too much protein

So its lunch time and I thought I was doing well. Then I look at my food tracker and I've already had all my protein for the day. I dont know how to do this without menus lined up for me. Any good links? Here is what I had today. Two slices of peanut butter toast with half a small banana and then I grilled up chicken breast (didnt really measure but I'd say 3-4 oz at most) for lunch with raw carrots and strawberries. So while I have plenty of calories for the evening meal I'm not supposed to have protein?


  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    bump, like to read replys.
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    if you lower calories you can up protein I have a source that backs this up glad to share
  • mcgwnkrista
    My personal belief is that you can go a little over when it comes to things like fiber and protein. BUT according to some websites, too much protein can be dangerous.
  • tiggilee
    tiggilee Posts: 40 Member
    Well, this is just my opinion, but I find that the MFP goals lowball me on protein. I acutally go in and set custom goals to create a 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat ratio. I know my body, and I cannot eat 55% carbs and lose weight/feel good, unless I am training heavily for an endurance event. Do you find that if you don't eat enough protein with meals you get the shakes? Do you CRAVE protein? Are you and "apple" body type? If so, you may want to go in and adjust your goals:

    My Home> Goals> Change Goals > Choose "Custom" > Set your Carb/Protein/Fat ratios > Click "Change Goals" at bottom of screen.

    Then you will see you may not be over in protein! Again, I am not a nutritionist, this is just what works for me. Best of luck!
  • thinby40
    thinby40 Posts: 113
    Peanut butter has too much fat and protein....I had some for breakfast today on 1/2 bagel and then I wasn't allowed much more fat and protein after that. I'm going to eliminate that from my diet now!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I go over on fiber and protein every day. And on sugar most days, even though I rarely eat sweets. I've just stopped worrying about it. If 2 pieces of fruit is going to put me over on sugar then so so be it. And fiber and protein are both things my body needs so bring 'em on, I say!!
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    It would help to see your diary to know what kind of protein you are having.

    I would say that lean proteins such as chicken, turkey, or fish are great in unlimited quantities. If you are filling up on bacon, hamburger, and steak... Then you would have a problem. Protein is a building block to building muscle and burning fat. As long as you are eating healthy proteins than you are okay.

    I rarely pay attention to the protein count. I pay more attention to sugar, sodium, and carbs.
  • rddeppy
    rddeppy Posts: 44
    I definitely feel like I need protein to get through. I'm pretty proportionate (not apple shape). Thanks for the input. I am not going to sweat the protein as long as I'm getting a balance that is healthy.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    You can go over on protein and fiber no problems. Those are minimums. The sodium, cholesterol, carbs, and sugars, are more of the max's.
  • rddeppy
    rddeppy Posts: 44
    yeah thats a fear I have. I love peanut butter! Maybe I can find a good substitute or at least the lower fat variety?
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I actually made my diary allow me more protein and less carbs. Just a bit of a difference. If it is one day dont worry about it.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    Look for lower sugar pb or lower sodium.

    Sunflower butter is good... So is almond butter :)
  • mcgwnkrista
    I've heard coconut peanut butter is a healthier version, I'm not sure about how much better it is though.
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    PB2 is pretty tasty...
  • abbyko
    abbyko Posts: 108
    yeah thats a fear I have. I love peanut butter! Maybe I can find a good substitute or at least the lower fat variety?

  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Well, this is just my opinion, but I find that the MFP goals lowball me on protein. I acutally go in and set custom goals to create a 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat ratio. I know my body, and I cannot eat 55% carbs and lose weight/feel good, unless I am training heavily for an endurance event. Do you find that if you don't eat enough protein with meals you get the shakes? Do you CRAVE protein? Are you and "apple" body type? If so, you may want to go in and adjust your goals:

    My Home> Goals> Change Goals > Choose "Custom" > Set your Carb/Protein/Fat ratios > Click "Change Goals" at bottom of screen.

    Then you will see you may not be over in protein! Again, I am not a nutritionist, this is just what works for me. Best of luck!

    Totally agree with this. My ratios are 40,30,30 :smile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Peanut butter has too much fat and protein....I had some for breakfast today on 1/2 bagel and then I wasn't allowed much more fat and protein after that. I'm going to eliminate that from my diet now!

    Peanut butter is a good diet food!

    Even peanut butter, one of America's favorite comfort foods, has a place on a weight loss diet. Studies have shown that snacking on controlled amounts of peanut butter or peanuts is a good way to control hunger without weight gain. One study published in the International Journal of Obesity showed that people who snacked on peanuts and peanut butter stayed satisfied for two to two and one-half hours and did not experience weight gain.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    More protein is fine, unless told otherwise by your Doctor. The levels here are low, lots of threads on it. Most of us do more, in fact I have mine custom set to 100.

    You need to have protein, fiber and water to have a healthy lifestyle. Together with the right calories, lower fat and carbs work to build lean muscle and burn fat.

    Best of Luck!
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Lean protein is good for you and I wouldn't worry about going over. The amount MFP defaults to is 15% which is low - I have mine set at 20% and still always go over without worrying about it. I try to eat protein with every meal and snack throughout the day because it keeps me full longer. Sometimes that's a piece of string cheese or a handful of almonds in greek yogurt, but it all adds up. If a couple slices of peanut butter toast put you over your settings are probably too low.
  • rddeppy
    rddeppy Posts: 44
    There is a store six miles from me that sells that pb2 so I'll go pick some up and try if you say it tastes close.