What am I doing wrong?

So I've been trying to lose weight for about 2 months now, but 'seriously trying' for 4 weeks. I am 5'3" and a half inches tall, and I started at 128 lbs. Now, I weigh 128-130 pounds, depending on the day. In the last 4 weeks, I have been exercising 4 days a week (30 mins of cardio all 4 days, plus some resistance training) and keeping my calories between 1,260 and 1,400 calories every day except for weekends. On weekends, I generally allow it to go up to 2,000 calories because of being away from home and eating out. This being said, my regular weekday diet is pretty clean: Kashi twig cereal for breakfast, lots of spinach salads, chicken breast, a lot of beans, Greek yogurt, nuts, and I limit my carb intake to only whole grains. Rather than 'dieting,' I am shooting for a sustainable eating plan while limiting my calories.

I thought I would have lost at least A COUPLE of pounds by now. I think I've noticed a slight improvement in my general physique, but no weight loss, and I could just be imagining the slightly improved curves.

Any advice?


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Take your body measurements instead of just looking at the weight.
  • michelle2808
    Bump........I would like to know as well!
  • mangos4music
    mangos4music Posts: 126 Member
    Def take measurements. lots of water. and make sure that you are supposed to be that low on the scale depending on your body type. remember health is more important than the number on the scale
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I hate to say it, but "bad weekends" can negate all of the work you do during the week. You should try and eat clean on the weekends as well for a couple of weeks and just see if that is where the problem is. Just a suggestion.
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    as you rop your calories, your protein MUST go up .8 g of protein per lb of bodyfat...and I can refernce that from a text I studied from
    my wife droped 25 pounds in 8 weeks after we doubled her protein, over 6 meals a day
    take this advice or listen to othrs who will rebuke, but I studied this, am certified in this, and have a book written by to scientists
    good luck!
  • Shua456
    Shua456 Posts: 211
    In the beginning weight lifting/resistance training will slow down your weight loss as your muscles will retain water at first. This goes away after a month or so and then the resistance training aids in your weight loss.

    It also seems like your pretty close to your goal weight so you are going to lose it slower than someone who has a lot to lose.

    You may be consuming too many calories on the weekend. Try cutting back to 1600-1800 calories on the weekends and see if that helps.
  • silvergown
    If you are working out your body is losing fat and replacing with muscle. This is a good thing but not noticable on the scale. Get a Weight Watcher scale that measures body fat and bone density. That will give you a better idea as will the tape measure. Muscle takes up less room than fat. Also, you could be losing weight during the week and sabotaging on the weekend regaining what you just lost...try to keep that weekend stuff down too (my downfall)...Good Luck...
  • littleleisha
    littleleisha Posts: 98 Member
    I would advise to stop getting crazy on the weekends. I am 5'2" and got down to 124 by exercising, eating better and just being more active over all...my goal is 115. I hit a plateau at 124 and have been at it for about 2 months, then I realized that on the weekends I was eating whatever, going out to dinner, having a few more cookies here and there, nothing too crazy but much more than my normal and I wasn't exercising on the weekends. So I decided to stop doing that. Instead I stick to the 1200 -1400 cals on the weekend as well but maybe Ill have one dinner out or just one meal that isnt the best. I also try to squeeze in at least one 20 - 30 minute workout on either saturday or sunday....I just have done this for 2 weeks now, I lost 1lb last week! and I weigh in again tomorrow, so we will see!

    good luck!
  • music4Him
    music4Him Posts: 4 Member
    Keep up the pace. Sometimes it's best not to look at numbers, and remember how great you're feeling right now, how you're taking care of yourself, your health. Muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue, and it takes less space. Look at how the clothes are fitting. Better? More stamina? I have learned that my body and fat tissue fell in love with each other, and are having a difficult time saying goodbye, but don't worry and be patient. Eventually, they realize the relationship will have to change. Good luck, you're actually doing fine!
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I wold say that you are blowing your weight loss with over indulgences on the weekend.

    If you are going to eat out or drink on the weekend then you should be trying to make up for those discrepancies with your workouts. So you need to make a decision either cut out the weekend glutton fest or continue to loose no weight.

    Plus, you said that you have only been "seriously" trying for about 4 weeks. It takes a while. Be patient.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    With all the exercise you're doing, you are gaining muscle weight and losing fat at the same time. The net result is zero. It is nothing to be concerned about. If you are within 10-20 pounds of your 'ideal' weight, don't measure yourself by the scale. You'll only get frustrated. Measure your BMI and inches. Much more accurate.

    In her 30's, my sister-in-law was the most 'in shape' woman I've ever met. She looked jaw-droppingly amazing. She was 5'6" and 150 pounds. I would have sworn she was only 120. When you get to where you are, it's all about muscle vs. fat%, not weight.

    If only I'd allowed someone to convince me of that when I was 25...sigh. :grumble:

  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    If you are working out your body is losing fat and replacing with muscle. This is a good thing but not noticable on the scale. Get a Weight Watcher scale that measures body fat and bone density. That will give you a better idea as will the tape measure. Muscle takes up less room than fat. Also, you could be losing weight during the week and sabotaging on the weekend regaining what you just lost...try to keep that weekend stuff down too (my downfall)...Good Luck...

    Yes get the Weight Watchers scale! I was having the same issue, although I've trying for 6 weeks and I don't overindulge on the weekends. No move on the scale. I bought the WW scale and found out I had dropped 1% body fat! Pretty encouraging...
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Four weeks really isn't enough time to tell if what you are doing is working (in regards to the scale). There could be any number of factors like water weight gain near your time of month, ovulation, etc. It could be a build-up of fluids that are helping to heal your muscles after working out. The best thing to do is to start taking your measurements. You may see lost inches before you see a drop on the scale. Drink plenty of water to help flush out your system in case you are high in sodium. And finally, don't let all your hard work slip by because you don't monitor your intake on the weekends. It will take just one indulgent meal to un-do a whole week's worth of dieting/exercise. Give it time... keep logging... watch for trends. Never give up! I'm 5'2" and I am finally just 1 lb away from my goal of 124.0. It took 1 year and 6 months to get here and there were many, many weeks when I didn't budge on the scale. Don't let it discourage you, just keep doing what you are doing. You CAN do this!
  • ali06013
    ali06013 Posts: 24 Member
    I took my waist measurements and they are really the same. All of my pants are still tight, too.

    2 years ago I weighed 105 pounds and before that, I was 120. I basically 'accidentally' lost the 15 pounds due to extreme stress during that time of my life. I thought if I could do it accidentally, I could surely do it again on purpose. But so far, no luck.

    It's probably true that I sabatoge myself on the weekends. I have been more mindful of my choices on the weekends, but it can be very hard because I have to 'cooperate' and eat at places I wouldn't necessarily pick if I were alone.

    And to be honest, I feel physically better, but I still feel awful, too. It really frustrates me that I have 40+ pairs of pants that I cannot even pretend to fit into until I lose at least 10 pounds, and I can't afford to buy all new pants for my wider wasitline.
  • trosewine
    trosewine Posts: 88
    Quote: "It also seems like your pretty close to your goal weight so you are going to lose it slower than someone who has a lot to lose."

    This. Be patient. Do measurements and have realistic expectations.

    What are your maintenance calories for your goal weight? That is what I would allow myself on weekends...2000 may be too many for 5' 3.5"...but i don't know your activity level, etc. Good luck!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    you need something like 1700 to maintain your weight, so if you are eating 1400 a day for 4 days and then 200o for 3 days add it up. you are only getting a deficit of 300 calories a week. you need to burn 3500 to drop a pound.
  • ali06013
    ali06013 Posts: 24 Member
    How much is the Weight Watchers scale?
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    i think you are proving that taking weekends off and going that far over your limit on both days is really more of a "weight maintenance" way to live rather than a "losing weight" way to live. if you want to lose weight consistently, you will need to stick to your calorie regimen. if that is too hard to do on the weekends, i suggest only going over your limit one day, and perhaps reigning it in a little on the day you do splurge.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Well, take your body measurements, like arms, waist, thighs, hips, etc., and then re-measure them to see if you're losing inches. Weight is not an accurate measurement of loss in terms of health, it's just a measurement of gravity. I don't always lose weight in any given week, but I generally am pretty steady with measurement loss.
  • cocodp
    cocodp Posts: 164