For those who have 100+ lbs to lose do you have "Rest" days?

I have aprox 120 lbs to lose to get to my "ideal" weight. I have found in the past during my attempts to lose weight that when i take a "rest" day, 9 times out of 10 i don't go back; I lose the momentum.

I don't lift weights everyday, but I do SOMETHING in the gym everyday- at least cardio.

Think its too much to do it everyday? I just dont want to take a day off then not go back- I have good momentum going right now.


  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Rest days are just as important as working out. There are times I have to take 2 rest days in a week.

    You have to tell yourself you must get back to it. That is, if you want to be all around healthy. I hate working out. I know I'll never like it but I just tell myself I have to do it, it's one hour and then I can do whatever afterwards. Yeah, it sucks but you have to be determined to just do it.

    Good luck!
  • kristiedavis1
    I have experienced this loss of momentum in the past. Now I'm just in a routine that makes me feel bad if I don't stick to it. I'm hoping eventually it just becomes a natural part of my life. I have taken one rest day and jumped right back in and I'm sure I will take others. I also don't do the same thing everyday just to give myself a change of pace.
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    It has to do with your personality. Do you have an "all or nothing" personality? I do so its really hard when you are working out to take that one day of rest. I think your body really needs that day to repair and ready itself for more exercise. Now with food i am still trying to work that out! I am so awful about not beating the hell out of myself because I ate something bad and I keep eating bad! It sucks! I know how it feels!
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    I only take rest days when I am in enough pain that I know working out will make it worse the next day. On average, i take 0-2 days off per month. I do have days where my intensity level is more on the moderate side (walking, usually).
  • kalelwifey
    kalelwifey Posts: 172
    hmmmmmm i work out 6 days a week....3 of it is like a 30 minute walk and 3 of it is atleast 45 minutes to a hour and on Saturdays....i dont...just maybe spend a couple hours at the pool during summer time which its selfff burns a heck of alot of calories so i guess..yeah i take breaks from working out hard and fast on that saturday...but if you feel like this is something that might set you backk do what me and my sister do sometimes...we walk around wal-mart or the mall or sumthin window shoppinnn after a hour u have burned a few calories so u got somethinggg done that day.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    When I first started I got in at least a walk everyday, I still try too. I also added some sort of higher burning calorie activity like a workout video or something. Even if you don't get in a high intensity workout you can get in a walk for 30 mins a day. That can be part of your rest day...
  • kalelwifey
    kalelwifey Posts: 172
    I only take rest days when I am in enough pain that I know working out will make it worse the next day. On average, i take 0-2 days off per month. I do have days where my intensity level is more on the moderate side (walking, usually).

    Yeahh wud she you feel like ur goin down down downn when u take a break...try having a "light" work out that i think bout walk days are my "Light" work out days
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I have the same problem when I have a day where Ive had a bad day where my eating is concerned or when I dont exercise, that one day always turns into 3 or 4. So I think if anything I might have days where I dont have as much intensity and maybe just walk or do housework.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    I don't take a full rest 'day' as such, unless circumstances are such that I just can't control what's going on around me. Yes, sometimes there are days like that. Like when I'm not at work, or at home and am on the road or at someone else's house. These occasions are rare and I make the best of them. Sometimes I choose to take a 'rest' meal or a 'rest' snack...I usually regret it, because it tends to slow down my weightloss, especially if it's something salty like tortilla chips, but honestly. I'll go crazy if I don't do it once in a while. Since I"m in this for life, it really doesn't matter in the big picture. A meal or a day does not erase the efforts I've already made and I'm NOT letting a meal or a day determine my future.

  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    I have 170 lbs to loose. I do have rest days, mostly bc we have a ball game or sleep is more important that the gym at the moment. some weeks i workout every other day & then sometimes, its every few days. But i think your body needs atleast 1 day of rest.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    My opinion is that you should move every day do something every day! Take a walk, a bike ride, mow the lawn, Throughly clean your house, garden, something that moves you more then you normally would!
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    rest days for working out or for counting cals? I never skip counting cals, but I only work out 4-5 days a week, the body has to rest. BUT....I do something slightly active, clean the house, go for a light walk....ect....I have lost 60 lbs since counting cals but a total of 85 since i began exercising and I have 97 more to go. Once it becomes a true lifestyle change then you will find you dont want to skip counting cals, or your body demands (literally) a good half hour workout ... minimum. If you think taking a break will hinder progress then dont do it, keep going until your body and mind are on the same page :)
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    I think it really depends on the person. My job and home life are not very active plus I have hypothyroidism. So I try to put at least 35-45 minutes of cardio in a day. Now that its summer I try to add an hour or so of jogging, running, or doing laps around my pool. When i first started last year it was very slow going. I started doing cardio 5-10 minutes and increasing it weekly. I am half way to my first goal weight. Then I will reevaluate my needs. Best of luck. Feel free to friend me!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    I have trouble taking rest days as well. I try to make Sundays my light cardio days, where I will do 50 min on the elliptical, but at an easy pace. I just don't feel comfortable unless I am moving towards my final goal daily.
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I have personal rest days twice a week...however that is with formal exercise. I'm always moving :)

    Motivation has nothing to do with it sometimes, committing to it and doing it because it's scheduled in my phone can make me get it and do it too ;)

    I now teach about 8 classes a week and do personal trainings....same rule applies for me now and then. I still have to push to do things for myself sometimes.
  • fresenburgp
    If you can't trust yourself to get back on track after a rest day, please don't put yourself in that situation. Get a 30 minute walk in or scrub the floors or do SOMETHING to stay active. Burning calories doesn't ONLY happen at the gym. :)

    Once you have a set routine and working out becomes a way of life for you, by all means take a rest day.

    I hope this helps. Stay focused. You WILL make your goal weight and THEN some!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I will seem lazy compared to everyone else but i only work out about 4 times a week. I find that the few occasions i've tried to do more i've ended up with knee pain and shin splints. My knee is dodgy at times but if i work too much it hurts alot more. I don't just sit on my backside outside of the though it's not like i just sit down and do nothing for days. I still does housework and shopping etc.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    I exercise every single day, my 'rest days' are a walk instead of the more intense stuff I do during the week. I am like you, and one rest day turns into another, turns in to a year.
    Just do it every day like its your job!
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    I don't think everyday is too much, however when I was losing I did take rest days. At first I took 3 days, then 2 and now only 1. But that one day I still do a little something.

    I think maybe if you don't want to take a full day off maybe you do something light, walking or stretching. In then end it's what works for you and what you can sustain.

    Good luck!
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    curious to see the answer, I have roughly 70lbs to go and have started HIIT, and circuit and have just started trying to take slower days in between the circuit and HIIT days and take 2 days mostly off on the weekends.

    Music helps tremendously, though sometimes it can cause me to work harder than I planned, maybe do something fun on rest day, like playing w/the kids or dancing!