Serious This Time!

Hi I'm Madalyn, I'm 27 and I'm currently 30+lbs. overweight. I like jogging and try to do it daily. My biggest problem is OVEReating!!! I'm hoping by being honest with myself And logging foods I will finally make this happen!!!
Need Friends!!! Please add me!


  • AB1418
    AB1418 Posts: 174 Member
    I am right there with you. Sent a friend request
  • jessicagilb
    jessicagilb Posts: 69 Member
    Add me! I feel ya, we've all been there (or we wouldn't be here ;) )
  • perfectfitness34
    perfectfitness34 Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 2016
    Exactly! Jessicagilb...It took a while for it to sink in but It all starts with " WHY"? Every single person on this journey called "fitness" needs to have one...if what your "WHY" is based on or rooted in is of substance and not superficial. It will absolutely sustain you through ANYTHING. If it's based or rooted in vanity. It will fail you! Fitness is ONLY faithful to those who consistently pursue her.
  • antonettetrep
    antonettetrep Posts: 8 Member
    I'm here to encourage and motivate. Sent request!
  • araffoul
    araffoul Posts: 4 Member
    I am trying to add people but it won't let me