
If I save calories and have a glass of wine every night...will it slow my weight loss? Anyone do this?


  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I have two. :)
  • lanhaml1
    lanhaml1 Posts: 4 Member
    And still lose?
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    Yes. I've gone from 149 to 122 drinking wine pretty much every night. Now, I'm not recommending you drink two glasses a night, but one should be fine if it fits your calories.
  • oliverngus
    oliverngus Posts: 15 Member
    I also save calories for a glass of wine-It's my big treat each day. I'm still losing, though I've read it slows down your metabolism. I do make sure to measure it out and try to keep it to 5 fl oz or less (which is not the full pour I prefer :wink: )
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Many people here do this. If you're within your calorie budget you will lose.
  • RobD520
    RobD520 Posts: 420 Member
    240 to 176 here. Wine most every night...Actually, wine every night.
  • freyjabibby
    freyjabibby Posts: 18 Member
    People on here are always pretty good at pointing out that calories are calories, doesn't matter where you get them from as long as you take in less than you use. So, theoretically, you could live off wine and chocolate and still lose weight as long as you had fewer calories than your body uses. You'd feel terrible and be super unhealthy but you'd lose weight.
    I think I actually have more 'bad' foods now that I'm tracking calories than I did before, but I'm still losing. So enjoy the wine!
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    I've never been able to drink just 5 ounces.
  • charpat58
    charpat58 Posts: 13 Member
    Just track it and enjoy. I find that I am always very low in potassium in my diet. Well, good wine has a fair bit of potassium in a glass so I figured out 20 glasses a day should get my potassium levels up. lol
  • oscarinbolt
    oscarinbolt Posts: 4 Member
    But drinking every night.... could it create a little bit "dependance"? I mean, drink occasionally, yes, but every night? I feel a bit fear D:
  • RobD520
    RobD520 Posts: 420 Member
    But drinking every night.... could it create a little bit "dependance"? I mean, drink occasionally, yes, but every night? I feel a bit fear D:

    It depends upon the amount.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    But drinking every night.... could it create a little bit "dependance"? I mean, drink occasionally, yes, but every night? I feel a bit fear D:

    I think that would definitely depend on the individual. But if the OP wants a glass of wine (whether daily or occasionally) and it fits their calories, then go for it.
  • RobD520
    RobD520 Posts: 420 Member
    RobD520 wrote: »
    But drinking every night.... could it create a little bit "dependance"? I mean, drink occasionally, yes, but every night? I feel a bit fear D:

    It depends upon the amount.

    Though to be clear, I am not endorsing any specific pattern. I am just pointing out that it can be fit in.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    I enjoy my wine nearly every night. I get plenty of exercise and drink lots of water during the day. As others have said, as long as it fits within your calorie deficit you will still lose. My metabolism is just fine (except for the post-menopause thing). :D
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Yep. I lost 65 pounds in 23 months (half of it in the first 7 months) with a cocktail before dinner most days, and often a glass or two of wine with dinner, especially on weekends. I suggest measuring carefully, because it's easy to drink a lot more calories than you intend. A 5-oz. pour is about 128 calories for a typical wine; unless you're drinking a very light wine like vinho verde or a not-very-potent Riesling, avoid database entries that are lower than that.

    Alcohol does relax inhibitions, which can make it harder to stick to your calorie goal. (Restaurants make a lot of profit on booze, but they make a bit more from the food people order after a drink that they wouldn't otherwise have ordered!) So pay attention, and if having a glass of wine means that you regularly exceed your goal, then it's worth reconsidering.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    But drinking every night.... could it create a little bit "dependance"? I mean, drink occasionally, yes, but every night? I feel a bit fear D:

    There are places where it's normal to have a glass or two of wine with dinner every day, like France and Italy—not that everyone does it, mind you, but where it's within social norms—but getting drunk is frowned on. And then there are places like Scandinavia where regular drinking is frowned on, but when you do drink, getting drunk is within social norms. (Not everyone agrees, of course: I had a tour guide in Stavanger who said she would prefer it if Norway reintroduced Prohibition, and I have Norwegian friends who'll have a bit of brandy and a glass of wine every day.)

    And then there are places like England, where it's normal to get drunk every night! :D Just kidding, folks, although the behavior I witnessed as an exchange student and then visiting scholar in Cambridge, and talking to my wife's cousin's friends about their social plans, suggests a grain of truth.
  • lanhaml1
    lanhaml1 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone!!
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Would love to hear if anyone can have just a 5 oz glass.
    Can it be done?