Friends needed please to share food diaries, tips and encouragement.

debpepperpot Posts: 13 Member
I have over 100lbs to lose which is very daunting, but with the help of some friends here I know I can do it. I have yo-yo'd all my life and reached my heaviest about 2 months ago. I am of the opinion that I have to change to make change and am determined to beat my food addiction for good this time. Please add me and we can make this journey a little less lonely! :smile:


  • jessiethe3rd
    jessiethe3rd Posts: 239 Member
    You can friend me. I had to get down from 100 before.

    Its about consistency...

    It is only daunting if you say and believe it is.

    Who is to say it is?

    It is fun planning out meals.

    It is fun trying different foods and preparing them

    It is fun to set goals

    It is great watching your body transform

  • debpepperpot
    debpepperpot Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you, see I need positive people in my life! :)