July 5-4-3 challenge!

ahadj Posts: 257 Member
Here's the deal. We're going to aim for:
-5 lbs lost by July 31st
-4 (maximum!) "bad" days (ie, days when we go over our cal limit)... that's one per week!
-3 (minimum!) workouts per week

We'll support each other and keep each other accountable... throughout the month, we can come here to talk about how we're doing. It's not a competition, the goal is for everyone to succeed in these goals ... we can do it together!

Who's in?
Post your stats so we can get to know each other!

I'll start--

Name: Anna
Age: 22
Height: 5'5''
HW: 178 lbs
CW: 144 lbs
July 31st GW: 139 lbs
(Ultimate GW: 128 lbs)
About me: law student originally from NJ, now living in Baltimore. This summer I am a student attorney at a pro bono firm, so definitely keeping busy! Oh, and I have a boyfriend that loves to eat.


  • Hanna82
    Hanna82 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm in
  • healthysew
    healthysew Posts: 105 Member
    I'm in!

    My Stats

    Name: Sonya
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'1
    HW: 243 lbs
    CW: 218
    July 31st GW: 210
    (Ultimate GW: 130)
    About me I work full time for a college and am ready to be healthy and fit! I am learning to run w the C25K prog and doing 30 day shred. Excited for the challenge, its my first one on here!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I'm in!!!!!!

    Name: Rhonda
    Age: 41 1/2 (yup I count the half years too!!)
    Height: 5' 5.5"
    Start Weight: 162lbs
    CW: 147lbs
    July 31 GW: 140lbs
    Ultimate GW: 130lbs
    About Me: Home daycare provider for the past 11 years. Married 15 years on 10/12/11. Mom of a gorgeous 12 yr old daughter. Hubby jsut found out yesterday that he is pre-diabetic, needs to lsoe 30-40lbs, cholestorol is getting high, and the blood pressure came down with meds. I've been asking, and daughter has been begging, him to take better care of himself, but now I find out teh Doc needed to tell him!! Hoping he jumps on the bandwagon be it MFP or something else ASAP!!!!!!! We are both in a wedding on August 5. I am looking to look good in my dress!!!!!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I would love to join!

    I'm 5'5"
    CW 143

    Ultimate Goal 120

    I'm Kate (though occasionaly my little inner child, Cricket, kicks in). I'm a 33 year old, stay at home Mom of 4 children: 8, 6, 4, 2.
  • Dornroschen
    Dornroschen Posts: 178 Member
    Name: Jes
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'7
    HW: 255
    CW: 230.6
    July 31 GW: (Since I plan to be down to 239.8 by Friday morning) 224.8
    Ultimate GW: 170 by my wedding - June 9, 2012
    About me: I'm getting married on June 9, 2012 and would love to be living healthy at 170ish by then or at least happy and confident wearing my wedding dress. I play volleyball, ultimate frisbee, and go bike riding through the week to get a burn of approximately 3500 calories per week (according to my health rate monitor).

    I'm excited to join!
  • warren75
    warren75 Posts: 4
    "I'm in"
    My name is Veronica Warren
    I'm 36, married with 3 children
    Municipal Court Clerk in the small city of Moorhead, MS

    GW for July 31-Max Goal 8lbs
    Min Goal 5lbs
  • hng2101
    hng2101 Posts: 54 Member
    Name: Heather
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'7.5''
    HW: 200+ lbs (stopped weighing myself)
    CW: 147
    July 31st GW: 142 lbs... that would be sweet :-)
    Ultimate GW: 139 lbs
    About me: I am studying for the California bar. I just graduated from law school so I'm studying, looking for a job, and trying to continue eating right and exercising. It was so much easier during school because my schedule was set but I had a lot more free time than I do now!

    I love running but I have tendonitis in my right knee which is flaring up so I'm exploring different exercise methods while I give my knee a break.
  • rddeppy
    rddeppy Posts: 44
    Me! I'm in. I'm Kim
    38 years old
    start weight 156 (yesterday)
    goal weight is 130
    Oh and I'm 5''4.5
    I'm an in home daycare provider for two little ones. I have three boys 18,8, and 5. I also coach preschool basketball and "coach" childrens dodgeball at our local Y (so I have plenty of opportunity to work out just have to make the time)
  • kathrynp45
    kathrynp45 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Anna, I was excited to read your posting - count me in!

    Name: Kathryn
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 149
    GW: 126

    About me: I just left my job as a software company manager so have a few months to get a solid nutritional and exercise program in place before starting back to work. I have weighed no more than 125 since college but had some hormonal issues and put on this weight the past two years. Now that my hormones are getting stabilized, my goal is to be back into a size 6!
  • Foufou82
    Foufou82 Posts: 9 Member
    Name: Amanda
    Age: 28
    Height: 5' 3"
    SW: 170
    CW: 164
    July 31st GW: 159
    Ultimate GW: 130 lbs
    About me: I share an apartment with my boyfriend and dog. I have a desk job in the medical field. I enjoy video games, roller derby, and have recently gotten into riding my bicycle more.
  • Cassielfsw
    Cassielfsw Posts: 24 Member
    I'll play!

    Name: Cassie
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 193 lbs
    CW: 191 lbs
    July 31st GW: 186 lbs
    Ultimate GW: 120 lbs
    About me: Unemployed geek living in Minneapolis and looking for work. I have a treadmill (but lately I've been taking my walks outside instead) and some free weights. I'm short but have never been slight or small-framed. I'm trying to keep as much of my lean mass as possible as I lose weight.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I'm in!
    Name: Elysa
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'4''
    CW: 150 lbs
    July 31st GW: 145 lbs
    (Ultimate GW: 115 lbs)
    About me: Receptionist for a really great company. I read and I run when I'm not working. I love to cook. I'm both gluten and lactose/casien intolerant.

    Feel free to friend me, esp if you're GI/LI/CI too!
  • JenniferMGriffin
    Count me in!:smile:
    Age 25
    Heght 5'4
    CW: 199
    Im super excited to start!
  • kalelwifey
    kalelwifey Posts: 172
    I wan to Do itt! lol

    Age 25
    Height- 5'8
    CW 357
    July W - 349
    GW- 164

    umm i work out 6 days a week..Walking 3 days Zumba or biggest loser 3 days! i like it so far..looking to push a little harder this month! Good luck everyoneee!
  • megansprague
    I'M IN!! Although I'm not sure it's possible for me to lose five pounds by July 31 because I don't weigh that much now so I won't lose as much as quickly. But this is great motivation!!

    Name: Megan
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 200 (December 2008)
    SW: 140
    CW: 136.5 --> tomorrow is my weigh-in and I will update it! I think it's higher :(
    July 31st GW: (TBD based on above)
    Ultimate GW: 125
    About me: I enjoy: volunteering (especially with kids, internationally), traveling, "Lost," ice cream, languages, communities, smiling, my dog.
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    Yay! Looks like we've got a good group... I'm excited to start tomorrow!
    (I'm actually going to my parent's house for July 4th weekend and bringing my own scale with me so that I can get an accurate weigh-in tomorrow morning.... I'm nuts, I know)
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    I'm in! I have 28 more pounds to lose and I need all the motivation I can get. I love challenges. :happy:

    My name: Theresa
    Height: 5'7
    GW: 150
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    I'm in :)

    CW: 135
    GW: 130

    We should have buddies that look at each other's Diaries to make sure we're on track! I know if someone will look at my diary I'll be more likely to eat right :)
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    Looking at diaries is actually a good idea.
  • ninu13
    ninu13 Posts: 196 Member
    am in! ;) we can do it girls!!!