Not adding up

zoe6724 Posts: 30 Member
edited May 2016 in Food and Nutrition
Okay so for example, today it's saying I went over 140 cals. So I go to look and see where I went over, and it says I went over 29 grams of carbs for 116 calories. Then it says I have 16 grams of fat left, which would be 144 calories. So really I should have calories left? Unless it's counting fiber as calories, since I had 76 grams of fiber. Anyone know what might be going on here?


  • zoe6724
    zoe6724 Posts: 30 Member
    edited May 2016
    It says I went over 105g of carbs but I had 76 grams of fiber. So really I should only have been over by 29 grams for 116 calories, but still have 144 calories of fat left, so I should still be under not over??? So confused.
  • slowbubblecar
    slowbubblecar Posts: 91 Member
    Some of your foods are probably not registering the correct macros. I can't see your diary to tell you which items, but if you want to figure it out, try to calculate estimated calories for each item. Carbs/protein are 4 cals/gram while fat is 9 cals/gram. Just noticed this the other day when my girlfriend drank 400 calories of wine and it only registered as around 40 carbs with no fat/protein.
  • zoe6724
    zoe6724 Posts: 30 Member
    edited May 2016
    I always look at everything I log to see if it "looks" accurate but I don't calculate each one. Kind of annoying to weigh everything to the gram only to be a few hundred calories off but I guess that's probably what's going on here. Thank you