turbo jam

Hello, I was just wondering how to enter turbo jam body sculpting for an exercise? Does anyone know how many calories you burn doing this workout? Thanks


  • snowday
    snowday Posts: 31 Member
    Hello, I was just wondering how to enter turbo jam body sculpting for an exercise? Does anyone know how many calories you burn doing this workout? Thanks
  • mom3boys

    I am a turbo jammer and I wish I had the answer to that. I log according to myfitness pal for weightlifting. So it varies according to your weight. I think you burn more than what mfp says. I also have all of the other turbo tapes and would love to know just how many calories you burn.
  • snowday
    snowday Posts: 31 Member
    How have your results been with turbo jam? I was sweating like a maniac this morning! I have beeb running on the treadmill the last couple of weeks, and sure I sweat, but not like I did today. I am going to continue doing Turbo jam!!!
  • amycakes812
    Hi! I have TJ and log Turbo Sculpt as circuit training. I put a lot into my workout and am always drenched when I finish. According to my HRM I burn 348 calories. I know it varies by person, but this might help you get an idea of what you are burning. Hope this helps you some.