it partly in me not having a degree. I really want to say part of it was me being a woman (it was a male dominated industry) I went back to school after 3 yrs with this company because they offered tuition assistance when I started working there. However the semester I enrolled back in school was when they all of a sudden they couldn't afford it....Anyway, I finished my degree. I had now been with the company 5 years and working in the same position for 10yrs and now had my business degree. A promotion opportunity came up and at first they didn't even consider me. I heard about it through the grapevine through others that had been offered an interview who had only been with the company for a few months! I was livid! I demanded an interview. The first time they had to really listen to me. I got the job, Got a $20K raise. I was so excited finally. My hard work had paid off.

    Right? :relieved:
    Wrong :weary:

    A month later the company shut down with less than a 24hr warning. :rage:
    They never paid us our final checks so I never saw a check with my raise! ---OOOOHHH BAD WORD, BAD WORD, BAD WORD, BAD WORD!

    Anyway...Fast forward. It took 6 months but I landed a job I had tried to get for years. Now the pay is less than what I made after the 2 pay cuts BUT great benefits, great hours, great people, close to home, almost no stress and in a year I can go back to school for free! Screw the money. You just never know. What's happening now is probably a blessing in disguise!

  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Never sweat getting fired. There is absolutely no such thing as company loyalty no matter how hard you work. The bottom line it's all about making money or the lack of it. Therefore, take advantage all training you can get, tuition reimbursement etc... learn as much as you can to build your resume. These days you have to look out for you!

    Usually getting let go is a blessing in disguise for something way better!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I feel defeated, like a failure, and am absolutely heartbroken as a result.

    Working in the creative field and being a past manager I am so used to criticism and conflict stuff it really doesn't phase me personally anymore. But yes, it is tough and it does kinda suck, but only if you keep the attitude like that. So you have gained some experience in the job you are in and now you can move on to something better or different if it didn't fit your taste. Sounds like an opportunity really.

    You go this.

  • GeorgiePie88
    GeorgiePie88 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for the insight, everyone. Even though it's terrible that you all went through it, I'm kind of relieved to know that it has happened to other people and that I'm not entirely alone. Your kind words and understanding has been helpful. I know now it's time to pick up the pieces and move on.
  • duckforceone
    duckforceone Posts: 121 Member
    i have just started finding out about Frugal living... i would recommend giving it a go on how to get by on 1 income.
    Some great blogs and youtube out there.

    but yeah, don't beat yourself up over that, you have done your best, and that is all anyone can ever ask for.